The Game Awards 2018 - Sea of Thieves nominated for Best Multiplayer - Cast your Votes!!

  • The Game Awards recognises and upholds creative and technical excellence in the global video game industry.

  • 24
  • Congrats RARE😁

  • Voted!!!

  • This nomination is great, i hope my vote will help nudging it towards a win!

  • All done and voted !

  • Done and done!

  • Avast, ye scurvy dogs an' cast ye votes!

  • 'I be disinclined to acquiesce to your request. Means No.'

    Was surprised to see it get any nomination at all......

    That said, I wouldn't vote for most of the games that were nominated. I've yet to playAC Odessy which may have got my vote.

  • Also... done & done!


  • If they were nominated for art direction they'd win, but not for best multiplayer.

  • @katttruewalker Sea of Thieves has my vote. My concern is the description that you can vote again every 24 hours and boost your vote by sharing it. Makes me wonder in the end whether the one who wins actually has more people voting for it or just the same people voting numerous times to inflate the counts. In any case I hope sea of thieves wins, but I'll only be voting once.

  • It should be up for more than just multiplayer. Got my vote though.

  • I'd love for SoT to take the mantle with this one! But realistically speaking, i think the masses may vote another way....

    But Yo Ho, It's A Pirates Life For Me!

  • voted!!!

  • I voted but all we know that Fornite will win.

  • @katttruewalker We need votes vote now guys we can win

  • @d3adst1ck sagte in The Game Awards 2018 - Sea of Thieves nominated for Best Multiplayer - Cast your Votes!!:

    If they were nominated for art direction they'd win, but not for best multiplayer.

    Sea of Thieves is an Unique Amazing Multiplayer experience, the best I had in 26 Years!

    So then call me an, in your opinion, better Multiplayer Game please! It must be Open World and Level Playing Field, im curious!

  • We all know Fortnite is going to win due to its massive user base...

  • @katttruewalker i want to vote too, but it seems i have to log into facebook or twitter to vote...I don't have this, is it possible to vote anyway?

  • @schwammlgott said in The Game Awards 2018 - Sea of Thieves nominated for Best Multiplayer - Cast your Votes!!:

    @katttruewalker i want to vote too, but it seems i have to log into facebook or twitter to vote...I don't have this, is it possible to vote anyway?

    Nope, they want your details for evil corporate schemes. :D

  • Voted without hesitation. Deep down I know, Even if they don't win, they'll always be the winner for me.

    alt text

  • @karloss00 I don't care about what they know or not know from me...I just don't have/use this social-media-stuff

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