6 Months and Still Not Listening or Addressing

  • SoT has been out about 6 months and the long and tired requests for PvE only or safe zones continue.

    The same old pro PvP nasty replies keep coming back to the requests for change.

    So what has Rare done. Well they nerfed a lot of the AI fighting and some weapons. They added in more AI attackers and then expected people to switch from being aggressive nasty people to cooperate and help each other.

    Why is it so flippin difficult for Rare to simply balance out the PvP fighting better so that noobs or less experienced PvP fighters are able to play and enjoy the game without grief from aggressive and experienced PvP types.

    On land or one on one combat, the noob or lesser PvP player should be harder to kill vs a more experienced killer.

    On sea, the crew PvP rating should be balanced up for similar effect.

    This isn't a request for PvE only or safe places but to simply balance out the fighting so that nobody has the feel griefed. Instead, they get a chance to improve their fighting is the get jumped and if not to enjoy their own pirating adventures.

    Is that so blinkin difficult to attain really?

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  • @stratcat51 how is the playingfield not level now ? Everything is down to experience.

    Not one single player has better weapons then others, not one single player can upgrade their ship in any way that makes it take or deal more damage...

    The game revolves around skill and skill alone and skill can only be obtained by going into fights and either winning or losing them, when i started playing this game i sucked at pvp but i got better and better and now im decent.

    RARE has spoke out on multiple occasions now against safe zones and PVE only, also have they spoken out against players having any sort of advantage given to players (more health for ‘noobs’ as you say).

    The battlefield is equal, if you get bested it is mostly due to skill (the only variable is the kb/ mouse vs controller debate)

    This equal battlefield means that i as a pirate legend lv 9 is just as easily bested by a new pirate that booted up the game for the first time. Even though i am rocking a 1.55 million gold ship and a suit that netted the salesman a couple grand, not even the weapons i have had to get a couple hundred captains chests for flip the battlefield any which way.

    The only thing i have in advantage is that i know how the ships work (knowledhe) know strengths vs weaknesses of weapons ( knowledge) and know when to run and heal or when to rush and get that slash kill (skill)

    The things they “nerfed” where:

    • pistol skelly’s aim (no more 100% hitrate aimbotting for them ) however they added skelly snipers
    • blunderbuss damage nerf (fully pvp minded change)
    • skelly cannons aim (again no more high hitrate from whatever distance away)
  • @stratcat51 dijo en 6 Months and Still Not Listening or Addressing:

    Is that so blinkin difficult to attain really?

    Its more difficult that people like you understand that this was sold like a pvpve game, and refuse to improve in such a game and ask for a world where their mediocrity gets rewarded with no effort?

    Why a better player than me need to be in a disadvantage because I refuse to play better than him? Its probably the more $%#& thing I hear in all the post against the pvp aspect of this game :S

  • @stratcat51
    Who ever said that it was difficult for Rare to do so? Have you ever stopped to wonder that it might be intentionally like this? If you get automatically matched against players that have the same skill level as you, there would never be any surprise or any incentive to improve yourself.

    That said there is actually already some matchmaking in place in the form of trying to match with someone from the same region/language and I even believe it goes a bit further than that. A friend of mine recently bought the game and the first time we played we only met other white sailed ships that immediately engaged combat and were horrible at controlling their ship. It might have been a coincidence but it could be that they at least try to match really new players together.

  • Did you pro PVP players ever think that maybe just maybe we don't feel like playing PVP all the time!

  • @letslipthedogs didn't start as pvp. As the seas became empty and peaceful, had to do something to shake it up.
    Haven't played much since the last update, but that is why I have started to turn to pvp.

  • This would be a nice thing to test in game and see how it goes.

  • @stratcat51 Hahaha, that rant is so funny. One might ask, what is it so frickin hard to get the message. They are not going to add safe zones, and pvp is an integral part of the game. So, at this point, either accept it like a grown up, or move on to a different game. My god, do you need a notarized letter officially declaring that this is their intent?

  • They need to give us a crew duel option.

    1. It gives a way to settle crew disputes.
    2. It allows you to practice fighting with your crew.

    Here is how it would work.

    Two crew members who wish to duel would look at each other and do an emote (maybe a thumb throat slash animation?)

    This would trigger an audio cue or an onscreen notification that a duel has started between Player A and Player B

    Friendly fire would be temporarily allowed between the two crewmates.

    You win the duel by depleting the other player's health. This would not send the other player to Davey Jone's locker, but rather give them the grog effect or send them into the sleep emote for 20 seconds or so, signifying that this player is incapacitated.

  • I want Friendly Fire!

  • Besides input devices the game is balanced. Everyone has the same equipment and chance to get all the same loot from the game world.

