Patch Notes Discussion - 1.3.2

    • Significantly increased server migration blocking range of Skeleton Ship encounters.
      Okay, this is fine, but not workable. I have gotten server migrated twice, the first time was close enough for me to get back to the battle. I got killed, and ship sunk, and then nearly 60 minutes later I was migrated again, hadn't had time to get back to the battle. And after the second migration all that work and time spent in ship to ship combat was lost.
      Here's an idea, forget about doing some sort of blocking range. Set a bit that says, this pirate, ship, crew, or whatever is in a battle and don't move this crew or ship to another server. At all. Also do this for fortresses. There is to much chance to be sent too far from battle and suddenly get hit by a server migration.

    One other thing, I've been getting island renders that look like the environment is made up of blow up toys. I submitted a support request with a picture attached.

  • then? news on the dlc? Scheduled maintenance? nothing?

  • @bl4cksh4dow78 ahoy there!
    There has been word from the developers on what is coming and when through their weekly update video from Joe, as well as their weekly stream. @Musicmee is the man who usually drops these little nuggets for us and may have some more firm dates for what I say below:

    • The next round of DLC - Shrouded Spoils will be dropping shortly, within this month when the current BRA ends.
    • Scheduled Maintenance is a slower process now, with new updates coming with BRA and Major content drops, rather than the older weekly updates unless a game-breaking bug is encountered.
    • New patch notes will of course be released by one of the Community Management team (probably Emma) as and when the parch drops into the server

    Hopes this helps!

  • @zannarii why are yall so lazy on your official website... it's really [mod edit] annoying for us people without social media... I come here for updated info or what's coming out but it seems I have better luck finding it on twitter... [mod edit]
    It would be nice to know when yall do your streams or events or any of that fun stuff... I always end up seeing it after its ended which is really annoying

  • @SmokinTediz Parts of your post have been edited as they go against the Forum Rules and Pirate Code

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    Please keep the Forum Rules and Pirate Code in mind in future.

    Thank you.

  • @smokintediz isn't it possible to watch streams later too? Why is that a problem not seeing it live?

  • @smokintediz yeah its pretty stupid that they use twitter and facebook instead of the actual designed website that we use here. I don't use social media either.

  • @smokintediz said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.3.2:

    @zannarii why are yall so lazy on your official website... it's really [mod edit] annoying for us people without social media... I come here for updated info or what's coming out but it seems I have better luck finding it on twitter... [mod edit]
    It would be nice to know when yall do your streams or events or any of that fun stuff... I always end up seeing it after its ended which is really annoying

    This is really frustrating you isn't it?

    Here's some advise I gave earlier on to a few other people:

    It's been a well known fact that the 'official' page isn't regularly being updated. You're much better off getting your info from either Twitter or these forums where you'll most likely find a Boatswain posting the info directly from twitter. We're a fast bunch. Stick around here and you'll hear all about it! Don't worry :)

    Stick around on the forums and you'll hear EVERYTHING that's going on because there's some very active people around here that will make sure of it.

  • @murkrage , @Musicmee , @sir-lotus and @Skulliah are particularly on the ball at the moment for the Bosun crew!

    I recommend anyone else try to beat them to it and be as helpful as can be - remember those Boatswain badges may be few, but are open to all.

  • @sshteeve

    try to beat them

  • @death-pilot37 my problem is I wanna watch it live not after it's been posted 4 days later

  • @smokintediz what's the difference now or in 4 days?

  • @death-pilot37 thank you at least someone gets it

  • @schwammlgott the difference is you dont get any give away items if you watch it 4 days later

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