How could Merchant Alliance voyages be improved?

  • Merchant

    Ahoy there!

    As the title suggested, I wanted to collect suggestions to spice up Merchant Alliance voyages with new or altered voyage types and mechanisms. If you have any feedback or ideas, let me know in a post below and I'll try to update this (and give credit) accordingly.

    For suggestions on the other two factions check here:
    Order of Souls voyage suggestions
    Gold Hoarders voyage suggestions

    Variety is the spice of life (Additional trade resources)

    Apart from more voyages that will require full cannonball crates, banana crates or plank crates. We'd love to see more variation in the resources we'd have to trade.

    Shipping crates
    These crates are generic crates of goods that will have the delivery information on them which will be visible for everyone looking at the crate. The information provided is enough to figure out where they can be handed in. Unlike the cages, shipping crates are always worth the same amount which makes them a willing target for theft. The only downside is that you can only hand them in at the NPC supplied on the delivery information to get money for them.

    Rum barrels (Suggestion by @Bern-Dimall, @IceMan-0007)
    Nobody trusts water for drinking, so the alcoholic beverages need to be available everywhere. Good pirates as we are, we're definitely willing to ferry around some drinks to bring joy... for the right price.

    Sailing with rum is almost as tricky as sailing with gun powder, although the damage is slightly less damaging for the ship, wasting booze is never good for morale. Although nobody on the ship at the moment of breaking will be very sad, everyone will instantly be drunk, singing and going through the entire range of emotes.

    Rum will age over time (Suggstion by @m1sterpunch)
    When you have rum in your possession, it will age over time. The older the rum, the better the quality and therefor the better the price. The age of the rum could be visualized by the color of the barrel or the color of the label on the barrel and the color will change over time. Much like the animals on other voyages, there will be different "grades" of rum: white, amber, dark and spiced rum.

    Finding rum (Suggstion by @m1sterpunch)
    Rum can be found stashed away in random stashes in the ground. They'll be recognizable by the wooden planks covering the stash. You need to take the planks (or destroy them in a way) to reveal the hidden goods under them.

    Master Merchant (Changed mechanism)

    Since the merchants are all about trading, why not maximize profits if you're a good sailor. All the voyages from the Merchant Alliance have a set start and end time, why not allow people to accept multiple contracts (maybe limited to 3?) and prove their worth. Without changing each contract it would offer quite a challenge to try and gather everything in time for a nice payout.

    Quality of a Merchants Life (QoL improvements)

    Gathering Progress (Suggestion by @Galactic-Geek)
    Whenever you capture an animal or gathered a requested item add strikethrough lines, ticks or green checkmarks next to all of the gathered items IMMEDIATELY. This way everyone can see what was captured and what is still needed. If an animal dies or cage/item is lost a red X can appear next to it until recovered.

    Reduce the size the cages take up in the screen (Suggestion @Foxdodge)
    The cages currently take up about two thirds of the screen while holding them, it would be nice if we could see a bit more when holding a cage. You wouldn't walk around holding the cage in front of your face.

    Animal retrieval (Existing voyage changes)

    Hungry hungry piggies
    Why do pigs require food while snakes and chickens can go without it for years? The mechanism of feeding pigs isn't that bad by itself, however feeding the pig when it doesn't scream doesn't reset the "timer", feeding has to be done really often. It would already improve if you can just feed the pigs once a day and that it would count if you feed them when they're not hungry.

    Replenish Lost Cages
    Whenever a cage is lost, we should be able to go back to the Merchant and reclaim lost cages either for free or by purchasing them. Allowing the purchasing of cages outside voyages would open things up for cheesing again though.

    More animals
    It would be nice if we'd have more variation in the types of animals that are required.

    Increase the price for an animal outside voyages (Suggestion by @Macadoodledew)
    The way animals are currently priced outside voyages, it's never worth it to steal them from another. By making the base price higher and just giving a boosted price for handing them in as part of a voyage it will be worth it to rob a pirate from his animals.

    Stop the color discrimination (Suggestion by @Macadoodledew)
    Everyone knows by now that the golden animals are worth the most, which means a lot of people will just cancel the voyages until they have a voyages that will offer them the best amount of golden animals. If all the animals were worth the same, this wouldn't be an issue. The differences between high and low level voyages would just be in the amount of animals that need to be gathered.

    Postal service

    Delivery of shipping crates from one location to a specified NPC. The delivery information will be listed on the crate(s) you will receive.
    Example: Delivery to "Merry Merrick", location "Sharkbait Cove"

    • Simple delivery

    Deliver one or several crates to one NPC.

    • Delivery route

    Drop off several crates to multiple people, ticking off the names on each delivery.

    Deliver one or several crates to a NPC within a very short time. The longer it takes you to deliver the crate, the less money it's worth.

    Deliver a crate on a very specific date and time. If you happen to come into possesion of the package without starting the voyage, the delivery will pass on to you. The shady recipient will only wait for you for 1 hour and missing the mark will fail the mission, however if you're there in time you'll receive cash on delivery.

    The Merchant Alliance is proud of their delivery service and wants to show that to the world. If you fly the Pirate Post Delivery flag they will offer you a bigger cut on the earnings.

    Each outpost should have specific trade goods that can be bought and sold at varying prices. Buying these goods at a certain outpost and selling them at another outpost that is low on these goods might earn you a nice profit. This would create actual trade routes that will change due to supply and demand.

    Innkeep rumours (Suggestion by @J4dio)
    To get the latest information of what might be worth selling or buying pirates could have a word with the local innkeepers, they might shared with you some of the things they've heard.

