People are...

  • I play solo, in a small sloop minding my own business, grabbing booty, killing skeletons and chasing legends. However, even if i keep the safeballs or whatever in my guns people STILL feel the need to [Mod edit] me over and ruin my game. This is NOT teamwork, i waste hours of work trying to make a few coins and then some idiots cruise in and eventhough i peacefully try to explain that i just want peace of course they shoot first and ask questions later. This is ruining my game experience and i quit the game everytime i waste 3 or more hours making no progress at all. I thought this game was about teamwork but it seems we have started feeding the grievers.

    That is me rambling about my problems with the game but a solution could be:

    you should be able to bear a sail on your ship that shows you are friendly and not looking for trouble or hoist a flag that makes you immune to player damage?

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  • pirate game people will be pirates :) its fun try being not friendly

  • @awkwardtato Hey Pirate! I am sorry to hear about your bad experiences. I recommend to you to look for a trusty crew you can sail with regularly. This game has a huge social aspect and is tons of fun, if you have friends you can rely on.

    @awkwardtato sagte in People are idiots.:

    That is me rambling about my problems with the game but a solution could be:

    you should be able to bear a sail on your ship that shows you are friendly and not looking for trouble or hoist a flag that makes you immune to play damage?

    There are several inofficial signals, which indicate your peaceful intentions like the white flag or aiming your cannons sky high.

    About your idea with being immune to player damage, I am afraid this will never happen as it is a key part of this game. Also it wouldn't solve every problem with that. Foes would still have access to your barrels and items.

  • Here we go again. This has been discussed infinite times. Its a shared world pirate PvPvE Game. Just sail away when you see someone approaching you or Git Gud.

    Why do people prefer complaining over getting better and creating strategies and skills. Guess its way easier to complain than seeking own mistakes.

  • @algaram i see why some people would like it but i think it sucks when a full galleon attacks a tiny sloop with 1 person in it. That is not fun that is cruel. I have also been attacked plenty by people who are not even interested in my treasure, just for the fun of sinking my ship and killing me for no reason.

  • @darkmore111 i think it is fair to be robbed but sinking one's ship and killing someone just for fun is frustrating and experience-ruining. It's not that i can't fight them it's that i won't. I would love to fight WITH them instead.

  • A solo sloop should have no real problems escaping a galeon when you know what to do. Maybe learn how to escape?

  • @awkwardtato Yes, there are many people who can't take a equally strong enemy, so they pick on smaller ones.

    For me and my crew there are several reasons, why we sink ships, even if they have no treasure:

    • They are on the island we have to go to
    • We assume they have Loot on board
    • To collect pvp experience, especially for upcoming The Arena

    But as I said a regular crew to sail with, like on a galleon, is the only effective way to keep your foes at distance or underwater.

  • @awkwardtato the game is about teamwork yes, if you are on the same crew.

    There are no code stating that one must consider other crews as one of their own.

    If you have treasure on board it is your responsibility to protect it and your ship is your home to defend.

    I solo often and always position myself in a way for a quick getaway for when I get unwanted visitors and keep an eye out on the horizon. A truce can be struck by speaking trumpet.

    • Never haul more than you are willing to lose.
    • Be willing to leave booty on the shores.
    • Above all, don't let yourself be in a disadvantageous position, where boarders and sinking are an option.
    • Follow your gut feeling and never fully trust a pirate.

    Being a solo captain is not for everyone (hardest mode in the game), it is for the most courageous and skillful pirates out there. Don't blame a pirate crew for wanting what is not theirs.

    This is the Sea of Thieves, where the world is dominated by pirates and skeletons. It is up to you to adapt and become a master of the seas to become a legendary pirate.

  • [Mod edited]

  • @awkwardtato What do you expect from a pirate game? That you can drive treasures around in peace of mind? You play your game in a world full of robbers. Are you surprised that you meet such? How dare you call us, the pirates in the pirate game, idiots?

    Well, show a white flag, weep when my ship reaches yours. With that you only show me your weakness. I will consider you an easy victim and capture your ship.

  • All of the comments on this thread confirms my conclusion.

  • Ahoy there @awkwardtato!

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  • Ahoy @targasbr!

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  • @awkwardtato "I play solo, in a small sloop minding my own business, grabbing booty, killing skeletons and chasing legends". Hello Sir , if you are chasing Legends then i think you want to sink or steal from them too, yes? That's part of the Pirate Life , but you are angry or dissapointed if the sword points at you ... Sorry , that's just a thought that crossed my mind...If you want to sail in peace , then you could use the White Flag, if i and many other Pirates see that flag, we immediatly understand that this ship just want to cruise or do missions in peace , sometimes we sail over but only to have a chat to see if we can help with something, like finding clues from riddles or X mark the spot things...

    Now ,if you feel you lost three hours of progress then why do you keep that loot for so long on yer in often and your losses won't hurt that much...Remember that chasing and getting plundered is part of the game...But , verbal humiliation, cheating or spawncamping isn't . That is just the disease of internet , a virus a lot of players suffer from , unfortunately...

  • You know. Worse case scenario, and j have done this a few times solo. Just crash right into the outpost, and turn un your highest item. I've turn in my only gold chicken on an outpost this way.

    You could even drive by, swim to the island with treasure, and mermaid back. Just keep the ship in a straight line and you'll be fine.

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