Loading supplies on a boat.

  • I'm terrified to think about how much time I've spent loading supplies on my boat. I have all this gold I'm hoarding and... well. Nothing to buy.

    So.... Who is buying all of these crates we turn in to the merchants? It seems like there is 100% supply and no demand?

    Even something as simple as being able to buy one crate of each supply per boat would be an amazing addition. Maybe there can be limits set on how much you can buy per hour? There is a lot of variables there to help the game stay balanced. This idea has been adapted from the original thought of "why can't we just buy a fully loaded boat (before barrel capacity changes)" or "start on a saved boat from the previous session."

    May all your travels be light and easy,


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  • This would solve a lot of issues. Buying crates of supplies should've been part of the game from the start. Going supply hunting wrecks the pacing of the game.

  • @dalilama123 I wouldn't even be upset if you could just buy specific empty crates (bananas, cannons, planks). Every time we come across a crate, one of us usually takes it to whatever island we're working to fill it up. It's so much easier to make one trip to the boat with 50 of whatever than making 10 trips with 5. It's also handy to bring a crate of whatever with you when you might need them. If we're on a galleon, we'll load up a cannon ball crate and sit it on the deck when we're going to be doing battle (so we won't have to run below deck to resupply). Same with a banana crate, either on deck during a battle or take it with us to an island if we're going to be doing skellies. Or in the DR in general as supplies on the islands are scarce and everything is trying to kill you. Load up a crate of planks and drop it below deck on the lowest level during battles and you won't have to run upstairs to grab more planks when you're getting destroyed. I was playing with some randoms one time and I had a crate on deck I was filling up as we were island hopping. A guy joined in on us and was like "why do we have this worthless thing on here?" THEN DROPPED IT OVERBOARD!! I calmly explained the benefits of having some crates, he argued with me over it (for some reason, it's not like having a crate is causing a negative effect on our session) so I told them clearly we have different play styles and that I would be switching to a different crew. ANYWAY, that's a long way of saying I think it would be nice to buy things, in whatever fashion the Devs seem fit, haha.

  • Buying crates/cages would be great whether they had owt in or not, these days with cargo runs it's not so bad, but before that I'd lost count of the amount of times I'd restarted an Athena's cos we'd lost an animal Cage somehow! And I know pets are coming anyway, but I've always loved having my faithful companion Cluck Norris on board, but I resent wasting voyages looking for a chicken coop when I could just buy one... anyway, this was about resources not animals! Yeah I'd love to buy empty (or full) crates too, even without a bottle quest for one they're just useful to have and as much as people seem to be against buying stocked ships, surely buying empty boxes should be OK?

  • @nightowltrucker They are very beneficial. Too many uses not to ignore.

  • I think the crates themselves have an additional benefit of being placed anywhere on the ship.

    My personal opinion is that brand new ships that join a server need a rebalancing of the supplies they have. It used to be more than viable to log in and head out on to the sea. With all the new threats below the waves it doesn't feel viable anymore and could be addressed.

    Stocking up on the go is fine and a good way to maintain my standards of 100 canonballs, 50 planks and bananas. Just getting there especially for people playing solo takes time at the beginning of the session that is unnecessary.

    I think an approximate amount would be double the initial value.

    Keep in mind I don't believe this change should be for respawning ships after being sunk. As the pirate crew should have supplies on them, for PvP balance and making losing your beloved ship still important.

  • @dalilama123 said in Loading supplies on a boat.:

    So.... Who is buying all of these crates we turn in to the merchants? It seems like there is 100% supply and no demand?

    Have you seen any starving Pirates at the outposts?! Those Chickens, Snakes and Pigs are going in the bellies of the Outpost peeps!
    That's why the leave us all those bananas - they don't need them with all that meat!

  • There are better solutions than this in several forum posts.

    Buy/save supplies
    Save supplies? Buy supplies? No. That's definitively will unbalance the game.
    Just imagine. You just sink an enemy that attacked you while you made a fort, they were A10, they bought everything from the game, they have money to spare. You're just a novice learning how to play. Less than 10 minutes later they come back, 1000 cannon balls, 1000 bananas and 1000 wood planks. They can buy, they have money to spare. What would your chances be? This game is fair for both an A10 and a newbie. This way it would not be.

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about Buy/save supplies and other stuff

  • @targasbr Better suggestions maybe. Better solutions though? There aren't many solutions yet. I feel like a solution would be implemented. The closest they've come to addressing this issue yet is the barrel capacity changes.

