How does Party Chat + Game Chat + Push to Talk work when playing on PC?

  • When I play on Xbox One and enter a party chat, then other players in the world cannot hear me; only my party chat crew mate can. If I switch from party chat to game chat, then everyone can hear me. Right?

    However, when I play on Windows 10 and enter a party chat via the Xbox app, it seems that both my crew mate in the same party chat can hear me but so can other players in the world. To make it like Xbox One, do I need to turn on "Push to Talk"?

    Also, how does Push to Talk work--like, which button do I push to talk and do I have to hold it down like a CB radio, or is it a toggle turn on/off?

  • If Push to Talk is off, you will always broadcast to the game world when speaking even if you are in a group chat. If push to talk is on, then your voice will only appear in proximity to other players while holding down the PTT key (Alt. by default).

  • @coip
    So Pc on you have neither Party Chat nor Game chat, it is all broadcasted at once. Essentially you will hear both in game and Party chat, however if people are in Xbox Party chat, and they switch to game chat they will not hear you in Party chat. From there on you will need to use in-game voice chat (Push to talk in this situation)

    Push to talk works just as its named. Push and hold the button to broadcast your voice, release when finished. The key can be bound to whatever you choose it too be. Settings are under controls for rebinding. I personally have mine set to V (Default for Valve based games).

  • @nabberwar Xbox seriously needs this

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