So what do the athena 10 guys think?

  • So boys n girls whats your opinion on the 92 athena voyages u have to do again ?

    Do you feel like carrying on

    Do you feel like 8 months have been wasted

    Because i certainly dont feel like playing it anymore n yes i feel the last 8 months have been a waste of time

    None of you in the right mind can think what they have done is ok surley

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  • Thanks for your feed back i think its absoulte trash to think i only had 40 merchant voyages to do untill everything 95% of it was completed now this legend stuff i can honestly say n i think i speak for 90% of the athena ten guys its outrageous ho can u possbly buy a title for athena ten and it still says you have done nothing its like thanks guys for doing ur athenas but do it again

  • @chris-houlden
    Hello Mr Chris-Houlden, i bet you have loved doing those 92 Athena's before , when there was total no commandation but only the amount of money and the possible fun from all kinds of personalities in yer crew...Now that you finally get accomodations and a reason to play some more Athena quests you are about to throw the towel in the ring....Strange, really strange....

    People , even Pirate Legends 10 have been asking for more , and now that they get more ,it's not good or not fair ...Just do like me , if you can, i see all my previous Athena voyages as a fun excercise in wich i will meet new and rich personalities . For you and many others it can't be a problem since you know how to play Athena's and bring them home.

  • @chris-houlden maybe i could understand what u mean if u made use of some more grammar but as it is i understand u say it is all fine 4 u isn't it so but if it is not i think i don't care.

  • Doesn't bother me, personally.

    Gives me incentives to actually finish the commendations so I can get cosmetics that are only available to myself and my fellow legends.

    Besides, they put out a video explaining their thought process, and it's really insightful as to why they decided to go this route with it. Since I'll still be playing with friends, and actively turning in loot anyway, these commendations will get done just by me sailing around and doing normal things I'd be doing in the first place. Still working towards Athena's 10, and trying to now save up gold for the new cosmetics as well as the legend stuff, and Athena's figurehead. I've got plenty to keep me occupied, so it's a non issue for me.

  • @chris-houlden Read the forum

    "Pirate legend commendations not retroactive?"

    I am not happy :( that we were ignored.

  • " People are upset because they planned to just get on, get the rewards and hop off. You can't do that and personally I'm finding it hilarious. "

    For me this is not accurate. Im upset because there is no AT10 recognition having achieved the rank. Re-grind, is not, New grind. And no increase in the level cap, with the bonus items linked to that, allowing AT10 players to continue to work upwards, instead of backwards. We are just on pause mode now, till all the rest of the community gets to AT10, then when it means little, we will get our level increase. Its not a good feeling sorry.

  • @cpt-vunderbar

    You are still working towards Athena 10, the people having the issue have already reached that Milestone. For you the update is obviously welcome.

  • @personalc0ffee " All I can say to any Athena 10 that somehow feels slighted or upset they "have their time wasted" is to get over it, quit moaning about it, and get back out there and start sailing for FUN. Not because you have to, because you WANT to. "

    I keep seeing this argument over and over. Sit down and take it. A decision was made by the developers of a game that we have been dedicated enough to play, hard and long enough, to reach a milestone set by the developer at a time when the content was not Rich and full of opportunity and when they do enrich the Athena leveling experience, we get nothing. More to grind. Not a level increase of Athena to continue onward and upwards, just more to do in the middle where we have already been, where we have already tread. This update, like it or not, was not for AT10, it was for the new PL players that have been boosted up with all of this expensive loot and new money making opportunities. PL players who now have a full and fleshed out game below and after PL to enjoy on the way up the ladder.

    So will I quit moaning, no. Can I try to find some enjoyment, yes. Will it involve me trying to sink every single ship I see on the server to protect the top spot. Probably. Will I do more Athena missions.... argh... its a shame. They could not even release one single Cosmetic to say... thank you for sticking with us.

    It does not feel right to me.

  • @chris-houlden I’m more shocked they didn’t increase the Athena level cap.

    I had a hunch they wouldn’t be retroactive (I wanted them to be!) but I thought if they couldn’t make them retroactive as they expained, they would increase the level cap so the commendations for A10’s weren’t “done in vain”

    I’m only A8.5 so i’m not too fusseed, but I know there’s a lot of upset A10’s on my friendslist and these forums.

    What’s done is done.

  • Im at work at the moment il read everyones feedback when iv got 5 minutes later im just hoping some of you can convince me to carry on playing sea of thieves because at the moment i dont even feel like turning it on ( i play this game on a daily basis for hours on end have done for the last 8 months )

  • @thetwistedtaste The Level Cap increase, although a small gesture, would have been enough to keep me going, and keep me happy in getting the new commendations.

  • @chris-houlden I feel yah brother....