    The last thing the developers said about safe zones was that they would not be adding them but you never know. Nothing is static is game development but I believe it is highly unlikely if I’m being honest.

  • @Stratcat51 You do understand that if there were to be a PVE or safe zone area, it would bust the in game economy, right? The balance is already in the game. No one can get better firearms, swords, or clothing with traits.

    If you can't play the game well then get better. I don't seem to have a problem with playing against players. I don't see it as unfair at all. Some players just have better tactics or know the tricks of the trade.

    This game wasn't designed to be specifically for little kids in which they'd have no online interaction and just grind all the way to pirate legend... It was designed to be played en mass and the imagination to boost your play value.

    From the very start this game was balanced when there was no method of better items to improve play style and give a cutting edge. So what is the complaining about? I'm begging to this you're using a "balance" excuse as a means of covering up your poor play style...

  • @letslipthedogs Then go play a different game. If this wasn't made to be a PVP game, they wouldn't have online play as a default. Quit whining...

  • @d-jaguar SoT was always a PVP. Was there ever an option to opt out of online play or an offering of a campaign? No? Then it was always intended as a PVP inside a PVE world. You really dont understand the development process put into this game...

  • @ninestackerace I would like to change your wording to more accurately represent the game play. This is a PvE game that has the potential for PvP. Not every gaming session is guaranteed PvP, but every game session is guaranteed PvE.

    The most important thing is, that you have to be aware of the threat of PvP at all times. And unfortunately, the only way get better at PvP is the same way you level up in PvE, participate in it. The only way to gain the skills to be better at PvP is to learn how things work like firing the cannons, both while semi stationary and while at full speed. Learn how to fight hand to hand with each weapon type and find a balance that works for you.

    Even with experience there will people that are simply better than you, or in some cases (a very small percentage of the player base) have minor advantages because of the PC/Console debate. My crew faced off against some very well skilled PC players that I swear must have been using some sore of macro to fire at us with the high proficiency they had. I mean they were bunny hopping and shooting at us and hitting us while we were also in motion or jumping. But still, it was a learning experience and I even tried to tip my hat to them for a well fought victory.

  • @ninestackerace if I didn't like this game I wouldn't say anything. Figure it out M8's.

  • @letslipthedogs If you weren't trash at this game you wouldn't be complaining and whining all the time. Figure it out M8....

  • @ninestackerace Thank you for once again proving my point to this community😀 You are the toxic player not I.

  • The sea is already balanced regardless of the waves. Player versus player in Sea of Thieves comes down to experience, practice, and skill. That is what makes Sea of Thieves great in that way. Games that are specifically PVP focused always have an unbalance issue and never get things right no matter how long they last. Players do not need to be scored and segregated.

    Sea of Thieves is not a PVP or a PVE specific game. It has elements that players recognize as such. Sea of Thieves becomes whatever the players make it, the pirates the crews want to be. Everyone may not want to do the same thing at the same time, or even be good at it, but that is ok.

    The seas can be hostile or friendly. The risk of not knowing what one sails up against is a good thing. Some may sink fast and sometimes the other ship may turn the tide on the aggressor. Sometimes everyone sails together with thier cannons turned up sharing rewards. That is the beauty of the game.

  • To those that misread the original post I didn't ask for PvE only or Safe Zones (Didn't you learn to read properly).

    To those that say the game is balanced because weapons etc. are the same for all, be they legend or noob. The weapons are the same, but the player skills aren't and nothing is done to allow players to train or develop skills before meeting thuggery and grief which is NOT balanced until the noob or poorer PvP skilled person has learned.

    To then justify or allow repeat spawn killing of noobs or poorer PvP players is simply promoting gratifying bullying of people who bought the game and don't get the facilities to develop gradually.

  • @stratcat51 I see what you mean but there is a problem with this: It can easily be exploited by smurf accounts and players who delete their pirate and start again just to do PvP

  • @stratcat51 safe zones will never happen it would be game breaking in my opinion if i had chests and want to be safe why wouldnt i have a boat in a safe zone waiting and just run to the finish line with my chests give them to waiting boat and boom worry free pirate game.
    I hate to sound argument but u cant argue the fact this is a pirate game it was never safe for pirates how can u even think a safe zone would make sense if its a pirate game .....

  • @stratcat51 we all have the same learning curve, training takes time and the best way to practice in pvp is pvp nothing more nothing less, i didnt get any safety pads from all the prerelease players that messed me up when i joined the game, i didnt get protection from all the fort hoppers that where excellent at pvp i didnt get any sort of protection.

