Kraken, megalodon + skull fort, skeleton ships

  • Dear game developers.

    Last couple times I played this, I were doing an skeleton ship. and at the same time a Megalodon appears. making us having no chance of killing the skeleton ship resulting into: sinking, losing all the resources you collected. being bored and quitting the game.

    As i am writing this, 5 minutes ago I did a skull fort, a other ship came in. we sailed away. we we not even 1 square on the map away from the active skull fort or a kraken appears. enemy ship stays on the edge of the black water and shoots us to smithereens.

    Can you please, fix that thesekraken en megalodon dont freaking activate if you're near a skeleton ship or skull fort.

    It soo annoying, specually u gotto farm those stupid resources again. I rather quit the game then carry on playing. As everytime were spending 15-20 minuts hoppin from outpost to fort in order to get some resources.

    Please let us buy resources from in-game money as money is useless anyway. Me and my friends had fun @ start in this game, but now everytime we sink we are too bored to get new resources. No resources > no game.

    I hope you feel my frustration and annoyance in the way I write this.


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  • This is part of what makes the world so intriguing. Even when things don't work out how you plan, a story is created through the game's random occurring elements, and it's even better when these elements interact with one another.

    The executive producer of Sea of Thieves was playing on stream a couple of days ago. He and his crew completed a skeleton ship battle, right afterward, the kraken showed up and sunk their ship. They lost everything, but they had a great time and a great laugh.

    You've got to admire the unpredictable moments that are created in this game. The devs take a lot of pride in it, so I highly doubt the change you want will ever happen. If the executive producer can have fun losing in his own game, I think we all can right?

    Better luck in the future, I hope you have a success story for us next time!

  • You happen to be unlucky and demand an attenuation in the game immediately. I can't understand that. There must be random, unexpected, distressing circumstances. Unpredictable volcanoes, unpredictable sea monsters are absolutely part of it. They are the salt of the sea.

    Live with it or play with smaller ships in the paddling pool, my friend.

  • Just bad luck.

    I've been on the receiving end of this and the aggressor. It's the nature of the game.

    Allied with a ship, did a skull fort. They betrayed us and stole the key. We sunk them and stole it back. Then we got krakened, lost the key and NO ONE got the fort. Sometimes that's just how it goes.

  • Although I don’t agree with there being a problem with the kraken, megalodon, skull fort, etc. I do agree with it being annoying to loose so much resources when your ship sinks. I think the devs should make it so you only loose half of your resources when your ship sinks, so it’s less annoying to have to regather all that stuff. But also make it so your ship always spawns with at least the default amount of resources, so your ship can’t spawn with 0 stuff.

  • Maybe what's needed is an option for a one time payment at the shipwright's, for a fully stocked ship, ready to take on the Forts. That way players who don't want to go through the hassle of resupply, or are too lazy, can do so in a snap, but at a hefty cost in gold.

  • I have to agree with most replies here.

    To begin with, they're random encounters. Secondly, Meg may have helped you finish Skelly ships faster. I think it's an experience you have to go through to be able to manage it better next time. You and your crew could've managed to pull the fight off and loot. As for the Kraken experience you got after the fort, I think the enemy ship outwitted you, simply. Keep your head up, worse can happen.

  • @willthebigman when the ship is gone, it is gone. No savety for supplies and other stuff.

  • @jeremep said in Kraken, megalodon + skull fort, skeleton ships:

    Just bad luck.

    I've been on the receiving end of this and the aggressor. It's the nature of the game.
    Allied with a ship, did a skull fort. They betrayed us and stole the key. We sunk them and stole it back. Then we got krakened, lost the key and NO ONE got the fort. Sometimes that's just how it goes.

    I don't think there's anything I love more than when dirtbags receive justice in this game. It's so much easier to just be a nice person, accept the alliance, and keep a good 75% of the total profit after you divvy it up.
    I'd rather have all my loot sink to the bottom of the sea than have someone else take it.

  • Skelly ships and skull forts can be done with a fresh started not supplied ship. If u know what u doing...

    They need to keep the meg and kraken in game even on these scenario's. Its all part of the uncertainty and the risks of sailing in open water.

    As for sinking and loosing all your supplies. There is a tread about this on the forum. People want to be able to buy stocks. Im against this idea.

    If u can buy stock u can decide to rebuy stock when running low while in battle. The richer pirates gain advantages over the poorer.

    I did mention a twist on the idea of being able to buy stocks.
    I would advice to be able to buy your full or half stock after u are sunk. This means we all start at 0. wether we rich or poor.
    We all got to supply. So we all got to put time in if u want nice stocks. But when u are sunk and u can buy full or half it saves up on doing it again. Its more likely people will than stay and continue after being sunk instead of leaving because of the time it takes to restock.

    So im again the idea of being able to just buy stock.
    Im for the idea of being able to rebuy the supplies u lost after being sunk.

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