To help people learn and enjoy pvp

  • To start I have played this game from the start a lot solo(hard mode)and latter in galleons and i will say the learning curve can be high. I love this game all of it, the pve the lore and the pvp.
    However I see the complaints from one side who hate the pvp, which I have to say is half the game. I believe it has to do with the learning curve and the lack of easy practice.
    So here is my solution, have a feature that your crew can turn on pvp with each other similar to brig and scuttle options. All players have to vote yes, and to avoid abuse have it reset to default(no pvp) if a new crew member joins the crew.
    This feature will alow people to practice and become comfortable with combat and find the right fit for them. Also it will add fun moments for the pvp crowd.
    I know this won't fix every complaint but atleast this will give everyone a safe way to expand there skills and breed confidence in those that avoid combat at all costs.

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  • you, sir, get an upvote for an excellent idea. Hope Rare reads this.

  • I like this idea. A lot of people have been asking for a way to spar with your own crew, this might be a decent way to implement it.

  • Agreed, dueling feature would be great for practice and to alleviate boredom during long sailing distances :P

  • @gravekingbishop They could do this the way that Tera online does dueling. You can request a duel and if accepted a timer will start after which the friendly fire will turn on. First to drop to 1 hp loses. No one dies, they just need to heal back up.

  • @betsill said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @gravekingbishop They could do this the way that Tera online does dueling. You can request a duel and if accepted a timer will start after which the friendly fire will turn on. First to drop to 1 hp loses. No one dies, they just need to heal back up.

    Same as world of warcraft also. The only thing is that ending at 1 hp each duel might cost lots of bananas in the long run for constant duellists, but nothing a quick visit to the ferryman can fix, should you be frugal with your fruits.

  • @bloodybil You can always swim with the sharks or suicide another way if you don't wanna use bananas. I think surviving should be the default simply because you might need to spring into action and having one of your crew on the ferry for 1min+ could be the difference between winning and losing a fight.

  • @betsill Absolutely, that's what I implied with the ferryman visit :) But I think a few bananas per duel isn't that steep of a price anyways so I think that the 1hp idea would work out fine.

  • @bloodybil Oh shoot, my bad. I misinterpreted your comment.

  • @gravekingbishop A great idea and one a lot of people have been asking for. It would definitely be a great way to not only have friendly duels with your own crew but to also get some practise with Pvp. I know for one I really could do with some practise when it comes to pvp haha.

  • I have been wanting this for quite a while, and I firmly believe it should be an option within the crew setting and fully opt-in between crew members.

    Member1: FF Enabled
    Member2: FF Enabled
    Member3: FF Disabled

    Member1 and Member2 can interact and collide with one another, but neither can interact with Member3 in that way. This will prevent grieving as players would have to opt-in and would not be locked into a full FF-crew.

    I also feel that cannon fire should be pure Friendly Fire not matter the settings, like a powderkeg. This was accidentally enabled a while ago and it was great!

  • I always thought wood swords should be a thing for dueling teammates

  • I actually think they should still allow you to die. I think that the skills learned will be better implemented if the duelists know when the point of death is. Plus, if you're dueling and lose a member of your crew and then an encounter happens, it'll really knock home how important it might be to learn those skills so you can stay alive!

  • @GraveKingBishop A fine idea mate!

  • @gravekingbishop I like this idea, however I think a simpler option would be to simply add a dueling emote that you can use with another member of the crew. This way if only two of you on a galleon want to practice, then you can, without needed to have everyone vote for it.

  • I remember a guest bringing this up during a livestream. I think it'd be a great idea. Perhaps add wooden swords to the inventory for sparring. These particular weapons will not hurt fellow crewmembers but will give you the red flash and a thud to indicate that a hit has been struck.

  • @gravekingbishop

    Any sort of PvP melee combat practice would be awesome.

    A large portion of players who hate PvP only do so because they're terrible at it, and have no vehicle to practice/improve.

    Once the martial skill set widens to the broader player base (rather than our current cadre of Leets) this game will evolve into its next form.

