PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.

  • @savagetwinky

    If my response is "just another seemingly response" then so is your comment that I responded to.

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Because I explained why the PvP actually does work.

  • @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:


    If my response is "just another seemingly response" then so is your comment that I responded to.

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I understand, it still makes for a bad PvP game which is why most PvP sandboxes fail or a game ends up with an arena PvP component. PvP just doesn't work without some structure to what the players are fighting for.

    Because I explained why the PvP actually does work.

    No you didn't, you pointed out high-level bullet points and not what makes it an engaging experience. And then pointed out if I want a PvP only game... shows you aren't understanding or reading my argument...

  • @savagetwinky

    @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    The mix of PvP and PvE is perfectly fine, there are people like @treefittymonsta who just want to PvP and focus on that. They form the threat towards the PvE players, and that's exactly how the game was designed to be and it balances out.

    You know the way this game was designed right? Other players being the threat and all.
    That's exactly what happens right now. The different kind of players that exist are the thing that creates an engaging experience.

  • @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:


    @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    The mix of PvP and PvE is perfectly fine, there are people like @treefittymonsta who just want to PvP and focus on that. They form the threat towards the PvE players, and that's exactly how the game was designed to be and it balances out.

    You know the way this game was designed right? Other players being the threat and all.
    That's exactly what happens right now. The different kind of players that exist are the thing that creates an engaging experience.

    I know how its designed, you didn't say anything here that would suggest you actually read what I wrote. Or have any more depth to the points you've already made.

    I never suggested either should be removed. I suggested they are currently poorly designed and not a full engaging experience but a frustrating one. If you have to rely on players to make the PvE an engaging experience and that is unreliable than the game is poorly designed.

  • I found this quite interesting with regard to the intent of the PvP and PvE elements to the game design

  • @averageheroz Wow! More cheap shots! Thanks guys, I'll just keep my opinion to myself from now on. You guys have a blessed day.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I know how its designed, you didn't say anything here that would suggest you actually read what I wrote. Or have any more depth to the points you've already made.

    Then you know that it's working as designed, that both players have a choice. When you as a player decide you want to attack, that doesn't mean that you will get in a battle. That other vessel has a choice as well, if he decides to run that's fine. If he decides to fight, that's fine as well.

    I never suggested either should be removed. I suggested they are currently poorly designed and not a full engaging experience but a frustrating one. If you have to rely on players to make the PvE an engaging experience and that is unreliable than the game is poorly designed.

    You're not suggesting, you're stating that it's poorly designed and implemented. Which is not the case.

    You think it's poorly implemented based on your experience. You think it's frustrating and not engaging. It's your experience, yet hero you come with statements like this:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    PvP is poorly implemented...

    Your opinion =/= a fact.

    What you want is forcing people in the same areas, force them into confrontations. Make people do the same voyages to force them to get into a conflicht.

    That's completly different then the thougts behind this game.

    Relying on players to make the PvE an engaging experience, is not a bad thing. It creates an environment where the players have a choice and can create their own story.

    That's full on intentional game design.

    Too bad if you want to be a PvP monster and sink everyone, you now have to sail around and chase people which can take long. But if you wanted PvP only then you should have picked a PvP game. Not a PvPvE one where both go hand in hand.

  • @aarghmaargho

    First, the world has figured out how to distinguish between fact/opinion... you should too! You can tell because not every statement ever made has qualifiers.

    Regarding the suggestion to overlap objectives... I never suggested forcing players to the same islands... I literally stated in the initial proposal in this thread that they could play with the amount of targets/voyages available... to change the probability of players running into each other.

