Skeleton Lore (VIDEO)

  • Cool, you used my screenshot for Wanda the Warsmith.


  • @lt-swag-johnson Oh good I was looking for the original poster, i'll be sure to credit you in the video description!

  • @lt-swag-johnson alt text

  • @captain-faicore Mate you're a legendary video creator.
    I subscribed ages ago but not under this identity. I had to do so incognito to keep the wild women at bay.
    You know how it is. lol :o)

    I would love to sail with you sometime and help you with brainstorming funny ideas and or help by acting out some of your plot ideas.

    Absolutely loved the Noobs (seen it at least 5 or 6 times and it still brings laughter tears to my eyes) and of course when I saw your name in the shark week contest I knew not to even attempt an entry.

    Hit me up sometime. I'm on Win 10 so even if the app is closed I'll still get the notification.

  • @captain-faicore said in Skeleton Lore (VIDEO):

    @lt-swag-johnson alt text

    Very nice! Cheers, matey!

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