    Still i went from a total scrub in PVP to someone that can take down a galleon of 4 solo, i went to someone that got killed each and every time a pvp encounter took place to someone that got better and saw the oppositions moves, learned how the weapons worked in players hands, learned how the ships handled.

    And guess what all of that with 0 guides ingame and still most people now certainly fair the next time they run into me and my crew since we went from scrubs running for an outpost if we got a captains chest on board to a crew that isnt afraid of holding up to four athenas voyages worth of loot (incl. Chests of legends) on board (4 is our current record).

    The playing field is equal as can be and you can only get better at something by doing it and getting involved with it.

    To all people that fear PvP for whatever reason i would just advise to do the following, get a couple of chests aboard (so you have something worth fighting for aboard, as that increases the feeling of not wanting to sink)
    And just go for it, you see a ship on the horizon go for it... get into that fight and learn how to react to alot of different situations.

    Also do not see losing your loot as a loss in progression, if you fought hard and was able to learn even a bit thats more experience then any rep earned from whatever chest and thus more progression than any item in the game can give you.

    Thats what i did and when doing so i lost many a sloop to the seas, but slowly but surely i started taking over solo-sloopers next duo sloopers next 3 man galleons (there where no brigantines then) finishing by taking down 4 man galleons at forts and getting away with all the loot.

    This experience was invaluable to my in game mentallity i went from a dog running with its tail between its legs to a wolf that took every challenge and saw every loss as a learning step towards the pirate i am today and to this day the learning is not done, every player plays differently and every time tactics get evaluated and changed to be able to best any ship that thinks they have what it takes to take our fortress down.

  • @stratcat51 The game is 100% balanced..no one has any extra damage or anything like that in this game. This game cannot be anymore balanced than what it already is..

  • @ninestackerace not sure of your point. You seem to be replying to someone else, but tagged me. Or you are reading my comment in a way that it wasn't written. Calm down. It's ok to read things twice to make sure you aren't misreading a post.
    With that out of the way, the comments of go play another game have to end. You are not the first and doubtfully the last. If you enjoy the game, telling others to leave may hurt it. The game has enough issues on it's own which is making enough players think twice about playing. If we add to the playerbase leaving by pushing them out, we will have no one else to play with or against.

  • By ignoring anti PvP rants by a few unskilled players whining they need advantages to be equal to other players, Rare is very much listening to the community.

    We don't want or need such 'corrections'.

  • @CallMeBackdrafT Long reply and some fair comment but ultimately you were able to progress faster and adapt to simply enjoy the PvP side more which is great for you. It isn't like that for everyone.

    @ajm123 Learn to read before you blab garbage.

  • @stratcat51 its true that i enjoy the pvp side now however using my strats at least everyone could be of a mindset that stuff happens, i think i have put it quite nicely in a post that i have made a bot ago, its a long read but maybe youll find it usefull:


  • @stratcat51 said in 6 Months and Still Not Listening or Addressing:

    @CallMeBackdrafT Long reply and some fair comment but ultimately you were able to progress faster and adapt to simply enjoy the PvP side more which is great for you. It isn't like that for everyone.

    Everybody learns at their own speed, and there's nothing wrong with that. But if I'm understanding your original post correctly, you basically want handicaps in place for less skilled players when they're going up against players with more experience? Wouldn't that set a bad standard that essentially prevents new players from getting better at the PvP aspects? I know it's intimidating and pretty discouraging when a new player gets smashed in PvP, but I see those moments as learning experiences.

    When I first got my hands on the alpha and subsequent beta, my crew did a couple voyages then started bee-lining towards PvP. Granted I do enjoy PvP in just about any game, but it wasn't really about that so much as it was about gaining some experience as early as I could. I've had some moments since launch where I do grind some levels out, but for the most part it's sailing around and seeing what the world has to offer and that time I spent just chasing ships taught me quite a bit about how battles tend to flow, how to out-sail ships and lock my cannons in range while avoiding theirs, even simple strategies while running away from a ship. I'm not saying you have to ENJOY it, but it is a part of the game and throwing yourself at something is the best way to learn, giving people an artificial advantage takes away from that learning experience.

    Player skill will always be the most prevalent gap in a game like this, but the best solution is to steer people towards avenues they can develop that skill. I agree it's no fun and probably doesn't teach much to be repeatedly killed by the same crew, and I'm not sure what solutions exist other than finding a new server or implementing some sort of matchmaking, and I'm not so sure how viable SBM (skill based matchmaking) is for a game like this.

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding your proposed solution, which is very possible. If i am could you try explaining how you would propose solving this in a bit more detail?

  • So this is 2018?
    People demanding safe spaces in games? A pirate game even!
    Is this Satire? Please say this is satire.....