    They are relying on PvP to add depth to the PvE.. making it a PvPvE experience. The reason the current design is bad is they are relying on players to make it an engaging experience when it is generally an inconvenience to go out of your way to bother another player. Bounty systems try to solve it by creating a reason to go out of your way... but it's still a bandaid because the core voyage loop still requires you to go out of your way... combine that with sailing and you're expecting aggressive players to stay engaged with these 20min-2hour side tracks to kill another player. And this isn't always fun for PvE experience when being committed to a 2+ hour voyage and being heavily delayed/failed or being denied from finishing a timed event.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:


    First, the world has figured out how to distinguish between fact/opinion... you should too! You can tell because not every statement ever made has qualifiers.

    Regarding the suggestion to overlap objectives... I never suggested forcing players to the same islands... I literally stated in the initial proposal in this thread that they could play with the amount of targets/voyages available... to change the probability of players running into each other.

    Uhm yes you did suggest that:
    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I want PvP to be more incorporated into the base experience while voyaging. A redesign of the voyages could easily accomplish this... just make them shared on the server. So If I pick up a voyage at a trader, someone could pick the same one up. Then you can just tweak the amount of targets voyages have or how many distinct voyages are available at any given time would change how often players funnel to the same targets. The forts are a good example of what happens at 1 target, current voyages are basically what it looks like with infinite targets.

    Once the targets are shared and there is a limited number of how much you can collect, it changes the way you perceive loot. Because when you're picking it up uncontested you're taking someone else's opportunity. It builds the framework around the loot to be more like capture the flag and less like an MMO's farm X amount of wolf pelts. This game isn't an MMO, it doesn't have a deep PvE... or a deep sandbox. There is no point for an "end game". We just need the current system to be more engaging more often and that almost entirely depends on player interaction... so make more contention points for players... or world events that require some sort of co-operation where its near impossible for a single crew to achieve.

    You literally say it right there.
    Kinda hard to have a discussion with someone who's denying that he said something

    They are relying on PvP to add depth to the PvE.. making it a PvPvE experience. The reason the current design is bad is they are relying on players to make it an engaging experience when it is generally an inconvenience to go out of your way to bother another player. Bounty systems try to solve it by creating a reason to go out of your way... but it's still a bandaid because the core voyage loop still requires you to go out of your way... combine that with sailing and you're expecting aggressive players to stay engaged with these 20min-2hour side tracks to kill another player. And this isn't always fun for PvE experience when being committed to a 2+ hour voyage and being heavily delayed/failed or being denied from finishing a timed event.

    And that's where you're wrong again.

    You feel like you have to go out of your way, there's plenty of people who enjoy the chase and like going after an other vessel and leave their voyage for what it is.

    Yes, chases can go on for hours but that again is both the crews' choice.

    The attacker chooses to keep chasing. If he finds that boring, break the chase and do something else. You enjoy the chase, well keep going.

    As the defender, if you find it boring to be chased for hours, make a choice. Fight, give up, jump off with loot and then bail.

    It all comes down to player choice, something where the game is designed around and it's working. Defenders and attackers have choices, both are equal.

    PvP have the choice to engage, PvE have the choice to flee and go on with their lives. People who enjoy both can do both, and that's why the system works.

    This isn't a solo PvP game nor a solo PvE game, it's the combination of both.
    If you're looking for PvP or PvE solo, prepare to go out of your way.

  • @savagetwinky I just want to say I love you man and keep it up. Every time you come here and complain about something, I end up experiencing the exact scenario, but in a positive and fun way. Just last night you made a comment on a statement I made about how you sometimes have to search for the PvP, and how you suggested that I meant you always had to go searching for it. That was not what I meant, but that is not the point. You said we always have to go out and search for it and that is laborious or something to that affect. Then last night, we get a galleon with what I feel was an evenly skilled crew as our own. They did all the things an experienced crew does in combat. In the end we both sunk each other once, with our crew the winner as we ended up with both ships loot (man they had a lot of skulls and chests, most loot I have ever seen from a sunken ship).

    So thank you, please, keep complaining. Maybe somewhere you can randomly comment about free athena chests not popping up on every island we see. Please. Say it. Say it.

