Buck's Adventure - The Banana Buccaneer

  • Ahoy thar Fo'Rum!

    The voyage to Pirate Legend may be a long one but for me the Sea of Thieves has brought with it so much like friendships, tales of laughter and intense pressure... not to mention gold. Lots and lots of gold.

    Well, for a while now I wanted to share with you all the tales of Buck, my pet banana.

    Actually that's not fair, he's more than a pet. He is his very own Pirate Legend and I thought it would be fun to document his adventures across the Sea of Thieves alongside me.

    So join me in introducing Buck, the Banana Buccaneer!

    Say hi Buck!


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  • Who's a pretty boy banana?

    A few weeks back Buck and I had spent some time chasing down the whereabouts of Wanda... our travels found us upon Crescent Isle.

    We quickly noticed a new resident to the island. It was an undead parrot! Salty!

    Buck loves a good chin-wag as much as the next banana and so I stood back and let the two converse, unfortunately our conversation kept getting cut short from rising skeletons and boom barrels being lit at our feet! But after some time we got through a full conversation with the ex-Armorer-gone-parrot...

    One thing Salty said really reached out to me on a real referencial level.

    "This Parrot has ceased to be!"

    I interupted the conversation with my out-loud laughter. Good one, Rare

  • @pikaaroon Bucks back! Look forward to seeing more of his adventures ☺

  • @stacky-a said in Buck's Adventure - The Banana Buccaneer:

    @pikaaroon Bucks back! Look forward to seeing more of his adventures ☺

    I'm hoping to make this a weekly update for myself :D

  • @pikaaroon I had a chicken called Capernacus who was my ships mascot and sat on the bowsprit..Untill he took a cannonball to the knee..

    But a pet banana..now I truly believe I have seen it all haha I feel like this is going to be one of those Garden gnome trips when they take photos of it at different landmarks around the world ! xD

  • @knifelife Hahaha that's awesome, not the cannonball to the knee bit, that smarts...
    I've also had Chickens called various names too. But Buck is different and is pretty special to my voyages.

    I have a lot of Buck screenshots :P time to actually use them haha
    Your description of the garden gnome is perfect and is exactly the sort of thing I want to document here.

  • @pikaaroon Haha I look forward to seeing his adventures!

  • @pikaaroon I Captain Buck Luny am disappointed by this.... for the tales of this vitamin filled treat are never as epic as my own tales.

  • Something a little more appealing.

    It's been a while since Buck and I had spent time at Sea with @Tartansnake-8 and @stacky-a

    To commemorate the occasion, Buck thought it would be cool to have the cursed cannonballs brighten up the workload and give the ship a little "flair".
    With our work done we watched on as our crew pulled their weight the anchor.

  • @pikaaroon Dang. I was gonna say that Bucks looks appealing. lol

    He does look like a bit of a thug. He's not one of those skinheads is he?
    High on potassium, loitering about, always bent off his tree.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in Buck's Adventure - The Banana Buccaneer:

    @pikaaroon Dang. I was gonna say that Bucks looks appealing. lol

    He does look like a bit of a thug. He's not one of those skinheads is he?
    High on potassium, loitering about, always bent off his tree.

    Low effort post mate, you just copy and pasted his social media bio. Haha 😉

  • @Pikaaroon

  • @pikaaroon said

    Low effort post mate, you just copy and pasted his social media bio. Haha 😉

    Bucks has a social media bio? Good grief.
    It's no wonder you and @Tartansnake-8 found each other to sail together, this game unites weirdos. lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole I swear down if Tartan starts carrying around a snake with an eyepatch I’m done... xD

  • @knifelife Absolutely PMSL!!!!

  • @knifelife said:
    @admiral-rrrsole I swear down if Tartan starts carrying around a snake with an eyepatch I’m done... xD

    Erm .... sorry to see you go Matey!

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