Patch Notes Discussion - 1.2.5

  • Looking forward to this update and thanks again on your hard work :)

    Last night I noticed our Athena's Quest Riddles weren't working and for that couldn't complete the task and before that glitch when an Athena's Quest was completed no Athena's Chest. Any word on those issues?

    Also your skeletons spawning wave after wave is RIDICULOUS.

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @knifelife said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @nunoazuldimeter said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @khaleesibot I thought Joe said in the Devs video the feature for take all & store all would be in this update as well. But it's not in the patch notes. Did I misunderstood?

    It's something that we're working on, to test with the Pioneers first before giving to the wider community!

    @khaleesibot NDA BREACH! ;)

    I can now see if i barrels empty before i enter ! Im a happy sailer.
    Good job on getting those fixes out quickly. It must have taken alot of hard work and been a stressful week for the team. Fridays almost here so ill head out and get you all a chest of a thousand grogs to chill out with for the weekend!

    Nice to see the Doubloons staying, is this going to be a continuous thing with the events now and any chance of the mermaid and thrones ones coming back?

    Hehehe! How incredibly kind of you!

    We will not be retroactively enabling the Doubloons for previous Bilge Rat Adventures. As for future events, we'll make sure to let players know in the Patch Notes what, if any Commendations will continue to have their Doubloons after the adventure is over. They'll also be visible in the UI!

    Developer Update! -

  • Ok sooo...

    How does an organization appease 10's of thousands of players at the same time?

    It can't 😎

    So much negativity. A lot of concerns in here were addressed by Rare.

    Empty servers? Pft, I can't find one of those, I see other ships all over the place. The barrel UI is not difficult at all, people are overexaggerating.

    I say make events monthly. Give more lead time in development.

    80hrs/week in WoW? Wish I had that kind of free time...and I'm retired!

    Constructive criticism👏👍
    Negative criticism 🙉👎

    Fact is, all games have bugs. UE4 is full of it's own bugs that translate to the game; fortnite and PUBG are no exception.

    Master C++ then head apply for a job at rare. 😎

    So is there any PATCH NOTES DISCUSSION in here? I'd like to hear some issues that have been submitted as trouble tickets that might assist me in my gameplay before the next update...thanks

  • So new patch isn’t much better.

    1. Horrible UI for inventory still exists. Get the hint and dump it already. It’s still slow and cumbersome to use.
    2. Delays with items being grabbed from barrels and showing up on player inventory side.
    3. Cannon misfires still exist has not been resolved.
    4. Horrible loading lag now with textures and overall control responses.
    5. Sensitivity has changed cranked up all the way and still lags behind on the movement.
    6. Still missing an effective way to manage cursed cannonballs.

    Players seem to be able to sword charge through the stairs on mid deck on a galleon as seen by @Animarlox, @WAW-Gunn , @hammy-hamstar .

    Overall very slight improvement but still needs to be scrapped and go back to the drawing board on the inventory idea.

  • @personalc0ffee well that at least gives me the chance to play forsaken shores then uninstall it from my hard drive

  • @personalc0ffee not saying to maintain it and yes change is good. But not in its current form. I just have that feeling it’s being rushed to a fixed point and then hit us with the dlc and have it be a bad experience. I want them to succeed but they need to take a step back and re visit this system with more testing time and input.

  • I lost a level of PL since the update, I don't understand ? Is someone in the same situation? It's frustrating given the time it takes to go from level 7 to 8 :(

  • @personalc0ffee the challenge I have is the constant "rushing" and breaking of stuff then apologising. Not expecting inventory to go back it would be nice if it just worked. Then you have the other stuff never fixed or broken multiple times. It's getting boring.

  • RIP Sea of Thieves !

  • @personalc0ffee that's what I am highlighting. How many videos do we have to put up with before something is learned? I would prefer less videos apologising and more care and attention with a bit of listening thrown in followed by a bit of pre release testing. At the moment this feels like a race to the bottom.

    Wait for it I feel a forum thread lock coming on.

  • @hammy-hamstar

    Wait for it I feel a forum thread lock coming on.

    me 2 :)

  • All the inventory system needs is a quick grab option for the barrels on the boat and the ability to quickly grab bananas from barrels on shore. X should grab and HOLD X should open. default grab is banana, then next available resource.

  • Hi Team,

    A few issues I spotted while playing 1.2.5:

    1.) I am on XBOX and I was getting immediately kicked out of the ships cannon barrels while sailing after 1.2.5. Occasionally I would get in, but if I made one transaction I would be kicked out again. Unless it was just coincidence with the waves. My PC friend playing with me did not experience the issue as much during our session but he still did see it from time to time. Mine was pretty consistent every time we set sail and would stop when the ship stopped or on calm water. I was trying multiple angles and distances but could not find any consistency in it working properly. The patch notes eluded that this was resolved and I actually never saw it in 1.2.4 but now I am seeing it.

    2.) Another issue I saw (maybe just server/lag related), was that every time I deposited or removed items from a ships barrel it was very sluggish and I could not quickly deposit or remove. There was a significant pause in between each action.