    In all seriousness, I guess I have been lucky as everything you have complained about, I have literally had the exact opposite experience, and usually the same day or within the past couple of days. Maybe my approach to the game is what makes the difference. I go into the game with no real expectations. No real goal. Just there to have fun with my crew and enjoy SoT for all that it offers.

  • @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    Uhm yes you did suggest that:
    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    I want PvP to be more incorporated into the base experience while voyaging. A redesign of the voyages could easily accomplish this... just make them shared on the server. So If I pick up a voyage at a trader, someone could pick the same one up. Then you can just tweak the amount of targets voyages have or how many distinct voyages are available at any given time would change how often players funnel to the same targets. The forts are a good example of what happens at 1 target, current voyages are basically what it looks like with infinite targets.

    Once the targets are shared and there is a limited number of how much you can collect, it changes the way you perceive loot. Because when you're picking it up uncontested you're taking someone else's opportunity. It builds the framework around the loot to be more like capture the flag and less like an MMO's farm X amount of wolf pelts. This game isn't an MMO, it doesn't have a deep PvE... or a deep sandbox. There is no point for an "end game". We just need the current system to be more engaging more often and that almost entirely depends on player interaction... so make more contention points for players... or world events that require some sort of co-operation where its near impossible for a single crew to achieve.

    You literally say it right there.
    Kinda hard to have a discussion with someone who's denying that he said something

    Well... can you highlight where I literally stated I want to force players into the same islands?

    I am literally talking about changing the amount of targets / voyage... so you know you can change the amount of players that get funneled together... IE creating a probability that players may end up on the same islands... and because they have eyes.. they can still choose to avoid an island that has people there. The follow up there is how this could change the perception of voyages/loot and build a more healthy competitive design.

    So now you are objectively wrong...

    And that's where you're wrong again.

    You feel like you have to go out of your way, there's plenty of people who enjoy the chase and like going after the other vessel and leave their voyage for what it is.

    Ok this is an objective fact, in the context of a voyage, in order to attack another ship... you are no longer going to your voyage but directly to meet/engage with another player. Its factually not part of the voyage and whether or not you have to go out of your way depends on whether or not the voyage is near or at the same island. As there is nothing in the game currently to do that... generally the probability of players being on the way is low.

    So how am I wrong about needing to go out of the way to engage with another player?

    This has nothing to do about chasing a player.

    As the defender, if you find it boring to be chased for hours, make a choice. Fight, give up, jump off with loot and then bail.

    It all comes down to player choice, something where the game is designed around and it's working. Defenders and attackers have choices, both are equal.

    The thing you keep missing isn't the type choices, it's the cost of choosing is my complaint. That a lot of the choices don't lead to engaging moments and can waste oodles of time along with preventing players from progressing.

    PvP have the choice to engage, PvE have the choice to flee and go on with their lives. People who enjoy both can do both, and that's why the system works.

    Ok but the only point you addressed trying to prove it worked I pointed out was incorrect... and you just keep restating it works because its the intended design. What I am saying is that intended design is fine it is just poorly implemented and doesn't lead playes into each other enough to get the payoff they are seeking. It works because players are currently forcing it, its not something that happens naturally while doing voyages. Which is why there is a massive disconnecting with PvE and PvP.

    What I want is to be able to make all the SAME choices but without them always being in the context of needing to go 8 tiles out of the way and a massive inconvenience most of the time.

    This isn't a solo PvP game nor a solo PvE game, it's the combination of both.
    If you're looking for PvP or PvE solo, prepare to go out of your way.

    You have no reading comprehension... like really none.

  • @nofears-fun said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky I just want to say I love you man and keep it up. Every time you come here and complain about something, I end up experiencing the exact scenario, but in a positive and fun way. Just last night you made a comment on a statement I made about how you sometimes have to search for the PvP, and how you suggested that I meant you always had to go searching for it. That was not what I meant, but that is not the point. You said we always have to go out and search for it and that is laborious or something to that affect. Then last night, we get a galleon with what I feel was an evenly skilled crew as our own. They did all the things an experienced crew does in combat. In the end we both sunk each other once, with our crew the winner as we ended up with both ships loot (man they had a lot of skulls and chests, most loot I have ever seen from a sunken ship).