  • Stop driving the measures and stop whining.
    You are Achiever you will never get satisfied until you can work endlessly torwards something.
    Maybe get a game where you can roll a rock up the hill that when done Rolle back down. The counter will be endless and then you can brag with your numbers.
    Meanwhile let SoT be a game for players, not "workers", achievers and gamers who exploit things.
    Oh short question, did you rush to A10 and tapped a chest? Did you refuse some stuff to do, because nit worth but "working" efficently torwards A10?
    No?! That's great because then you play the game and dont make work of it that need to be worked off.
    It's about your achievers attitude only go for gaming systems instead of beeing able of playing games and be lazy and ineffective sometimes, because playing games is senseless, has no goal other than to relax and play for fun.
    What you are doing is seeking for meaning and sense while playing games and make your effort worth something.
    That's contradictory regarding playing a game.
    Stop working, stop grinding, stop exploiting and start playing and having fun.

  • It was a tough pill to swallow, not being retroactive. However I got a pretty cool title for being A10
    'Guardian of Athenas Fortune'. I'm happy with that to be honest.

    Joe explained they didn't track the data so we can't really do much about it.

    I admit I tapped and went. Athenas took less than an hour some days. I now have a reason to do full voyages and enjoy playing the game rather than treating it as a job, that required 100 percent efficiency.

    Yesterday's update enriched the world on a scale we haven't seen for a long time. For me playing yesterday I felt like a new player. Not really knowing what to go for first.

  • @rich223820 Part of the fun for us was being a very efficient and well oiled crew. Had I known to be less good at the game early on... i would have put the brakes on :)

    I think what they did to enrich the world was great. But increase the level cap!!!

  • @expat-brat Agree completely, nothing better than hitting a sub hour Athena.
    Just now time to chill out and take time I guess.

    Level cap increase is a good solution. 15 or 20 perhaps. Would be nice to see the xp roll in.

  • Dont ya think level lvel cap could have been devil roar athenas n worked towards an ashen athena suit ? I would have perfered that better for 1 its bot been out half along n 2 they woukd have been able to track the levels the rest of the stuff is epic the meg etc they have worked endlessly on those i just feel the whole athena iv done was a hell of a waste of time n yes the titles great love that n the reputation layout is also great make it so much esier on the eye

  • We have 6 new forts to raid, a more enriched world to sail in and a lot of commendations to work towards.

    I am not bothered about handing in another 100 athena chests. It's probably something I will achieve along the way. Besides, one of the new commendations is stealing a Chest of Legends, that's gonna be interesting.

  • @lt-swag-johnson I think the issue is that we could be doing all this while receiving XP towards higher levels. The next update will be to hand in another 100 chests. Meanwhile we received no XP for this update and then by the next one, everyone will be AT10...

    No one, I repeat, and i can almost be certain, that no AT10 player has an issue regarding the increased enrichment and increased things to do. People are continuing to add that to their responses in an attempt to make it look like people like myself are not grateful and to discredit our views. So enough of that, we are super happy for ALL players that there is more to do.

    Increasing the level cap, so we could get the XP counter increasing as we were doing all this would have made it so much better. In my opinion anyway.

  • I won't be doing A10 again for 1 simple reason.
    I did 1 athena quest a day so I would steadily climb ranks. So I wouldn't have to do anymore quests when PL cosmetics came out.
    I hate the athena voyages I find them boring and in my opinion the worst part of the game. The only way I'll do it again if they add different quests for PL's to do to earn chests (hunting down NPC man-o-wars is one I'd love to see).

    I'll play the game still but I can't say I don't feel like I wasted a lot of my time.

  • @chris-houlden i agree the least they can do is give you the accomadations that you deserve this is kinda a sucky way to go about it have lvl 10 athena starting off from the bottom when we have dedicated so much time and effort into getting there in the first place

  • My total opinion is once u have bought the title of athena 10 it ticked most bocs just like when they halfed everything n if they wanted to bring in thes accommodations then put them for devils roar n say people who are say level 5 athena your count starts from now n add there chest count accordingly for each athena level like us athena 10 have handed in 92 chest its not my problem that the devs have not tracked our data they want us to carry on playing n progress just feels were being punished for bcoming A10 n yeah i get that some people will happly do them again but im an achiever i like to see what my time n efforr has gone into im not a pvp kinda player so the arena is also going to be scrapped also (i uninstalled the game last night because its frustrating getting to the highest level for them to turn round n basically say do it again theres no point init whatsever

  • Now back to the game do people thinj the roaming skelly ships look like lonley noob boats that dont have a clue how to steer lol made me chuckle bit

  • The main thing is, that Athena voyage ins't special of different, it's just more of the same from the other merchant companies.

    I had fun all the way to legend(expect the last 4 lvl in the merchant)
    So when you reach Legend, it's just more of the same, an that kinda of lame ;)
    Then you find out they didn't track any of the thing you already have done, like killing skelly crew/captain/clear fort etc.
    Then along the way, some winning players think that the achievement from 1000 item is to hard, an it got down grade to cater to the casual player. an slaps every player who has grind the 1000 chest already.

    I would have think they had learned by the first mistake, but they still don't track any of your progress.

    Increasing the Athena lvl to 15-20 an lock the new legend gear behind the new lvl's, had been better, than just say that the work you have done was for nothing, other than a stupid titel, an good luck doing it again you salty dogs.