    (wooden swords are interesting, bit leave out gunplay)

  • @khompewtur said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:


    Any sort of PvP melee combat practice would be awesome.

    A large portion of players who hate PvP only do so because they're terrible at it, and have no vehicle to practice/improve.

    Once the martial skill set widens to the broader player base (rather than our current cadre of Leets) this game will evolve into its next form.

    (wooden swords are interesting, bit leave out gunplay)

    I disagree that people who hate PvP are bad at it. Problem is, some people want to raise money or reputation. They keep getting interrupted by people who just want to mess with other people. I ran into a sloop that kept attacking us. We had nothing of value but they refused to leave us alone so we sank them. I’m hoping the arena update will get rid of most of the annoying PvP idiots

  • @coffeelight5545 said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @khompewtur said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:


    Any sort of PvP melee combat practice would be awesome.

    A large portion of players who hate PvP only do so because they're terrible at it, and have no vehicle to practice/improve.

    Once the martial skill set widens to the broader player base (rather than our current cadre of Leets) this game will evolve into its next form.

    (wooden swords are interesting, bit leave out gunplay)

    I disagree that people who hate PvP are bad at it. Problem is, some people want to raise money or reputation. They keep getting interrupted by people who just want to mess with other people. I ran into a sloop that kept attacking us. We had nothing of value but they refused to leave us alone so we sank them. I’m hoping the arena update will get rid of most of the annoying PvP idiots

    Doing PVP doesn't prevent you from making gold and raising rep. Like in your example, you got attacked, you sank them. You can move to another part of the map to do voyages and if those people still won't leave you alone, sell what you got and change server. Arena will surely be a good place to go for super PVP-enthused players, but PVP in general will still remain in the adventure mode. It's part of the game and should always remain, it's just more unpredictable in that mode.

    Not all that hate PVP are bad, not all that love PVP are idiots ;)

  • @bloodybil

    I’m just explaining why some people hate PvP players. Some people complete missions only to loose everything in a PvP attack.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:


    I’m just explaining why some people hate PvP players. Some people complete missions only to loose everything in a PvP attack.

    I understand why you can feel this way, but PVP attacks can be either prevented altogether or dealt with like in your example. Some people do indeed complete missions only to lose everything in a pvp encounter. Some people can even gain more, sometimes the attacker gets sunk and you get to keep not only your loot, but theirs also! It's part of the nature of the game.

  • @gravekingbishop This is a subject that has been discussed before a is the very reason why many Dueling System have been reqested. You can find a couple of ideas on the Community Ideas Master List. I do belive adding such a system would promote a better appreation of the combat system as it is a skill based system the only way to get good at it is to engage in it frequently, but since player combat is so rare in this game and is mostly avoided most never get a positive learning experience and thus never get any better at it leaving them frustrated and hating the combat.

  • @nofears-fun said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @gravekingbishop I like this idea, however I think a simpler option would be to simply add a dueling emote that you can use with another member of the crew. This way if only two of you on a galleon want to practice, then you can, without needed to have everyone vote for it.

    I agree a dueling emote would be far simpler and much more intuitive.

  • @enf0rcer I disagree on a dueling emote triggering friendly fire. This locks it to a single purpose, defeat the other player until death.

    If FF is to be enabled, it should be a per session opt-in setting for each crew member who wishes to play with FF and easily disabled to prevent griefing. Duels will come naturally with this, and an emote would be a cool addition on top of that.

    Also, cannonball damage for all!

  • @archangel-timmy said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @enf0rcer I disagree on a dueling emote triggering friendly fire. This locks it to a single purpose, defeat the other player until death.

    If FF is to be enabled, it should be a per session opt-in setting for each crew member who wishes to play with FF and easily disabled to prevent griefing. Duels will come naturally with this, and an emote would be a cool addition on top of that.

    Also, cannonball damage for all!

    This could easily be solved by a surrender/yeild emote. I don't see why you you belive it had to be locked to death.

