Recent trend

  • Has anybody noticed a recent trend of spawn campers? Two nights in a row I’ve had my galleon pursued for several minutes and finally boarded by an opposing crew only to have them lay waste to my crew (won’t get into the hardware disparity) and then proceed to hang out on our ship and pick us off as we spawn back in.

    I’m all for ganking a ship and roughing a crew up but I just can’t for the life of me see where enjoyment is found in killing the same obviously inferior players the second they down back in over and over again. Is there some sense of accomplishment in beating someone to the point they have no recourse but to abandon the fight?

    I realize the scuttle feature is there to dissuade this behavior and I do use it after a few attempts of fighting back but when you’ve got that one PC commando on your crew that wants to engage in this PVP you can’t always accrue enough votes to scuttle.

    I’m hoping this current trend is due to people coming back to the game after a hiatus and shaking rust off prior to the Arena release...whenever that’s supposed to drop.

    /end rant.

  • I understand 'spawn camping' if they're trying to sink you, but when they patch your ship and are doing it for fun I find it a bit pathetic/a bit grief like.

  • There are two reasons for this, and no this is not a new trend its something that has been happening as far back as the game launch:

    1. To take all your ships resources whilst keeping the opposing crew locked down that keep on fighting
    2. To keep killing you over and over for the sake of it.

    I myself and the crews I sail with stick to the first and leave the crew be once all resources are stripped if no one is around or until the ship is scuttled, the second is what I do when I am dealing with those that grief other players so that they can have a taste of it for themselves as I encounter them whilst I am patrolling when in my fleets or in general sessions.

  • I totally get the idea of maintaining control of a ship until you’ve robbed resources; in the two most recent instances I referenced it would mostly appear to be the latter as the invaders were never seen back on their ship (their ship was actually quite far out in both instances) and rarely seen below deck other than to reload ammo.

    I have been quite active since launch and I’m a PL8; although I have witnessed these types of events since the beginning there is definitely an uptick currently

  • Hi Guys

    I am also seeing this a lot and it is ruining the fun of the game for me. And its not just people spawn camping, but intentionally going out of their way to prevent players from finishing the Reapers run quest. Its easy enough to sit in the middle of the 3 islands, pick a fight with whomever is trying to accomplish something in the game and then spawn kill them until they lose interest.

    Rare can you introduce "Divine Intervention" for these players? Like if you have killed a player 4 times on their ship you get struck by lighting? Id be ok with just moving them to a new server but striking them down for being dicks seems more fun. Yes i know i can scuttle but then you take another 10 min to get back to where you are. Im all for combat but when it turns into bullying its just not fun anymore. My mates and i are playing with a 200 ping so when its cannon fights its not an issue but trying to hit a guy with a pistol is another story.

    Thanks for listening

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