    Hope this feedback helps! Cheers!

  • @iceman-0007 said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    So new patch isn’t much better.

    1. Horrible UI for inventory still exists. Get the hint and dump it already. It’s still slow and cumbersome to use.
    2. Delays with items being grabbed from barrels and showing up on player inventory side.
    3. Cannon misfires still exist has not been resolved.
    4. Horrible loading lag now with textures and overall control responses.
    5. Sensitivity has changed cranked up all the way and still lags behind on the movement.
    6. Still missing an effective way to manage cursed cannonballs.

    Players seem to be able to sword charge through the stairs on mid deck on a galleon as seen by @animalrox , @WAW-Gunn , @hammy-hamstar .
    [Edit - there, changed it for ya Ice]
    Overall very slight improvement but still needs to be scrapped and go back to the drawing board on the inventory idea.

    1. Hopefully they manage to tweak it to where it becomes as fluent as we have gotten used to (fingers crossed). BUT, for the love of the game, once the TAKE ALL and GIVE ALL is implemented PLEASE PLEASE PWETTY PWEASE limit it to our current MAX ball/nana/plank usage or I can see no end of 'griefing' posts in future.
    2. Yup, still getting a pause after pressing X to quit the inventory too.
    3. Lol, I laughed to myself last night as it was normally me this happened to.
    4. Only had a few laggy moments recently (thankfully).
    5. Agreed. 10 seems super effective on XBone, but item clipping is more prevelant when it's this high :-(
    6. Yup

    I wondered about that 'thru the stairs sword dash' after that player mangled most of us with it and tried to replicate it to no avail, must be a PC thing (Hint Hint, without saying the actual "H" word).

    Guess the best idea would be for RARE to stop with the 2wk content push and take it to at least 1mth intervals, then full testing and retesting could be properly implemented which should prevent most if not all of the bugs - Just my tuppence worth.

  • @aardvarkhell said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Hi Team,

    A few issues I spotted while playing 1.2.5:

    1.) I am on XBOX and I was getting immediately kicked out of the ships cannon barrels while sailing after 1.2.5. Occasionally I would get in, but if I made one transaction I would be kicked out again. Unless it was just coincidence with the waves. My PC friend playing with me did not experience the issue as much during our session but he still did see it from time to time. Mine was pretty consistent every time we set sail and would stop when the ship stopped or on calm water. I was trying multiple angles and distances but could not find any consistency in it working properly. The patch notes eluded that this was resolved and I actually never saw it in 1.2.4 but now I am seeing it.

    2.) Another issue I saw (maybe just server/lag related), was that every time I deposited or removed items from a ships barrel it was very sluggish and I could not quickly deposit or remove. There was a significant pause in between each action.

    Hope this feedback helps! Cheers!

    This same thing happened to me during a long play session yesterday. I was constantly getting kicked out of the barrels. Sometimes, after trying several times, it would work just long enough to be operable but then would go back to kicking me out. I'm also on Xbox and I was on a sloop (I have also seen this happen to other players on sloops on PC on a stream). This is quite a serious bug which I have reported to the devs. Hopefully this gets seen and addressed!

  • I’m in game at the moment so not much time to read threads but my game has been super glitchy ever since this update! It glitches me under he boat and kills me, glitches me into rocks, doesn’t let me get into barrels to get resources and gets me killed every time cuz I’m trying to get planks and cannon balls. It pretty much makes the game unplayable...

  • @bananabicycle now rhat I’ve been stuck in loading screen for 10 minutes after trying to leave the ferry of the damned I had time to read through these and see that it looks like everyone is having the same issues!

  • @bananabicycle said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    I’m in game at the moment so not much time to read threads but my game has been super glitchy ever since this update! It glitches me under he boat and kills me, glitches me into rocks, doesn’t let me get into barrels to get resources and gets me killed every time cuz I’m trying to get planks and cannon balls. It pretty much makes the game unplayable...

    And now we have to wait another week for any possible fixes.... There will be no maintenance this week.... GG

    I wonder if the bugs currently in the game will finally be fixed when forsaken shores a rrives. I doubt it though...

  • So I just started playing around with this update and experienced something I haven't experienced in a while on this game - a crash. The game became unresponsive and then after several seconds crashed straight to the desktop. Anybody else experiencing crashes with the latest update?

  • Decided to play after not playing for a week or so, last night. First hunting around for cannonballs on outpost... there still a point after exiting the barrel where you can't using any movement commands.

    Looked over and my friend was a green skeleton. We started an OOS quest went to Marauders arch for first quest and the skeletons were stuck inside the island unable to do that quest. So we went to the next island which was cast away island. Sound of skeleton drum line was stuck on a constant loop even though we left island. Friend looked over at me and I was a green skeleton. Went to next island and saw flotsam near Castaway. Went to get flotsam.. it immediately sank... Got to Castaway and the first wave of skellies were pistol and sniper skellies. Which proceeded to kill me 3 times in a row while I desperately tried to loot more bananas from the barrels on the island (screw this inventory system). Finally got first wave... then got golden skellies which were not effected by water as we tried to splash them... Got frustrated and logged off. Fix the game... you shouldn't be skipping maintenance... you should be fixing the bugs. The game just isn't fun in this state... seriously fix it.