  • @stratcat51 G'day mate.
    I too much prefer PvE and at first I would have sided with you but you must admit the odd chance of a PvP encounter gives the game that much needed excitement.

    On release day I sailed with my autistic son and we were spawn killed to the point that he has never played again. We each have bought copies of the game at $100 per installment ($200 total) and he played for less than 3 hours. So yes, I feel your frustration of being bested.
    But being the stubborn mule that I am, I insisted on getting my moneys worth out of this game.

    As for hand to hand combat skill, I'm a push-over with probably only six kills under my belt after 6 months of play and a rep of Athena level 7+. So yeah, I've put a lot of hours in.
    But that's just me and I openly admit that I suck at it. More so due to the fact of low frame rates and high ping, I usually play on servers half a world away, but none the less I'm hopeless in combat albeit it against other players or skeletons.

    The more you play the more things balance out. Some days the server appears to be full and some days they're empty.
    Sometimes everyone wants to fight and other times everyone is chill.
    It really comes down to luck and perhaps the time of day in which you play the game.

    As with anything in life you soon learn to take the good with the bad. If not, what have we to compare the good times to?

    Fair winds and happy sailing. :o)

  • @CallMeBackdrafT

    Appreciate your considered reply. Without going into massive detail the idea would be that players PvP SoT historic performance be used to balance things out a bit.

    If you aren't good at PvP then repetitive losses take their toll to the point some players simply give up and feel cheated.


    Thanks for your response. I am responding using a phone browser and can't see all you wrote to respond on direct points. I don't want to radically change anything in the game but would like to have a chance to build up PvP (where necessary) gradually but I can't spend hours a day in the game which makes it very difficult, hence a managed form of progressive learning would really help.


    Been reading your posts and I have to say that I am sorry that you and your son have lost the shared pleasure you hoped for. The fact is, that you are clearly more resilient and have been able to put far more time in to progress. In addition, for what I have read of your posts, you have maintained a great balance with considered and thoughtful posts and replies. I wish I had your SoT tenacity and possibly time to give to get to enjoy the game.

  • @stratcat51 said in 6 Months and Still Not Listening or Addressing:

    SoT has been out about 6 months and the long and tired requests for PvE only or safe zones continue.

    The same old pro PvP nasty replies keep coming back to the requests for change.

    So what has Rare done. Well they nerfed a lot of the AI fighting and some weapons. They added in more AI attackers and then expected people to switch from being aggressive nasty people to cooperate and help each other.

    Why is it so flippin difficult for Rare to simply balance out the PvP fighting better so that noobs or less experienced PvP fighters are able to play and enjoy the game without grief from aggressive and experienced PvP types.

    On land or one on one combat, the noob or lesser PvP player should be harder to kill vs a more experienced killer.

    On sea, the crew PvP rating should be balanced up for similar effect.

    This isn't a request for PvE only or safe places but to simply balance out the fighting so that nobody has the feel griefed. Instead, they get a chance to improve their fighting is the get jumped and if not to enjoy their own pirating adventures.

    Is that so blinkin difficult to attain really?

    "Griefed" you use that word but do not seem to grasp it's meaning...

    Get better or die trying pirate!

  • @stratcat51
    First and foremost, Wow, that is awfully decent of you to say. Thank you.
    Please feel free to add me to your Xbox app friends list and call on me when you're after a bit of salt water in your face and need a like-minded crew mate.

    You might also be interested in the topic being discussed in this thread.

  • @stratcat51 said in [6 Months and Still Not Listening or Addressing]

    On land or one on one combat, the noob or lesser PvP player should be harder to kill vs a more experienced killer.

    On sea, the crew PvP rating should be balanced up for similar effect.

    What you are asking for isn't a case of balance, but a Handicap. The raw truth of it, is it will never happen. No one enjoys a handicap being forced onto them. It would be a different case if it were voluntary.

    Game is about as balanced as it can get. A new person has the same tools a veteran has. You want Rare to "balance" out the intangible. Experience and skill isn't something you can just simply balance, its excruciatingly difficult to do without the aid of a matchmaking system.

    It sounds like the solution for you is a matchmaking system, but Rare probably won't do it. A new problem arises now, what variable do you use for Matchmaking? Do you base it off of Reputation levels, boats sank, time played, kills etc? Considering this isn't a competitive game, do you even bother with matchmaking system? Their has been many a better games with PVP that don't have a matchmaking system that are rather successful.

    Final notes PvP =/= Griefing. Can we stop throwing this word out where it doesn't belong? PvP is just as much a part of this game as PvE. Engaging in one part of a game isn't griefing. Motive matters when you define an action as Griefing.

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