If you had one wish?

  • @revanjstone THANK YOU OMG as soon as I saw the title that's all I could sing

  • The ability to leave notes for other players on the server. Or maybe a recorded sea shell haha.

    1. More enemie types; Evil mermaids, bad fish people, little evil Cthulhu people (octopus face). It would be nice to have a variety.

    2. More loot. What I mean by that is every thing is cosmetic. So give us impressive cosmetic items worth end game content. Swords that glow, clothes that actually match the haunted Outfit worn by the Ferry of the damned captain.

  • A spanish harbour protected by a fortress where you can change shiptype for a fee or where you can park your ship for 1 hour for a fee so you can walk the dog and continue your game. In the spanish town you could buy a mansion for 5 million and buy extra's to p**p it. The spanish would have difficult missions for search of underwater maya and aztec treasure and artifacts.

  • Technically 2 but larger item stacks and more cannons (like ones on the front and back of each ship)

  • Make entered ships your own.

  • Get lost of them cursed canon balls!

  • @surveyorpete said in If you had one wish?:

    More realistic sailing physics. No ability to make headway with sails set wrongly, and no ability to sail straight into the wind, ever.

    Ooo yeah, I would love that, but I feel there was a choice made to make the game more accessible.
    I think a change in the right direction would be to make sure it is quicker to tack than to go head to wind to reach a destination that is directly upwind of you.
    The other part would be to have the ship react more realistically when the sails are 'backed' to the wind, can be used to turn faster (on multi sails ships) and allow going astern/reduce speed etc.

  • @goedecke-michel said in If you had one wish?:

    Make entered ships your own.

    @goedecke-michel said in If you had one wish?:

    Get lost of them cursed canon balls!

    You need to learn how to count.

  • @jetorchidee97 said in If you had one wish?:

    Mine would be a massive beautiful port/city tortuga style filled with players.

    I'll go with this - even if it is a sort of 'before you set sail' type of place outside the main game, almost as if you're preparing to head out on a voyage to the Sea of Thieves like Flameheart does in the Tales book, with -

    • Taverns with mini games, cards, dice, arm wrestling, shenanigans

    • Noticeboard with news on - latest exploits on the high seas, notorious pirates, richest pirate, the sort of stats Rare release now and then on their posters, new easter eggs to watch out for, Pirate Times articles, artwork and so on, a Community board.

    • Shipwright or harbourmaster you can talk to and find out who's sailing, form a crew and choose your ship and then set sail, launched into the main game. Even pop back and change your crew/ship if a crewmate leaves.

    • Shops of all descriptions with NPC's offering advice and hints and tips for the most prosperous voyages and snippets of lore.

    This would also be a great location to have any microtransaction shop, plenty of time and safety to browse what's on offer and then show off your purchase to all and sundry.

    Ok... that's more than one thing... :D

  • @gazcoombe
    If I could add one thing it would be: Pirate Legend content - Offer new challenges to existing legends and make it interesting for others to reach it.
    Adding anything that's not just a new skin would already be a huge step up.

    Some PL content ideas listed below:

    Remove the Athena's level cap
    If Athena's is the last faction, just having it go up to 10 just won't do. You need to at least have some visual indication of progression. So by simply removing the level cap and letting it go up indefinitely you can keep progressing. Rare could always make certain levels unlock specific things at a later time.

    Athena's commendations
    The Athena's faction is the only one that doesn't have an info page with commendations behind it. Offer a wide variety of commendations/challenges to get Legends from delivery pirates to actual legends.

    New voyage types / variations
    Offering new types, variations and just more than just one voyage option would be nice. Not just variations of the stuff you've been doing before but something unique and only available for Legends.

    More cosmetic options
    Offer certain cosmetic options that are unavailable to others to make a unique distinction between legend or not. Thinking about mostly ship cosmetics for parts you currently cannot change, but also more detailed and special clothing options.

    More presence/infamy in the world
    Have being a Pirate Legend actually be Legendary. Spread the word about accomplishments for being the first to do something or have Legendary lists of the pirates that earned the most gold on their voyages each month or something. Anything to get the names of the truly legendary pirates out there.

  • @crimsonraziel I am a pirate. I count as I will, learned my lessions from Pippi Longstocking.