  • @enf0rcer said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @archangel-timmy said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @enf0rcer I disagree on a dueling emote triggering friendly fire. This locks it to a single purpose, defeat the other player until death.

    If FF is to be enabled, it should be a per session opt-in setting for each crew member who wishes to play with FF and easily disabled to prevent griefing. Duels will come naturally with this, and an emote would be a cool addition on top of that.

    Also, cannonball damage for all!

    This could easily be solved by a surrender/yeild emote. I don't see why you you belive it had to be locked to death.

    You could simply emote, do your duel, then on death everyone becomes friendly again. Emote again if you wish to duel again.

  • Duelling is an intresting take, however simple is always better from both a player and developer stand put. I also find it odd you find little pvp, I would say the avg per 4 hour playsthrough for myself and others I play with is roughly 3-4 battles. I find if you play the game, do the quest the pvp comes to you. Rarely do we go looking for it lol but rarely do we not have it.😃

  • @enf0rcer A majority of the "duel emote" suggestions seem to lean towards death, so that is why I went there.

    Friendly Fire has been heavily requested and I am not in favor of locking that into a single short lived system such as dueling. It would serve more of the community to have it enabled another way. People can play full FF, or some can toggle it on for a quick duel.

    This could be done before new animations for an emote, which could be added after the fact without holding up a much desired feature. This would also not require yet another emote to cancel a duel as you mentioned.

  • @archangel-timmy said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @enf0rcer A majority of the "duel emote" suggestions seem to lean towards death, so that is why I went there.

    Friendly Fire has been heavily requested and I am not in favor of locking that into a single short lived system such as dueling. It would serve more of the community to have it enabled another way. People can play full FF, or some can toggle it on for a quick duel.

    This could be done before new animations for an emote, which could be added after the fact without holding up a much desired feature. This would also not require yet another emote to cancel a duel as you mentioned.

    Well you can make so when your in a duel it then turn into the surrender. The point is it kind of clunky to be going thru menus to turn on/off FF and it kills the immersion while halting the game flow. A hot key/combo would be far more immersive and intutive. A duel system of any kind is simply a way of turning off FF. I dont see it as a limiting system in anyway in fact we can have both. A menu option and an emote system they are not mutually exclusive.

  • @archangel-timmy While I agree with @ENF0RCER that you could have a surrender or end emote, you could also have it be a timed thing. Or even until death. Not sure why until death would be a bad thing. You die, visit the ferry, return to ship, duel over unless you do it again. But honestly, not sure it has to be until death thing.

  • @gravekingbishop Yeah, we been asking for dueling for a while now. Another way I would train people was taking them to do ship battles, even before the nerf so that they could practice their cannon shots.

  • @enf0rcer said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @archangel-timmy said in To help people learn and enjoy pvp:

    @enf0rcer A majority of the "duel emote" suggestions seem to lean towards death, so that is why I went there.

    Friendly Fire has been heavily requested and I am not in favor of locking that into a single short lived system such as dueling. It would serve more of the community to have it enabled another way. People can play full FF, or some can toggle it on for a quick duel.

    This could be done before new animations for an emote, which could be added after the fact without holding up a much desired feature. This would also not require yet another emote to cancel a duel as you mentioned.

    Well you can make so when your in a duel it then turn into the surrender. The point is it kind of clunky to be going thru menus to turn on/off FF and it kills the immersion while halting the game flow. A hot key/combo would be far more immersive and intutive. A duel system of any kind is simply a way of turning off FF. I dont see it as a limiting system in anyway in fact we can have both. A menu option and an emote system they are not mutually exclusive.

    I can agree to having both, but if it came down to one over the other or as least one before the other, I stand by a menu driven approach. A menu toggle would simply serve more of the community and cover both Duels and full FF.

  • I was pro Firnedly Fire for a long time. It would make it harder, but also funnier sometimes.
    The way the TE want to implement it is genious.
    RARE let us vote for Friendly Fire!!!!

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