    That are many thing I love in this new update, but the new achievement in the Legend isn't one of them.

  • @stundorn said in So what do the athena 10 guys think?:

    Stop driving the measures and stop whining.
    You are Achiever you will never get satisfied until you can work endlessly torwards something.
    Maybe get a game where you can roll a rock up the hill that when done Rolle back down. The counter will be endless and then you can brag with your numbers.
    Meanwhile let SoT be a game for players, not "workers", achievers and gamers who exploit things.
    Oh short question, did you rush to A10 and tapped a chest? Did you refuse some stuff to do, because nit worth but "working" efficently torwards A10?
    No?! That's great because then you play the game and dont make work of it that need to be worked off.
    It's about your achievers attitude only go for gaming systems instead of beeing able of playing games and be lazy and ineffective sometimes, because playing games is senseless, has no goal other than to relax and play for fun.
    What you are doing is seeking for meaning and sense while playing games and make your effort worth something.
    That's contradictory regarding playing a game.
    Stop working, stop grinding, stop exploiting and start playing and having fun.

    I have never sped run an Athens in my entire grind to 10, I never used the merchant exploit back in the day, I played for fun.

    Now the game is telling me to grind again, do it all over without any recognition for the time and effort committed. The addition is a good thing it adds something for all those new legends and people still working themselves up.

    For me and I guess a lot of other legend 10s out there it feels like the developers are giving us a chore, not something new just a reset to Athenas level 1.

    We are not talking about 10 h of game play here, we are talking about 100+ hours. People stating that pl10 just want to pop in and pick up their goodies really don't understand that we have done it, we have seen it and we have spend a lot of time accomplishing it. We don't want to be forced to do it again to gain the benefits, while everyone else will just get it on the way to the point that we already are.

  • @lt-swag-johnson I wonder how many chests you have to steal for the full commendation...I don't even have one...

    But this would be easy to boost...make an alliance, both of you make an athena voyage and you sell their chest and they yours...

  • I can't say I am happy about having to do everything like I did before as I hit A10 well before Forsaken Shores, but at the same time, it does give us something else to do.

    What does upset me is that they said that they were working on something new for pirate legends to do, but it just the same stuff again. With the other dlc's we have already fought skelly ships, tons of athena's, mermaids, etc...

    With that being said, I will still try to complete everything in due time.

  • I just want the new mug!!!! That thing is dope as all get out!😂

  • What do I think...

    I think that I will continue to play this game regularly. I am hooked on it. I have met great people that I enjoy sailing with regularly. After all, I am on the seas nearly every day, and have been since it launched. I do feel like there should have been some recognition for those that have hit the A10 mark though as "something new" is just repackaged "already done" for me.

    But then again, I am not as wise as those that knew better than to try to achieve things and have fun at the same time... (I know! Mind blowing that those of us who did overachieve, actually had fun and adventure out on the seas too!)

    That said, I did have a blast last night. The update has added more action than I have seen in a while. I like that the skull forts spawn more frequently. I like the roaming skellie ships. I like that everywhere I sail, there is something to do en-route. 2 Athena's, 2 skellie ships, 2 skull forts, some (weak) PVP, and a kraken... Not too shabby for a night on the seas.

  • @personalc0ffee This is exactly what I've been saying. People do all they can get to the end of the progression as quickly as possible, and for what? Are they even having fun? Half of the time they just go non-verbal on their mic, only speaking to give direction or communicate about the voyage. They sound like zombies. I don't think they even know why they're grinding rep and commendations, but one thing is for sure, they aren't having fun.

    A lot of people get pigeonholed into making this game about a grind rather than a fulfilling adventure experience, and that is precisely why they're upset about the Athena commendations. I want those new Legendary ship cosmetics pretty badly, but I'm not sacrificing my experience for it. I'll get there when I get there, and now I have another objective to go for on my adventures.

  • I want to know how you know that I've turned in at least 93 Athena chests?

    Rare says that they didn't track them, so obviously there's NO way to know the count, right?

    I'm Athena 10, but my official Athena chest count is...... ONE? (from last night)

    I have no way to prove that I've done more......

    It's impossible to know the number of chests we've turned in..........RIGHT???

    That being said, I LOVE everything else about this update.....

    I'm just not a fan of this punishment Rare has chosen to inflict on it's most dedicated players......

    And YES, Rare, to many of us it feels like a punishment.

  • @poslio agree totally

  • @chris-houlden Yep

  • Depending how quick u can do athenas it works out 276 hours

    276 hours that peoples already done n time they have put in
    People asked for more stuff to do yes granted it wasnt asked for them to put in n do what they have already done n the comments that condole this is so daft n painting over a major crack

    My biggest question is after a couple of days is n the dust has settled if they didnt know how to go about this tracking system why didnt they leave it has it was n just add a title ?

    If you hve the title its should automatically unlock the voyages bought the miles sailed n the voyages complete the rest of the legend stuff dded would av been fine and probaly enjoyable n great to do in all fairness

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