    So thank you, please, keep complaining. Maybe somewhere you can randomly comment about free athena chests not popping up on every island we see. Please. Say it. Say it.

    In all seriousness, I guess I have been lucky as everything you have complained about, I have literally had the exact opposite experience, and usually the same day or within the past couple of days. Maybe my approach to the game is what makes the difference. I go into the game with no real expectations. No real goal. Just there to have fun with my crew and enjoy SoT for all that it offers.

    An occurrence isn't speaking to probability and the normal flow of games... exactly what are you trying to point out with this? Who said I go into games expecting anything? What makes you think I want free Athena chests?

    I don't understand why people make so many assumptions about a person... its amazing how much people will just make up because what they assume someone means when they have an argument.

    I like the game. I like the game alot. But I am recognizing that there is an issue with keeping players engaged and certain aspects of the PvP that do undermine PvE experiences. I made almost all the same arguments months ago that I'm now currently arguing against.

  • @savagetwinky It was a joke, kind of. Meant to make you laugh. Something that clearly went over your head mate.

    My point was simple, everything that you say is bad, I have not seen. Everything you say is ruining the game, I have found to be the opposite.

    But mostly, this was a joke to make you laugh.

    Edit: I think I now see why you don't find much enjoyment and complain as often as you do.

  • @nofears-fun said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky It was a joke, kind of. Meant to make you laugh. Something that clearly went over your head mate.

    My point was simple, everything that you say is bad, I have not seen. Everything you say is ruining the game, I have found to be the opposite.

    But mostly, this was a joke to make you laugh.

    I've never said it was ruining the game... and I understood the joke, I just think your point was wrong and the way you perceive my arguments is wrong. Clearly, you think I think the game is ruined because I have complaints.

    I said there are aspects of the game that definitely conflict with the two components PvP vs PvE, and there are some structural issues with voyages that struggle to keep players engaged. I believe there is some truth to the OP, the game has been ruined for many people for both PvP and PvE.

  • @savagetwinky I as well as many others disagree with you. I am sure there are many that do agree with you. So far I have only seen you complain, about everything.

    But honestly, I was only trying to make you laugh. I failed so I will move on. Best of luck to you and may you find fortune and fame on the seas.

  • @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    Well... can you highlight where I literally stated I want to force players into the same islands?

    You're talking about giving multiple crews the same voyage, that equals sending multiple crews to the same islands. Can't have the same voyage if the islands are different...

    So now you are objectively wrong...

    Ok this is an objective fact, in the context of a voyage, in order to attack another ship... you are no longer going to your voyage but directly to meet/engage with another player. Its factually not part of the voyage and whether or not you have to go out of your way depends on whether or not the voyage is near or at the same island. As there is nothing in the game currently to do that... generally the probability of players being on the way is low.

    So how am I wrong about needing to go out of the way to engage with another player?

    Because now you use a totally different context of the sentence "going out of your way", and then you're talking about my reading comprehension....

    The thing you keep missing isn't the type choices, it's the cost of choosing is my complaint. That a lot of the choices don't lead to engaging moments and can waste oodles of time along with preventing players from progressing.

    And that again is YOUR experience, you feel like that.

    Ok but the only point you addressed trying to prove it worked I pointed out was incorrect... and you just keep restating it works because its the intended design. What I am saying is that intended design is fine it is just poorly implemented and doesn't lead playes into each other enough to get the payoff they are seeking. It works because players are currently forcing it, its not something that happens naturally while doing voyages. Which is why there is a massive disconnecting with PvE and PvP.