    Thanks for reading the subject line though and giving me your two cents. Or, maybe i'm confused, is this a feedback section? I'm giving feedback. I'm sorry you don't like my feedback. I'm sorry you feel like my subject line is begging for something. Either way, I do hope you can forgive me for this great offense.

  • So I normally use rowboats to load up at empty forts or outposts. It's reasonably effective, but I do agree there needs to be easier ways to stock a ship. Even buying empty resource crates would help in the process. The current methods of stocking up wreck the pacing of the game in my opinion.

  • @targasbr said in Loading supplies on a boat.:

    There are better solutions than this in several forum posts.

    Buy/save supplies
    Save supplies? Buy supplies? No. That's definitively will unbalance the game.
    Just imagine. You just sink an enemy that attacked you while you made a fort, they were A10, they bought everything from the game, they have money to spare. You're just a novice learning how to play. Less than 10 minutes later they come back, 1000 cannon balls, 1000 bananas and 1000 wood planks. They can buy, they have money to spare. What would your chances be? This game is fair for both an A10 and a newbie. This way it would not be.

    Also, I recommend you reading my post HERE about Buy/save supplies and other stuff

    I have to say that I completely agree with TargasBR here. Once you reach Legend and Athena 10 and you've bought all the cosmetics, there's nothing left to spend your gold on. Making it so that players could buy supplies puts all PL's at a huge advantage and makes the whole concept of each ship having limited supplies null and void.

    Is stocking up a fresh ship each time you load up SoT annoying? Maybe a little, more repetitive than annoying imo but I get that some hate it. Is it fun? Hell no! However, like it or not, the key to victory is often to have the best supplied ship for any situation. Inventory management is a part of this game, whether it's popular or not. It's just something that you get accustomed to and deal with. Sure it could be improved upon and ideas for that are always welcome, I just don't feel that allowing players to spend gold to acquire resources would be healthy for the game overall.

    Happy sailing :)

  • @dalilama123 Dude, you need a hug? This is a feedback forum, I'm giving you feedback...

  • I personally don't see the use of stacking huge amounts of supplies since barrels with them are very common both on land and in water so even if the need arises there's usually plenty around. But I do agree that if you are collecting supplies it is tedious because of how few you can carry and I would love it if Rare gave us an item to carry more (because just being able to buy them might be problematic, as someone already stated). For example, a big sack that uses both weapon slots while making it possible to carry two treasure items and let's say double the amount of supplies. This would decrease time lost fetching and delivering, but with an added risk to it.

  • @targasbr "Sea of Thieves Game Discussion with a sub category in feedback and suggestions" But hey. We've already established your lack of reading the actual message.

    I'll absolutely take a hug. Do i need one? In as much as anyone needs a hug I suppose.

    I think you make a pretty drastic leap from "one crate of each supply" you know, 50 cannon balls, 50 banannas and 50 planks... and land on 1,000 of each supply. But Yeah, i'm the one that needs a hug. I also quite clearly noted my understanding of the need for balanced changes. So being ridiculous in your "feedback" is careless. But thanks for your input. Bro.

  • @dalilama123 I just copied the text from another post and showed the example. Whether it's 50 or 1000, it remains something that will unbalance the game. Imagine in the future when we can call friends to play on other ships, in a few minutes it will be possible to put together a lot of resources. Imagine that players use the boxes to stock up more and more resources, sinking the ship and picking up new boxes. There are a thousand possibilities, I did not think I needed to name them all.

  • @targasbr Linking a post begging people to stop begging isn't helpful or constructive. There was not anything in the post or link you suggested I read that addressed anything like I was talking about. In my original post I touched on all of your concerns. My intent was to give a very brief feedback. It is the first post I personally started about supplies. I don't think it constitutes "begging" as you suggested. I also did not give anything definitive or say "I must see this change now or I quit." I gave a couple inconclusive ideas that my pea brain has been able to think about based on some of the other things I've read other people asking for.

    I have almost zero interest in cosmetics and personalized appearances in any game. I literally have nothing to spend my earned gold on. You talk about this game being the same for A10 or Newbie? What about those players that don't care for cosmetics or those players that have absolutely everything to buy and nothing else to spend their money on?

    This game continues to be making a push for more supply dependent changes, and I absolutely love the increase in action. It is sad to hear about people complaining about 2-3 pve encounters ganging up on them and sinking them. I thought that was the best addition to the game yet. We all know supply and boat management is what keeps us afloat. A well stocked supply can float for well... your entire play session for how ever long that may be, I suppose.

