Fiddle under our nose all the time?

  • I just noticed this (just now and I'm on this forum a lot)
    But has there always been a picture of a pirate brandishing a fiddle under the support tab on this site?
    Am I just now noticing? (I'm not surprised if it's just me just noticing)

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  • @hynieth no I've seen it too

  • @hynieth

    It's one of those things... pretty certain I've seen it before, but it has been there.
    Sometimes you just look through things I guess & it doesn't register. ( I know I do )
    Some... 'fiddle'... action would certainly add to the shanties!!! Here's hoping.

  • @piratecraggy It's my second favorite instrument in the world so yeah I'd love some fiddle action :-P

  • @hynieth said in Fiddle under our nose all the time?:

    @piratecraggy It's my second favorite instrument in the world so yeah I'd love some fiddle action :-P

    You have me intrigued Sir!
    What's your favorite?

  • Seeing as how snake taming is a things I think the Devs used the fiddle as an early Instrument before adding the newer ones.
    If the fiddle can be fit into the shanties I guess it would come back but I think there's a reason it hasnt come out. YET.

  • @hynieth

    It's not the only picture with the fiddle :D

  • @piratecraggy Chello, such a beutiful instrument.
    But not really pirate worthy.

  • @hynieth

    A present!!! I love this movie.

  • @piratecraggy

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