  • @katttruewalker a dit dans If you had one wish? :

    @jetorchidee97 said in If you had one wish?:

    Mine would be a massive beautiful port/city tortuga style filled with players.

    I'll go with this - even if it is a sort of 'before you set sail' type of place outside the main game, almost as if you're preparing to head out on a voyage to the Sea of Thieves like Flameheart does in the Tales book, with -

    • Taverns with mini games, cards, dice, arm wrestling, shenanigans

    • Noticeboard with news on - latest exploits on the high seas, notorious pirates, richest pirate, the sort of stats Rare release now and then on their posters, new easter eggs to watch out for, Pirate Times articles, artwork and so on, a Community board.

    • Shipwright or harbourmaster you can talk to and find out who's sailing, form a crew and choose your ship and then set sail, launched into the main game. Even pop back and change your crew/ship if a crewmate leaves.

    • Shops of all descriptions with NPC's offering advice and hints and tips for the most prosperous voyages and snippets of lore.

    This would also be a great location to have any microtransaction shop, plenty of time and safety to browse what's on offer and then show off your purchase to all and sundry.

    Ok... that's more than one thing... :D

    Yesss!! I can see it (in my head), it's beautiful!

  • I have more than just one. : )

    ** The biggest priority after Forsaken Shores drops needs to be cleaning up as many bugs as possible and smoothing out the new barrel system with the great feedback that has been given. Would have been nice if these things were done before Forsaken Shores so it could be enjoyed without all the current issues.

    ** More content and meaning for being a Pirate Legend.

    ** Give the ability to change ship size up and down to allow game sessions to continue as crew changes without logging in and out changing servers. Then allow friends to join same server with their ships. Keep pirates sailing together and the fun nonstop! Nice to hear the devs acknowledge at EGX people want to join same servers and they will make it happen when they can.

    ** Fishing and cooking

    ** Pets

    ** Add new weapon types. A knife would be nice and could be next. Even have animation to hold it between your teeth.

    ** Gambling such as cards and dice. If knives were added would be fun to have knife throwing games. Drinking games in the game.

    ** Dueling as a mini game.

    ** Name your ship.

    ** Expand and improve the types of voyages that already exist. Also add new types like they are with cargo runs to the other factions.

    ** Add more things to explore underwater and find lost artifacts and treasure. Perhaps sunken ruins, temples, etc.

    ** Make the seas more alive. Add more creatures and monsters. Ghosts, sea sprites, sirens, sea serpents, dolphins, jelly fish, whales, are some good ideas.

    ** Make the islands more alive. See things instead of just hearing them. Frogs, insects, seagulls, parrots, monkeys, moving around on islands.

    ** Expand Order of Souls to add more mysticism to the world.

    ** Ancient ruins and caverns to explore, uncover secrets, and of course treasure!

    ** Actually be able to open chests. We are very self controlled pirates not opening all the chests we find. Find keys that lead to secret things to open. Could be actual keys or placing special skulls on pedestals or hole in wall, etc.

    ** Curses that impact crews and ships. Have to find and enact cures.

    ** Add another big bad to fight than skeletons.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    And "if you had one thing you could add, what would it be?"

  • @fishst1ck said in If you had one wish?:

    And "if you had one thing you could add, what would it be?"

    I would have to go with the ability to change ship size and friends join with their ships on the same server. They really go together. What truly makes Sea of Thieves great is playing with others.

    We are meeting folks along the way that we would really like to sail with again when the desire and opportunity arises. It is not as simple as swapping one person in and out of your crew. Would be nice to have a smooth change of ships when you do change crew size instead of starting over. We meet more crews that want to sail together again as whole crews. It is defiantly not the silliness of dominating a server that some cry about. It is not getting rid of PvP either. My family and I really like that part of the game as well. The excuse that it is Sea of Thieves not Sea of Friends has gotten old. The game is actually both, maybe more the latter which is ok.

    It is simply having the option to play with all the other people you meet in your journey sailing in the Sea of Thieves. It is a shame to have a lot of fun with another crew one evening and everyone says let's do this again with no way to do so.