    What I want is to be able to make all the SAME choices but without them always being in the context of needing to go 8 tiles out of the way and a massive inconvenience most of the time.

    Yeah and with your idea, PvP people will get more ships in their area because they just buy a voyage to get near people and the PvE people will hardly play anymore because their voyages lure people towards them.

    So my point isn't incorrect, the system works fine. You get player encounters and all are different. Some will fight, others will flee. Again, players choice.

    When something does exactly what it was designed to do, it is implemented correctly.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't make it poorly implemented.

    You have no reading comprehension... like really none.
    Yeah or your just terrible at forum an argument, you're litteraly typing something and then later say you haven't said that. But hey, others can't read.

    But we're done, just like any other forum post of yours. It's all complaining and zero acknowledge ment of what others are saying.

  • @nofears-fun said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky I as well as many others disagree with you. I am sure there are many that do agree with you. So far I have only seen you complain, about everything.

    My main 2 complaints in this entire thread are Voyages lead you around a map aimlessly to collect loot and PvP is just as aimless and usually out of the way fun... and PvP can undermine some PvE in a painful and less fun way.

    You are lying. Did I complain about pvp ship battling? No.. Did I complain about fighting mechanics? Riddles? Forts? What exactly constitutes "everything"... just everything I complained about?

    Like seriously you are making stuff up now. Many people in here arguring against me aren't even really disagreeing. I don't think they understand my argument and keep reiterating the design principles... which I'm fine with an agree with.. I want that PvPvE experience. They are however poorly implemented with some regards... and the common complaints about the game are proof that the experience is being ruined for many people. Why shouldn't we try to improve that?

  • @aarghmaargho said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    @savagetwinky said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    Well... can you highlight where I literally stated I want to force players into the same islands?

    You're talking about giving multiple crews the same voyage, that equals sending multiple crews to the same islands. Can't have the same voyage if the islands are different...

    And they all can still pick the voyage and which islands they prioritize... still giving wiggle room for choices... which is different than forcing players to the same islands.

    So where do I literally state we should force players to the same islands... how is this in any way saying we should create some overlap and players might need to hit the same islands? One is stating we need to make players fight over a particular piece of loot vs we should create that as a naturally occurring option.

    Because now you use a totally different context of the sentence "going out of your way", and then you're talking about my reading comprehension...

    How is this a different context? The only context I've ever used it in is the voyage system... again look at my original post in this thread which you reposted talking about how VOYAGES don't facilitate the PvP that well... That's the only context I've been working in when talking about mechanics... the failings of the voyage system and the necessary people put on PvP or player interaction to add depth to PvE.

    And that again is YOUR experience, you feel like that.

    And many many others. You're not explaining why the current system actually facilitates engaging player interaction, or whether or not its the best version of it... or anything. Hurray, you figured out an opinion!

    Yeah and with your idea, PvP people will get more ships in their area because they just buy a voyage to get near people and the PvE people will hardly play anymore because their voyages lure people towards them.

    Except you can't predict what island/voyage... your game will play the same if all you want to do is PvP, stock the ship, hunt everyone down... This is a completely made up complaint against the system I proposed... because you still don't understand the difference between probability and forcing everyone to a single island. People might have the same voyage, and they might go to the same island, and they can make a decision just like they can now by paying attention to the ships around them.

    Something you still don't understand... by playing around with the amount of voyages/targets you can create more or less player interaction. This current design kind of already does... there is just extremely low probability you'll find players heading to the same Island you need to go to.

    So my point isn't incorrect, the system works fine. You get player encounters and all are different. Some will fight, others will flee. Again, players choice.

    You point was the system I proposed wouldn't work and that was based on misinterpreting the design I proposed... How does that support the current system working optimally for the most amount of people? It doesn't...

    The system I propose... will do the same thing. you get player encounters and all are different. Some will fight, others will flee... player choice! The difference between the current system and the one I'm proposing is actually making those choices more often and more relevant.

