The Little Things...

  • Hi there guys.

    I'm just here because ive been monitoring the forums for a couple of days now and i've made note of things that are highly supported by the community and perhaps we should all come together and let Rare know that these little things should be implemented. Ill leave it up to you

    Pre-Saved Ship Customization
    People having to run and put on their ship customizations every time they load into a new game takes a lot of time, time they could be spending plundering and enjoying the game. I believe that Rare should introduce a new option to load a pre-set ship cust- to save time and possibly even Rare could introduce ship cust- layouts that people can buy and load onto their ships.

    Selling Journal
    An idea that has floated around the community for quite some time, having a journal with a list of items your crew + allience has sold in the session your currently in. Have you ever asked how much an item has asked for because you weren't looking at the top right hand side of your screen? This is the solution.

    Dabloons give you more $$$
    Everyone has been grateful that the dabloons give you a max of $10,000 gold but as the community has discussed, gold doesnt grow on trees but its neither does the dabloons and the gold purchase isnt worth its weight in gold. I've seen the amount people want for their hard earned dabloons and may I say, i support it completely.

    Thank you for your time ;)

  • @teck7772 said in The Little Things...:

    Hi there guys.

    I'm just here because ive been monitoring the forums for a couple of days now and i've made note of things that are highly supported by the community and perhaps we should all come together and let Rare know that these little things should be implemented. Ill leave it up to you

    Pre-Saved Ship Customization
    People having to run and put on their ship customizations every time they load into a new game takes a lot of time, time they could be spending plundering and enjoying the game. I believe that Rare should introduce a new option to load a pre-set ship cust- to save time and possibly even Rare could introduce ship cust- layouts that people can buy and load onto their ships.

    Nice idea but not sure how this would work. In a crew, who's customisation does it load?

    Selling Journal
    An idea that has floated around the community for quite some time, having a journal with a list of items your crew + allience has sold in the session your currently in. Have you ever asked how much an item has asked for because you weren't looking at the top right hand side of your screen? This is the solution.

    Yeah, I've often missed the amount on the top right. This would be neat addition.

    Dabloons give you more $$$
    Everyone has been grateful that the dabloons give you a max of $10,000 gold but as the community has discussed, gold doesnt grow on trees but its neither does the dabloons and the gold purchase isnt worth its weight in gold. I've seen the amount people want for their hard earned dabloons and may I say, i support it completely.

    Never sold doubloons for gold, I just use them for the items and save the leftovers for the next Bilge Rat Adventure. But I have no objection really.

  • @teck7772

    Pre-Saved Ship Customization

    I could see this eventually being a thing. Being able to add skins to a "favorites tab" so that the next time you load into a game you simply click on the preset ship instead of searching through several tabs and climbing to the top of the mast to change the flag.

    I do think this will be more focused on if and when we get ship captaincy. I think the idea right now is we kind of just "rent" the ships we sail on and the idea behind ship captaincy is we'll be able to "own" the ships we sail on further customizing them to our liking. Creating our own "Legendary Ships."

    Selling Journal

    I'd love for something like that. I currently just whip out the calculator on my phone and type in the money I have at the time right before selling. This would make and interesting tool to see how often certain chests sold for a certain amount. We turned in 5 stronghold kegs, how many sold for over 5k?

    Dabloons give you more $$$

    I can agree with this. I think using doubloons on the current bags of gold is a complete waste of doubloons. If the numbers were higher than more people might be more tempted to purchase them.

  • @je0rgie-p0rgie Im glad you agree ;)

  • The pre-session ship customisation is probably coming in with the Areeeeeeeeena!
    Because you can't spend time customizing your ship while your enemies are getting to the islands ahead of you.

  • #1 and #2 would be excellent additions!

  • @sgt-palooggoo While this might very likely be true, and admittedly something I hadn't thought of, perhaps we'll be allowed to customize our ships in the tavern before the match starts? Although, your idea seems more plausible to me simply because if you're the last one to join before a match starts you won't have much time to customize your ship.

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