We need a Navy

  • We need to have like two ports (not outposts) that are manned by npc and pc members of the Navy offering safety to players should they follow the laws of the port. We also need to make it so players can join the Navy if they so chose too and be peace keepers of the seas. Obviously sworn enemies of pirates but with their own perks. Certain legendary pirates could become wanted making it worthwhile to bring in the pirate dead or alive for a bounty. Betraying the Navy makes you wanted and you will be unable to rejoin unless you prove yourself to the captain on duty (pc). Having a peacekeeping player character managed task force would allow for a lot of rp and give the game more depth. Obviously a few things would need to be added like handcuffs and what not but we could also add lockpicks so pirated could try to escape if they were captured. Anyway just throwing around some ideas I think would be pretty cool.

  • Currently, that would require rewriting the lore of the game.

  • The Idea of legendary pirates undermining a Navy sounds strange to me.

  • SO, do it. There are ship sails that represent each of the three original territories in the game. Nothing is currently stopping you from RPing this, no need to add more mechanics. Trying to cuff an unwilling pirate is akin to attempting to put binders on a Wookiee. It just doesn't work well. If you're charismatic enough and there are other crews willing, it would be all too easy to form an Alliance with matching livery and sail about.
    I do this very thing every now and again. Patrolling the Ancient Isles in service of the Mad Duke of Ancient Spire. Pirates just don't take a Solo Slooper seriously these days. ;|

  • @straum said in We need a Navy:

    We need to have like two ports (not outposts) that are manned by npc and pc members of the Navy offering safety to players

    That would be a disaster. That's the same reason WoW open world PvP sucks as well as Black Desert Online and other MMOs.

    The whole point of this game is for PvPers to let PvErs do all the work killing NPCs, and then for us to come kill you and steal your loot :) that is literally what makes this game successful. If you're getting camped, stop using a sword. I would run out of numbers if I had to count how many PvErs chase me with a sword and I just laugh while I kill them effortlessly using double gun. Get better with your aim and navigating skills. And again, do not bring a sword to a gun fight against PvPers.

  • @straum said in We need a Navy:

    We need to have like two ports (not outposts) that are manned by npc and pc members of the Navy offering safety to players should they follow the laws of the port.

    I'm sorry for posting again so soon, but what you mentioned, "[NPCs offering safety to players] is the exact same reason why I love to camp, chase, or hunt down PvErs for even 40 min, doesn't matter, who try to avoid PvP combat. I just love it when they start freezing and just try to find safety from my (or other PvPers') wrath :)

    Can't beat them? Join them. Heck, I'll train you to 1v4 players no problem. And I've only been playing for less than a week :)

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