Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?

  • @lem0n-curry perhaps?

  • Like others have said, there’s many different ways to play the game which is why I love it so much. I usually only do voyages when I, or those I sail with, need to. Other than that I just cruise around enjoying the world.

    If I see a ship I usually sail over & say hi. I’ve met some great members of the community this way and enjoyed many amazing adventures with total strangers. Not everyone is friendly and if I’m not in a position to put up a good fight I usually just leave them be.

    Also, just because players are sailing a basic ship doesn’t mean they’re new or bad players. I’ve used this tactic many a time to my advantage, Noobasapian's Revenge is a good example of this.

  • @sshteeve said

    I would be hesitant to jump to bad players @Kzoo-Kid as there are a range of other reasons out there for an empty ship

    That's fine that you are hesitant to say it but I'm not because the majority of reasons in the majority of cases in one way or another reflect that the players of empty ships are either new or bad

  • @kzoo-kid or you could actually bother to read the part of my post above your mention and see some other possibilities.
    But hey, you do you.

    Have a good weekend.

  • @sshteeve said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @kzoo-kid or you could actually bother to read the part of my post above your mention and see some other possibilities.
    But hey, you do you.

    Have a good weekend.

    I did, brother. All those reasons confirm what I have already said (that those players are either new or bad).

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @kzoo-kid said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @sshteeve said

    I would be hesitant to jump to bad players @Kzoo-Kid as there are a range of other reasons out there for an empty ship

    That's fine that you are hesitant to say it but I'm not because the majority of reasons in the majority of cases in one way or another reflect that the players of empty ships are either new or bad

    Not true at all. When I sail solo, I keep 0 loot on my vessel... I'm neither new or bad... I do it because I'm probably taking screenshots or working on commendations. New players are anchored in the middle of nowhere playing an instrument or puking all over each other. I also sail with the default ship...

    If you play the game by sailing around taking screenshots then you would not hold up to my standards of "good" and therefore fall into the category of "bad." For clarification, this means that you are not playing to maximize efficiency and would not come out on top in a fight against players who are. All these terms are relative, including "new" so you can offer your opinion on what a new player is but that doesn't change what I see as a new player and therefore doesn't act as a refutation to my claims.

    Also, as I stated previously, we are discussing the majority of cases. Unless the majority of the time you spend on SoT is spent sailing solo and taking screen shots then even your anecdotal evidence doesn't act as a proper refutation to my claims because of course there are minority case exceptions to everything.

    To further assert this point, of course I have played the game without collecting loot or having a goal in mind. However, even in these rare instances you aren't going to just find my ship parked at some island with no loot while I'm running around clueless and oblivious to you boarding my ship. That is what OP described as a common occurence, that is what we are talking about.

  • @ant-heuser-kush said in Why there is a lot of crews without tresaures after visiting some islands?:

    @kzoo-kid Who are you again? Oh, right, random internet person. I don't care about your standards. Thanks, though.

    You say you don't care yet you argue...I didn't force you to respond to me. You don't have to get upset just because you disagree. Either respond in a way that is substantial, or don't, but don't respond weakly and then get mad that you are responding to me lol. You're welcome bro.

    Imagine if I just went to your comments and said "I disagree but you're just some random person so I don't care about your opinion anyways".

    Imagine walking up to a group of people having a conversation, interrupting to disagree with someone, them taking the time to respond to you civilly, then you respond with "you're just a random person I don't care what you think."

    That's what you just did and you should feel really silly about it but I'm sure your ego will prevent reality from having any effect on you.

  • @guepard4 Maybe they keep getting sunk by pirates stealing their loot?

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