    Edit: Plus most of the streamers I used to listen to at work, have now stopped playing this game.

  • There is no longer a progress bar around the mission categories. This is an extremely nice thing to have, always better to know where you stand.

  • @addusion

    There is no longer a progress bar around the mission categories. This is an extremely nice thing to have, always better to know where you stand.

    If you mean the ring showing percentage complete between one level and the next: then, yes, this is a known bug. I am pretty sure a fix is promised.

  • Sorry for not reading through every post, but on top of the common issues discussed, I've experienced a few item placement issues in this patch.

    When dropping crates, chests and the like on a moving ship I sometimes find the items are placed in mid air, only to then fall in to the ocean.

    My son also has a neat hiding place for skulls (on/inside the cannons with the cannons pointed straight up) - this sometimes results in the skulls falling in to the ocean too.

    I have also experienced a greater degree of hitching than I would normally see in game, resulting in me falling off my boat (no alcohol needed!)

  • For those not on Twitter this was posted by Captain Falcore on YouTube:

    "Rare have just tweeted that the Forsaken Shores expansion MAY be delayed for a few days. They will know more 9n Monday.

    Something must of gone seriously wrong, I don't think I've ever seen a scheduled update be delayed on a online game before.

    Rest assured they are working through the problems this weekend to try and get it out to us. Hop by their Twitter and throw them some support!"

  • @edzedd said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    For those not on Twitter this was posted by Captain Falcore on YouTube:

    "Rare have just tweeted that the Forsaken Shores expansion MAY be delayed for a few days. They will know more 9n Monday.

    Something must of gone seriously wrong, I don't think I've ever seen a scheduled update be delayed on a online game before.

    Rest assured they are working through the problems this weekend to try and get it out to us. Hop by their Twitter and throw them some support!"

    that's because it's on these forums ( and this has nothing to do with the patchnotes ;-)

  • @beardfaceyo said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Sorry for not reading through every post, but on top of the common issues discussed, I've experienced a few item placement issues in this patch.

    When dropping crates, chests and the like on a moving ship I sometimes find the items are placed in mid air, only to then fall in to the ocean.

    My son also has a neat hiding place for skulls (on/inside the cannons with the cannons pointed straight up) - this sometimes results in the skulls falling in to the ocean too.

    I have also experienced a greater degree of hitching than I would normally see in game, resulting in me falling off my boat (no alcohol needed!)

    I'm not sure if it's an issue with this patch, but it's something I've only noticed lately: chickens and pigs disappearing from crates when you drop them on board your ship. Very annoying when there isn't another one of the type you need on the island.

  • @pirate2002capn said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    hello rare i have some bug fixes i wanna report
    1.Cannon barrles glichting out cannot when player press x to get cannons in and out.
    2.ship flying around in the air as i dont know how
    thats all for now until then cheers rare
    oh and thanks for reading this commet as well

    Ahoy Matey!

    Thanks for taking the time to let Rare know about bugs you've found. You should report the bugs using this page right here so the bug goes through the proper channels.

    As for your second point: This might be due to a disconnect. Are you being disconnected shortly after the ship starts flying in the air?

  • @murkrage said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    @pirate2002capn said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    As for your second point: This might be due to a disconnect. Are you being disconnected shortly after the ship starts flying in the air?

    Its when you ram another ship, this bug has been in the game for months.

  • When you're on the sloop in the open sea, I can not always open the barrels. The menu opens and closes immediately.

  • @kdetna said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    When you're on the sloop in the open sea, I can not always open the barrels. The menu opens and closes immediately.

    Same here and with no maintenance this week. It seems we will be stuck with bug over there weekend. Ugh.

  • @treefittymonsta
    Same :( I was in a sloop with a friend and we couldn’t grab any cannonballs while the sloop was moving, we needed to stop (raise all sails) in order to access the cannonballs barrels.

  • I experienced several periods over a play session this weekend where I couldn't interact with anything on the ship. I'd attempt to man the wheel, it would bring me close to the wheel and then push me back. The same would happen with the sails and the barrels.

    It seemed to resolve each time the boat stopped and started moving. It made for a jarring session.

  • Ive been playing since beta and I got strange bug for the first time where I couldnt sell any items at the outposts and couldnt access any barrels even on the outpost.

  • @mith-bosevem a guy I was playing with had this as well so I had to sell everything for us lol

  • @mith-bosevem said in Patch Notes Discussion 1.2.5:

    Ive been playing since beta and I got strange bug for the first time where I couldnt sell any items at the outposts and couldnt access any barrels even on the outpost.

    Yep it's a known issue in the community. It has yet to make it to rare's known issues list so hopefully they know about. We have all reported it multiple times.

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