    When something does exactly what it was designed to do, it is implemented correctly.
    Just because you don't like it doesn't make it poorly implemented.

    Really? You don't think there are more optimal designs? You realize how stupid of a statement that is since the idea of engineering is finding ways to design things to create more optimal/elegant solutions?

    Should we stick with analog piloting solutions to get to the moon? We didn't need better navigation, the original lunar 2 was fine! Game design is the same way... some game types may have found an optimal design, but this is just not one of them.

    Yeah or your just terrible at forum an argument, you're litteraly typing something and then later say you haven't said that. But hey, others can't read.

    No, because you are projecting what you think I mean onto something I wrote that literally states something different or outright ignoring part of what I said.

    Yes.. others can read.

  • SavageTwinky, I am not going to ridicule you or berate you. I will say however that while you are positively trying to come up with a solution, I will tell you it will not work. Simply put, because the game has no rules, most of the people who play it will end up being putzs. It is human nature.

    You would like to make it so that PvP could have some structure and people could play PvP without the ugly side of it being that PvP cannot exist without ruining someone elses gameplay. It simply wont happen. NoFears Fun stated earlier, he is someone who cares nothing for what what others experience. He attacks everyone, period. He could simply chase people off, leave them alone if they dont want to fight, but no. He will sink everyone. He is not the only person playing the game to do so.

    Mostly what I see is Sloop hunting. This is where Galleons with 4+ experienced people relentlessly hunt down every sloop they see. And I dont mean to engage. I mean they will chase the sloop when it runs across the entire map and back again until they sink it. Obviously, the sloop doesn't want PvP. And the Galleon with 4+ people is greatly unbalanced, and has nothing to gain by wasting an hour chasing a single ship. But they enjoy knowing they are punishing the single player. Its fun for them. It ugly, but it is exactly what happens to most people in this game.

    Is there a solution? Nope. It cannot be an open sandbox without being open. So, PvP people get their kicks from making others miserable. They mostly do it because they like tromping on people who have a disadvantage compared to them. To say otherwise is hypocrisy. Why? Because these people are always in groups and go after smaller chips. If they really wanted a 'good fight', they should crew a smaller ship and only fight galleons. Put themselves at a disadvantage. But they dont. And they know why. Because griefing is fun.

    What can be done about it? Grow thicker skin and play knowing these people exist and know that while some pathetic people can only find fun in making others miserable, there is always another ship to start again. Enjoy the game knowing the threat exists. Be more aware of your environment. And if you want PvP to be honorable, thats your choice alone. You cannot force others to do it with game mechanics.

  • @hazeree said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    You would like to make it so that PvP could have some structure and people could play PvP without the ugly side of it being that PvP cannot exist without ruining someone elses gameplay. It simply wont happen. NoFears Fun stated earlier, he is someone who cares nothing for what what others experience. He attacks everyone, period. He could simply chase people off, leave them alone if they dont want to fight, but no. He will sink everyone. He is not the only person playing the game to do so.

    Where have I ever said that? I have said that PvP is not dead and that I have had a lot of it over the past several weeks. I don't chase people if I feel they are going to flee, unless I have a better reason than simply wanting to kill them. Fact is I am generally a PvE player first, but I won't shy away from and yes even look for PvP on occasion. Not sure why, but over the past 3-4 weeks I have seen an incredible amount of PvP. Sometimes I have approached a ship with a genuine interest in forming an alliance, and they start firing at me, so I sink them, sometimes I see someone at a fort and sink them because they are at my fort (kidding), and sometimes ships come after us because they want to PvP.

    Quite honestly, my favorite thing to do in game is take down the skelly ships and skull forts. The skull forts end up with PvP more often than not, which is awesome. But they are expecting the PvP if they are coming to the skull fort.

