Is there a pioneer forum?

  • Hello!

    So much like the alpha, for some reason I never got an email to tell me I was in the Pioneer programme. After months of sulking, by chance I spotted a conversation on Facebook today where somebody was told to check the Insider Hub app, which I did, and discovered I am on the pioneer programme. Hurray!

    But is there a forum or anything where I can find info related to it? I can't see anything on here yet...



  • @m90tom Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately, your Pioneer badge isn't showing on the forum at the minute - a quick log out and back in again will fix this. Once you have done that you will be able to access the Pioneer Hub below:

  • @musicmee thank you! I've logged out and in and it doesn't seem to be there yet. I'll try again in a bit, or maybe I shouldn't actually be in after all!

    quietly sits and plays the latest build and hopes nobody notices



  • @musicmee I think I had en option to opt in on my account page.
    @m90Tom you should have had an email saying you got invited

  • @m90tom Ahhh yes, @BiggishBike1891 is correct, double check your account page as you might need to opt in before your permissions are set.

    Account page:

  • @musicmee @BiggishBike1891 thank you both!

    There was an opt-in there, so I'm up and running.

    Re: the email, I've always had this issue. I have a funny feeling it's because I signed up with a different email to my Xbox Live account, as I've never received any comms (hence not realising I made the alpha and beta before). I only discovered I was in beta and pioneer purely through chance of checking the Insider app, but I'm in now!

    Thanks again,


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