  • Would love a deeper and improved sword fighting system. Something in the realm of For Honor would be amazing. I hate the more often than not frantic slashing that is the current dueling state. A more precise and deliberate system would go a long way to make pvp encounters worthwhile. And what’s with the damn skellies still walking through me! How many years before that’s fixed. *end of rant.

  • For the game to be good.

  • @treefittymonsta said in If you had one wish?:

    @sshteeve said in If you had one wish?:

    @Trickrtreat01 your idea wouldn't work either, we would end up with decks full of clutter looking daft and open for anyone to steal!

    Cluttered decks sound awesome. I like trickrteat idea. My one wish/thing would be devs focus on bug cleaning before new content

    So... err... how often do you have to search through your deck of chests, souls and merchant items mid battle to load your cannon...

    Each to their own, but I know what I'd prefer.

  • @sshteeve said in If you had one wish?:

    @treefittymonsta said in If you had one wish?:

    @sshteeve said in If you had one wish?:

    @Trickrtreat01 your idea wouldn't work either, we would end up with decks full of clutter looking daft and open for anyone to steal!

    Cluttered decks sound awesome. I like trickrteat idea. My one wish/thing would be devs focus on bug cleaning before new content

    So... err... how often do you have to search through your deck of chests, souls and merchant items mid battle to load your cannon...

    Each to their own, but I know what I'd prefer.

    I think it was a big miss on rare to not have the cc an item in the world. Right now there is no disadvantage to having hundreds of them. They should have been treated like gun powder barrels. They would explode upon hit like a gp barrel.

  • Bounty System!!!

    A bounty system to control the 'Sea of Trolls'.

    This would include a system where if any ship attacks another ship and the ship being attacked does not fire a cannon or gun, with the conclusion of the ship sinking. The offending party would get 'one strike'. Once a ship has 'three strikes', all crew members now have a bounty on their heads.

    This bounty would be posted via a poster to all tavern outposts, which would be accompanied by an NPC to explain the bounty system and its rewards.

    The offending party or ship would now be represented on the map with a 'bounty flag', similar to the reapers mark.

    Once this crew has been vanquished and there ship sunk, the bounty would be cleared from all players associated.

  • Arghhh!!!

    Just remembered one other thing that would help the overall game experience.


    This would help improve the SLOW grind for reputation gain in each faction.

  • My wish?
    A bounty Automatically put on pirate punks for breaking the pirate code.
    My ship is sank almost every time I load in.... come on dude, I’m at port.

  • I have multiple wishes, but the one feature I would really love is 3rd person view along with control of the mast when playing as solo sloop. Like when you're on keyboard and press "E" to take control of the wheel, you can use the 4 and 6 on the numpad for the angle of the sail, and 8 and 2 for the raising or lowering of it. It's getting ridiculous when you're playing solo especially with the cursed cannonballs. This feature will be disabled of course if you're playing 2 or more.

    Others on my wish list include:

    1. More inventory space. I love collecting things on islands and out on the seas. More space on the ship itself. It should be possible to keep what you collect on the ship every time you log on or at least on your person. It should allow faster questing when you're not having to restock. There are days when I have more time to play and days that I don't. This should help with that.

    2. Ammo box should be removed and should no longer refill ammo, but ammo is now a consumable similar to cannonballs and can be found in barrels as well. Since reloading is done one at a time, I don't see why we can't just have a lot of ammo space in our ammo pouch. This could also open the possibility of cursed ammo?

    3. All weapons should be available and consume ammo collectively. That way if you run out of ammo, the sword is still available.

    4. Fishing, Cooking, and a Recipe book would be welcome additions.

    5. Crafting weapons or costumes from the resources we find in the world. Like kraken materials or shark materials as well.

    6. Experience should be awarded when finding the treasure, not when turning in. If not, should be able to lock your treasure in the brigg, and a key on your person at all times. If you are killed, the key drops and other pirates can now take your treasure. At least, it gives you a fighting chance when multiple pirates come take your treasure. I have had experiences where 3 or 4 pirates took my loot but they were so bad aiming that I was able to kill them, but they were able to take some chests due to just being outnumbered.

    That's all for now, I have more ideas but no time in writing them all down.

