I now understand the Devils Red Seas...

  • @blooddoll22 I mean, you really are, otherwise you wouldn't have bothered to post. I wouldn't be surprised if Rare wants us to believe the SoT world is flat, as it would broaden the game's horizons, so to speak. My point is it makes the SoT world more fantastical and interesting.

  • @blooddoll22 How could Magellan be a lie if he and his works existed long before any of these corporations existed. Next, I'm assuming you think every scientist and historian are in cahoots to hide this information from us, which is highly unlikely as that would bridge approx several million people across 100 or so languages all across the globe. But you believe what you want to believe, I'll just try my hardest to disprove your theories, and so will the rest of the boards community I believe, give or take.

  • The answer is as easy and taking the LAST LETTER in EVERY post I have made on this thread and putting them together lol.

    (Not counting this sentence... but including the earlier sentence in this post.)

  • This as far fetched and complex as Scientology, did Elrond Hubbard also found the the flat earth scociety? And if so, hold these two cans for me and I’ll audit your theory for further legitimacy

  • @thecageddeath see above
    @BecauseSCIENCE1 See above
    @KattTruewalker See above
    @everyone....cmon now gimmie some credit....

  • Credit for what? Lol

  • @thecageddeath lol....look at the last letter of each of my posts.... put them together... youll see. Not counting the last couple but youll get the gag.

  • yyneeseeshhssl...

  • @ever-reddy mmm nope... might need a refresh some of them were edited to add but the message is there...

  • Your trolln lol? If this was actually a big joke than I applaud you for being so committed, if your trolling but actually believe all of this I’ll call you meticulously crazy

  • @thecageddeath the edits of some that were added late might not be reflecting...

    But yes.. one big gag...

    All meant to see who'd bite and go along with the silliness... see this is what happens when Xboxlive takes a dump and I end up staying awake waiting for a far too early mixer event for the figurehead.

    Thanks for the laughs people!

  • And that explains why none of the facts you were giving made a lick of sense XD I simply had nothing better to do as well and just think that the flat earth theory is assnine, so I’ll give you credit we bit lol, I’m more relieved that you don’t actually believe any of that nonsense more than anything tbh XD now go die XD (don’t actually) this is possibly the most committed I’ve ever seen someone to a joke on a forum XD

  • @thecageddeath something I wish the devs would be able to take the time to do more often as well... you might remember the NOLEMONS and PANDORA fiasco of the past to include even others I likely haven't heard of....

    Meta puzzles are something we simply need in SoT IMO lol....

    A way to distract players in game and involve them in the community IMO... though a pain in the ascot to pull off and as the edits didn't seem to apply at once... a joke that was ruined in it's own making sadly. :( *cry

    What's worse is the flat earth society is quite real and not one of the remarks I made were entirely original... they were pulled right off their site.

  • @blooddoll22 said in I now understand the Devils Red Seas...:

    @thecageddeath the edits of some that were added late might not be reflecting...

    Indeed, looks like you were let down by the details my friend...


    But yes.. one big gag...

    Personally I find the best gags are the ones you don't have to explain and get people to work out at the end. Maybe go for something a little more subtle next time. ;)

    All meant to see who'd bite and go along with the silliness...

    Happy to say I'd clocked this at...

    With the shared relationship that the UK based Rare development company has with the flat earth founder Samuel Shenton I.E. his Flat Earth Society in Dover and Rare being in the same time zone.

    I mean flat earthers aren't the most critical thinkers out there, but "because they're in the same time zone" is a leap even for them!

    But still, I applaud the amount of effort that went into it all at! ;)

  • I can’t stop laughing, that was a well thought out joke and even well researched XD I was laughing at all you were saying because I thought you were just a total loon, very committed sir, well done in my opinion this is the definition of a troll and not one I can be mad at because this has given me a solid hour or so of laughs and even more once the REAL truth was revealed XD

  • @ever-reddy said in I now understand the Devils Red Seas...:

    But yes.. one big gag...

    Personally I find the best gags are the ones you don't have to explain and get people to work out at the end. Maybe go for something a little more subtle next time. ;)

    Naw bud.. I had to spill it... people were really starting to think I fell into this theory... I was beginning to border on being looked at too seriously.

    Overall your absolutely right though... Ill plan it better next time ha!

  • @drbullhammer I'll make sure there's several next times thank you. *wink

    Or have there already been and people hadn't noticed?... too late now.. most of my threads and posts are mixed up now or would require a necro, and not all of them have said messages...

    Or do they?

    On an aside, I only see YOU "clearly not appreciating it" *sic .. so if your "alot of people" well.. yea...

    Better still. Roll your eyes and ignore it. Nothing here is hurting anyone except perhaps the one guy who takes the forum waaaaaaay too seriously, no offense. So, with respect.. I'll politely ignore your comment from here on out and continue to enjoy the forums as I have been since my arrival here and smile at the OFF TOPIC placement of this thread.

  • @drbullhammer thank you

  • I feel stupid now. I thought this might have been a joke earlier, but I got so caught up in arguing yeah.

  • @personalc0ffee I just figured it was funny in it's way.. even if others might not have the same sense of humor... moreover I felt it was humorous in it's way enough to at least distract from the non-stop-assault of "PC hacker evil omg stop stop stop" and other similar threads is all.. innocent in it's efforts. Not even really trolling since I't s not intended to cause unrest or screw with people in any way other than to provide comedic relief.

  • @personalc0ffee Thank you C0ffee... I do appreciate the sentiment. But it's fair that DrBullhammer doesn't appreciate the humor. I forgive the person for their opinion and accept the block fairly. Though I shall not alter my activity on these forums and shall continue to do my best to remain a valued conversationalist or at the least share my opinions of varied topics.. I won't hold it against someone for not appreciating the humor of it all.

    It's a reaction I hadn't expected.. I figured at most it'd warrant an Eye-roll...

    But it's what it is...

    Now.. back on topic.. I was sailing along the edge of the red sea.. and I THINK I spotted the edge of an icewall... Ill find the screenshot

  • Thread has run it's course. Locking it down.

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