    I don't go out to kill everything out there for the most part. I did do it once, but that was because I was sick of hearing people like Savage say that PvP is dead or that the game is dead or that servers are dead with no one else on them. So I did it more to prove to myself that it is in fact not dead.

    So to insinuate that I try to ruin other peoples gaming experience is flat out wrong.

    I even stated that last night started with a sincere effort on my crews part to simply go out and do chicken runs. Have a nice relaxing day on the sea. But we didn't get that as someone else wanted PvP, so we obliged.

    Your statement that PvP players only go after smaller ships is wrong as well. Generally my crew is on a brig, but occasionally a galleon. We could have gone after many sloops but don't. I would rather have the challenge of a brig or galleon. I especially love taking on galleons in my brig. Do some PvP players go after smaller targets, sure, but that is generally because of a lack of other targets or because they simply don't care. But please do not lump me in with them.

    Edit: I guess I should clarify, I do go after sloops, but that is generally only after they have fired at us first.

  • @hazeree said in PvP is NOT ruining the game... A mass reply thread.:

    SavageTwinky, I am not going to ridicule you or berate you. I will say however that while you are positively trying to come up with a solution, I will tell you it will not work. Simply put, because the game has no rules, most of the people who play it will end up being putzs. It is human nature.

    No, it's not human nature... otherwise we wouldn't have a society or have constructed socially viable games for years... The game has rules, the PvP however is this seperate layer and generally looking for a thrill. The reason people end up being putzs in this game is there is no structure for PvP to happen in a fun engaging way... its just devolves into hunting people down because the voyaging doesn't facilitate ANY pvp.. or its extremely rare... thats why the forts were so popular in the beginning.

    You would like to make it so that PvP could have some structure and people could play PvP without the ugly side of it being that PvP cannot exist without ruining someone elses gameplay. It simply wont happen. NoFears Fun stated earlier, he is someone who cares nothing for what what others experience. He attacks everyone, period. He could simply chase people off, leave them alone if they dont want to fight, but no. He will sink everyone. He is not the only person playing the game to do so.

    PvP can exist without ruining someone else's experience. Again it depends on game mechanics.

    Mostly what I see is Sloop hunting. This is where Galleons with 4+ experienced people relentlessly hunt down every sloop they see. And I dont mean to engage. I mean they will chase the sloop when it runs across the entire map and back again until they sink it. Obviously, the sloop doesn't want PvP. And the Galleon with 4+ people is greatly unbalanced, and has nothing to gain by wasting an hour chasing a single ship. But they enjoy knowing they are punishing the single player. Its fun for them. It ugly, but it is exactly what happens to most people in this game.

    Right because the game is lackluster and galleon's that want a fight just roam around hunting people, more players will opt for solo sloops for PvE since the ease of finding a group of 1 and distrobution of players probably being more on the side of PvE these days leaves mostly only sloops to hunt.

    Is there a solution? Nope. It cannot be an open sandbox without being open. So, PvP people get their kicks from making others miserable. They mostly do it because they like tromping on people who have a disadvantage compared to them. To say otherwise is hypocrisy. Why? Because these people are always in groups and go after smaller chips. If they really wanted a 'good fight', they should crew a smaller ship and only fight galleons. Put themselves at a disadvantage. But they dont. And they know why. Because griefing is fun.

    There can be solutions.. people keep stating this is a sandbox.. It is, but its completely a barebones sandbox.. even fortnight has a more meaty sandbox for the battle royale mode... This isn't a do anything sandbox because there are limited amounts of things to do... there is limited progression, limited depth to the PvE, voyages don't persist to different games...

    this game is a short form type of game. And everyone talks about the grind to PL... so there is some problems with a design of short form when people aren't really enjoying the short form... and mostly going after the rewards because that is the reason to play...

    Its also not true galleon's just want to kill people to grief... there is an end goal. We grief them so they leave and we don't have to ditch our mid athena's voyage... allowing the chance of better players to join. I don't really call it griefing though... its a culling of our server.