  • @treefittymonsta remember that due to a lack of patch two weeks ago and the holding off of Forsaken Shores we have been in the Cursed Crew event for a month.
    This event has naturally given us an increased number of cc to help folk get the commendations.

    Come Forsaken Shores they should be a lot rarer and the devs have confirmed this.

    Hopefully you'll be happier come Thursday's server restart.

  • @sshteeve said in If you had one wish?:

    @treefittymonsta remember that due to a lack of patch two weeks ago and the holding off of Forsaken Shores we have been in the Cursed Crew event for a month.
    This event has naturally given us an increased number of cc to help folk get the commendations.

    Come Forsaken Shores they should be a lot rarer and the devs have confirmed this.

    Hopefully you'll be happier come Thursday's server restart.

    We shall see. Don't get me wrong. I love Sea of thieves... I play it despite the bugs... But that doesn't mean I'm going to let them think it's ok to have so many bugs in a current build that I spent money on. I'll continue to gripe about bugs and design decisions because I want them to succeed. I'm not a fan of cc but maybe it'll improve of when they are more 'rare'. It's too easy to sink a ship with them now IMHO. The ballast ball alone has decreased the time it takes me to sink a galleon by half, depending on skill level of the crew.

  • @treefittymonsta said in [If you had one wish?](/forum/post/889876

    We shall see. Don't get me wrong. I love Sea of thieves... I play it despite the bugs... But that doesn't mean I'm going to let them think it's ok to have so many bugs in a current build that I spent money on. I'll continue to gripe about bugs and design decisions because I want them to succeed. I'm not a fan of cc but maybe it'll improve of when they are more 'rare'. It's too easy to sink a ship with them now IMHO. The ballast ball alone has decreased the time it takes me to sink a galleon by half, depending on skill level of the crew.

    Yes we all shall see. Most of us are still here because we still love this game and truly want it to succeed, despite the ongoing issues. Do not think it is griping when you really care about something and are just trying to make it better by voicing your opinion. Cleaning up the bugs and current gameplay issues should not be a wish, it should be a natural, given commitment. Let’s hope that we will not keep sailing forward without fixing and cleaning up where we have been.

  • @gazcoombe A musket that dosen't have a ridiculous telescope attached to it is high on the list. But might be edged out by a desire for friendly fire.

  • @friedwilly i play SOT alot with my brother in law and he's very much, do that map with 3 or 4 skulls if its on this side of the map and ignore or cancel the single skulled ones. Same with gold hoarders although he is level 50 after buying 15 rank ups from duke with doubloons and no longer needs to do them. I think a small boost in coin for completing a voyage would be nice. Much like when you complete a commendation. Not massive but maybe in accordance to your voyage itself. When you go off and complete 1 dig of gold hoarder or one island with a skull captain or 2 i wouldnt give a bonus. But when youve just completed chapter 5 after a long haul, i think a nice perk of say 100 coins per item youve collected and 200 per chapter would be. I'd rather complete the whole thing, he'd rather go for the big payoffs and leave the small ones. There is no right way or wrong way to play the game but a little incentive wouldnt go a miss. This like many things wouldnt happen. But i like to play the game my way (selfish i maybe) but i need his support as its a pirate game and pirates are b******s.

  • Id also like to see incentive to hoard as much loot as possible. When you cash in your first item you have a timer (e.g 3 or 5 minutes) at which you need to cash in as much as posibble on that outpost to gain a bigger reward. Rather than 3 skulls here and a chest there. How about holding on to it until youve got a pirate cove sized treasure hoard on your ship and then having a mad desperate few minutes to cash it all in for reward greater than standard. That is stuff of pirate legend. But at the moment, its a thing of stupitidy. Why would you do it. You wouldnt.... as it stands.

  • Or maybe a weight limit on your ship. Give us a bio when picking a ship. Can hold x amount of gold, skulls, animals. Each ship can hold different amounts according to size and if you go over weight you start to get lower like when hit with one of those cursed cannon balls (ballastball or helmball maybe). Too much weight and you'll take on water.

  • The ability to switch boats mid session via a scuttle

  • Harpoons, and everything that comes with them! Check out my ideas for harpoons on my profile.

  • Maelstrom

  • link text

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