    My point to you personally though, I understand that you are tired of hearing people talk about their feedback. No matter how implied you think your points where. Either way you try to twist it, asking people to stop "begging" for changes in a feedback forum is quite counter productive. Maybe you can make changes in how you do things instead of expecting everyone else cater to you. Do what make you happy, maybe you like the banter.

  • @dalilama123 Nicely put!!!

  • It's been 2 days. I will not try to explain...

  • I'm wholly against the idea of being able to purchase supplies due to its game-breaking nature, as others have already said. It doesn't take that long to get enough supplies, provided a) your whole crew contributes, and b) you learn how to do it consistently while on the move.

  • @galactic-geek what about just buying empty crates, or having initial ship spawn come standard with a rowboat so re-stocking is faster at other islands.

  • Yeah. Would be nice. My friends and I, since the loss of shark roulette, sometimes leave a player on board and open the crew up to allow new starters to use the supplies we've amassed. Saves them the heartache of loading up.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx said in Loading supplies on a boat.:

    @galactic-geek what about just buying empty crates, or having initial ship spawn come standard with a rowboat so re-stocking is faster at other islands.

    Well, in that case you're still getting an advantage - reloading from a box right next to the cannons or grabbing more planks without ever leaving the lower deck, etc. So, no thanks.

  • I don't see the issue of buying empty crates, they would probably be dirt cheap anyway like most things (level 50 quest is 250 gold) so they would be affordable to practically any crew. Not entirely on topic but being able to buy spare animal crates would also be handy, maybe have a (in game) daily limit to them.

    To be honest I don't really have an issue with being able to buy the resources either. I don't really agree with the argument of 'AL 10 vs noob at fort' because we all know the way that fight is going down (regardless of rank) is boarding action will probably happen long before a sizeable amount of cannon shots are fired anyway, in fact my own view is that cannon balls and planks lend themselves to NPC threats a hell of a lot more than they do to other crews.

    But that's just my 10 pence worth.

  • @octopus-lime said in Loading supplies on a boat.:

    because we all know the way that fight is going down (regardless of rank) is boarding action will probably happen long before a sizeable amount of cannon shots are fired anyway

    This is a false assumption - thanks to CCBs, you can easily win a fight without ever having to leave your ship. My record doing so: 2 galleons sunk within 10 seconds, at 5 seconds each. ✌😉

  • @galactic-geek I'd say that is a very rare case though but I don't disagree that it is doable providing the crews aren't very organised, also 5 seconds seems a bit far fetched but again possible if all the stars are aligned so to speak.

  • @octopus-lime I never stock my sloop if I'm solo, if I can't get the job done with starting supplies + what's in my pockets, I'm probably not going to get it done with a few more whatevers. I'm usually sunk through being too dead to fix holes, not cos there's too many holes, a good cannon shot is a 1 hit kill so bananas aren't an issue, most ship to ship combat can be done in 10 balls or less, definitely less with good use of ccbs, Meg etc can be shot with bullets if needs be, and a rowboat can save your treasure after a bad battle. The only time I ever want more stocks is on a galleon, but with 4 of you gathering it takes no time to just empty your pockets after each island. Plus there's always supplies on someone else's ship if you really need them.

  • @dalilama123 He's asking that people stop begging for specific changes. The ones that we keep hearing about and giving the same reasons why it wouldn't work. You either knew about this but decided to make a post anyways, or you didn't and now you know why this would be a bad idea. You gave feedback, he gave you reasons why your idea would not work. You got offended and got snippy.

    Paying for resources would be horribly unbalanced. Not only because of new players who have no gold vs older players who sleep on it. Its also unbalanced towards PvP. Sinking an enemy ship should give you some what of an advantage. With the ship spawning with a normal count of supplies means 1 of 2 things.

    1. If they head straight for you, they do not have the supplies for a long drawn out battle.

    2. If they supply up before heading out, that is buying you time to finish, sell, or gather your own supplies.

    Its a part of the strategy. Resource management is a skill.

    Here is the other problem though. I gather a ton of supplies on my boat just cause I do 4 hour to 6 hour game runs. We fight a lot. Spawns or players. We go through supplies.

    However, most players don't even actually need that many. A good base amount of supplies to leave an outpost is around 100 cannons, 50 planks, 50 bananas. Thats it. For some reason when the barrel system changed, people want like 200 cannons, 100 planks, and 100 bananas before doing anything.

    If you are a crew of PvP'ers. You can make do with 70cannons, 35 planks, and 35 banana's. They just keep shooting off to barrels in the ocean or islands to pick up more. A PvP ship is never NOT gathering supplies.

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