    What can be done about it? Grow thicker skin and play knowing these people exist and know that while some pathetic people can only find fun in making others miserable, there is always another ship to start again. Enjoy the game knowing the threat exists. Be more aware of your environment. And if you want PvP to be honorable, thats your choice alone. You cannot force others to do it with game mechanics.

    I'm not complaining about these people. NoFear didn't state he hunts people, I did. As soon as we see a ship we diverge away from what we are doing to kill them and take their bananas. Sometimes we bring them aboard and convince them to do our voyages or help us kill other players (RIP rush!)...

  • @letslipthedogs You did not word it as an opinion..you basically straight up said that PVP is killing this game..and I am just telling you that it is not..because it is a big part of a pirate game..lol I mean did you honestly think when you purchased this game that no one was ever going to sink you? Everyone knew the game had PVP in it when they got the game..it is part of the game..so why are so many people upset about this? Everyone sinks..even some of the best players do..so why is it when people are sunk they run to the forms and say "PVP is killing this game! I sank 1 time and it is unbelievable that I sank! This game is dead!"

  • @zannarii
    As I’m sure you have heard before there is a lot more to than just that. I have a bigger screen lol who cares there is the fact that PC players tend to have the faster response time etc because of the keyboards and mice you know able to move faster. They also can have a better advantage sight wise depending on what they’re running, if it’s true and no console and essentially tv for that matter can compete to a PC graphic wise they would have an advantage right. I can’t upgrade my console and even if I did upgrade my tv, it won’t match a high end Pc rig right. These amongst others is the problem with cross play add in the cheaters too lol. Also by the way keyboard and mouse functionality doesn’t work the same on Pc as it does on console at least for this game. Than you add it the fact why should I have to buy a keyboard and mouse when I want use a controller lol

  • @averageheroz I got the game for free with my new Xbox so you are wrong. But I'm sure your use to that.

  • @letslipthedogs Wow so that is worse! You are playing a game you got for free and you are crying because you missed limited content..come on..I am done talking to you about this. It is so sad that you join up in a free game and expect them to bring back limited rewards for you when you didn't even pay to own the game..like I said before limited rewards are for the people that purchased the game and that were there from the start to earn it..that is the way limited items work. I am sorry you missed it but there will be future limited items. Sorry about your luck..cya around!

  • @SavageTwinky Please refrain from the inclusion of political statements, as well as sensitive topics in your posts. We have edited your post accordingly.

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  • Well what I want to say that chating at this forum now is more interesting than playing SoT :)))

    PVP, PVE - people want to kill other players, other people want to play peacefull just looting, I don's see problem to make mode PVE just for relax. If it is done a lot of questions will be closed. But we have mix PVPPVE, so PVP players are in good condition - everything is for their pleasure, PVE players - try to survive... make tactics to avoid PVP and so on...

    So in fact it is like to cry into the depth... nobody will hear you... I mean RARE is doing their job - probably strugling with huge amount of bug... every day, every hour...

    Only for 18th Sep I got 3 BUGS during Skelly ships when I couldn't take skulls and chest after defeating last ship (I COULDN'T TAKE LOOT AND THEN IT FLYES INTO THE SKY!!!!!!), Skelly fort - when I was holding key from treasure room and I couldn't open door - only killing me by my alliance partners helped to open door, the third issue was when we robbed Skelly fort and some error happened me and my crew went from server (full of loot) so the same thing happened with my alliance partner they also went out from game... Alliance partner asked me in XBOX message did you sell all stuff, the answer was - no, I just saw how your ship taked off and I went out from server... It was fun - we worked hard and get a banana!!!!! That's how SoT works....

    It is no question in new Events - because the mechanics stay the same, grab and bring it to outpost... There is no sence to move forward with all problems that game has...

    I like the game but permanent amount of bugs is frustrating, I don't want even talk about toxic players, PC domination, PVP and so on... it isa just waste of time

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