Shanties Wanted

  • Hello there!

    My name is Bjor, for the most part. But you can call me Captain Bjor. I'm in dire need of some shanties! I recently recorded a video doing an old Christmas shanty, but realized I wanted to do more shanties! So, that being said, I would LOVE to have shanties written by the Community to perform (and record) and possibly do some music videos for. I think this could be entertaining and fun for all involved! So, start writing and give me what you've got!

    Love, Captain Bjor

    P.S. Here is the link to my first shanty. Be kind!

  • I'm not the best person to write shanties, especially in English, which is not my native language. But I once wrote one for a contest in a post on the Sea of Thieves page.

    ♪A life at sea for a salty Black Dog
    Lotta gold for ye, bananas for my hog
    Tankards of grog to please my crew and i
    To this Sea of Thieves, i'll aways say aye!

    I fought a Kraken with a Hungering Deep
    I found hidden treasures, with riddles and no tip
    Cursed Sails were defeated by me
    Strong skeletons like I've never seen

    Cannot wait to found the Forsaken Shores
    Get new clothes, see the all the stores
    Freedom at sea, adventures is all i need
    Lotta booty, and my hog to feed

    Sink enemies or form alliances
    Like and drink with music and dances
    Much more fun than I can say
    And Be more Pirate on this Pirate Day♪

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