I Love The Game And Trust Our Captain(s)

  • Feedback, criticism, honest expression of your thoughts, feelings, and concerns are all fantastic, but I sometimes find myself in a sea of ridiculousness when I scan these here waters across social medias.
    I bought and play the game that the fun people at Rare designed, created, and run - and I am quite happy with it. I did not buy, nor would I likely play, the non-existing game none of the player-base has put together. ;)

    It's a game, it's a blast, and I have trust in the team running Sea Of Thieves to continue to bestow my journey with delightful adventure and memorable times spent on the digital seas.
    Looking around and seeing all of these armchair experts, you'd think I'm rather lonely in feeling this way, but I know there are plenty others. It's just hard to see and hear that, sometimes, when there are so many vocal gulls squawking around you.

    So, yeah, that's my feedback for the day. Keep it up, Rare, and cheers to all who feel similarly!

    Happy sailin'!

  • Dear Admins. You may consider this a bait post. I consider this feedback. Please refrain from closing this. Regards.

    @PDT-Mindstream you speak my mind. All that moaning, whining, complaining, I, me, mine in this forum gets on my nerves. The product "Sea Of Thieves" was clearly declared on the package. Everyone knew what they were buying.

  • Baiting was absolutely not my intention at all. I just figured I'd provide a voice for those of us that feel similarly (or just myself, lol), and tried to word it peacefully, albeit with a bit of fun (tried not to be antagonistic).

    I'm not against any particular feedback or requests/desires, but more-so the people that seem to constantly hold the team at Rare as completely incompetent or something. As though the team behind this game has no clue, but the people reacting know better. I just think it's silly and unfounded. I mean, no one is perfect, of course (double guns should have been taken care of long before it became so popular, but hey).

    Every time Rare announces something (Arena, crossplay options, pink bananas, etc) a bunch of people talk like they know better than the devs and THIS will be that inevitable downfall that doomsayers continuously preach.

    Anyways, instead of getting mired in all that, I like to think about how much I both enjoy this game and the team that's running it. :)

  • The company is great, that is for sure.
    I think an issue people have is the ability to be heard translates to "hear me".
    That there is some sort of democracy on how the game should be made, and if we are vocal they will change it for us.
    Rare made this unique game, and I am sold on the vision of it, every time Mike talks about why things are the way they are, you can just feel the love he has for how it is and could be.

    I think back to the days of NES.. while sure some improvements could be made on games, people just accepted them as they were and played them and enjoyed it.
    I bet a ton of feedback would have been given on Zelda, on why you're not starting in the first cave, for those who ran around without a sword for hours. (not me.. I swear)

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