    Weekly restock request board (Side-voyage)

    Check out the Merchant Alliance board to see what goods they're low on and will pay good money for. Looking at this board will present you with a copy so you can tick off the items. This collecting can be done next to your other voyages and will refresh every week. Progress will be personal and won't change when changing server.

    Plant and fruit collection

    Collection of specific plants, plant parts or fruit (hopefully more than just bananas).

    Underwater voyages

    Explore the underwater reefs for the collection of plants, coral, clams, pieces of Rare statues (Mermaid statues) or stones from underwater ruins.

    Collecting shellfish (Suggestion @Bern-Dimall)
    Apart from normal gathering voyages, you can also get special cages for shellfish (shrimp, blue crabs, rock lobsters, dungeness crab, red lobster). Shellfish are fairly easy to capture, but are sold by the dozen. Pricing varies from shrimp being the lowest tier to red lobster being the top tier.

    Pearl diving (Suggestion @Bern-Dimall)
    When diving for oysters you can open an oyster in hopes of getting a precious pearl. Not all oyster will contain pearls though and opening the oyster will discard it, so is it a risk you're willing to take?

    Merchant Challenges (Additional commendations)

    Commendation challenges like the current faction commendations (no doubloons!) with several grades, the higher grades would offer titles or cosmetics.

    • Hunting challenges

    Hunting would include hunting sharks, snakes, Megan, Karen or any newly added animal like boars, tigers, dolphins, whales, etc. The commendations for killing sharks, snakes, Megan and Karen would immediately represent the number of kills you've already had in the game (Rare is tracking everything, so they probably know). Newly added animals would also immediately be added to the list.

    • Fishing challenges

    Fishing commendations would include fish up X number of fish but also capturing specific Rare fish that only appear on certain spots.

    Thank you for reading and again if you have any feedback or ideas, feel free to let me know in a post below and I'll try to update this (and give credit) accordingly.


    Captain FishSt1ck

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  • Trade routes could even consist of bringing planks/ cannonballs to outpost x and you only being able to pick up the crates from outpost y

  • All I ask is that they put strikethrough lines on, or green checkmarks next to, all of the gathered animals, barrels, and crates on the voyage checklist BEFORE they are sold to the merchant alliance - for easier tracking. If an animal dies or cage/item is lost a red X can appear next to it until recovered too.

  • I hope to see your whole list of ideas implemented! I've gone and mentioned a few of these before, but you've done it much nicer and cleaner. Nice work!

  • @psych0-knightro
    Yea I'm pretty sure I've seen most of these or parts of them earlier as well, just can't remember who suggested it :)

  • How about diving (Mermaids Hideaway comes to mind) for Blue crab, Oysters (with Pearls), Rock Lobsters, etc. ? Each outpost has a varying price for such items so they can be purchased and traded from outpost to outpost, hence we create our own trade routes. The shell fish are sold by the dozen and bring a decent price (say around 360 per dozen). They are fairly easy to catch ( just hold the y button like feeding a pig over the top of them) for they move slowly. Along with the addition of pearls there would also be the elusive Red Lobster that would raise the sale price by say 250 coins per Red Lobster turned in. Same thing with the Dungeness crab. If you choose to shuck an oyster in hopes of a precious pearl then the oyster is discarded but getting a pearl is worth it!

  • I would like to see a smuggling variation. Pick up a voyage and it will put a shady NPC on a destination island(not an outpost) to deliver an unmarked crate to but he/she is only there at a certain hour each day.(Give more purpose to the pocketwatch). Would be cool too if the voyage was stealable. So if someone steals the crate they would get access to where it can be turned in at. Either that or it just becomes a waste item like animals if you don't have the voyage which is slightly annoying in my book.

  • The merchants itself like mentioned above by @Bern-Dimall add in sea life and please get rid of having to feed the pigs multiple time. We don't have to feed chickens so why do we have to keep feeding a pig. Add in some rum crates, and coconut crates.

  • @iceman-0007 Rum crates! So if anyone on the ship accidentally (hic cup) breaks open a crate of rum the entire crew breaks into song (Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum) and goes through the entire emote wheel as if we were hit by a cursed cannonball! The last emote would be sleep. Here's the kicker. If an enemy on our ship got to the rum crate we'd all be dancing, pointing, clapping and acting the fool including our enemy. 😀 When we awoke though he'd have a booty whoopin comin!😂

  • @bern-dimall Awesome! too bad I can't upvote this 100

  • @iceman-0007 So I look in the water and this bearded skirt wearing pirate is bringing us a rum crate, but wait, as I look behind him his mate is bringing a tnt barrell! It's the dreaded Rum barrel attack! Take to high ground! 😂😂😂
    To the OP: Sorry we got off track a little. We'll refrain from here on out.🙂

  • @bern-dimall @John-Hatter
    Added some more of your suggestions, I hope they're visible as I just noticed when I got home that I couldn't even my edits until I edited the post again...

  • I love the idea of the rum barrels. Also someone way back mentioned Aged goods (rum would qualify) so the longer you had the item the more it would be worth. This would have a cap of course but if you found it in the world it would give you reason to have it aboard your boat longer while the cask ages.

    Also there should be boarded up holes that spawn on random islands with stashes of a few rum casks. Maybe a they would spawn like an OoS mission after you get the voyage but hopefully also randomly. You break open a hatch (maybe with a boarding axe giving more usefulness to this new weapon we all want) and you find 2 or 3 "young" rum casks. If you have them for longer the barrels slightly get darker in colour and become "aged" rum casks.

    Have white, amber, dark and spiced rum for the "grades" much like the colours of the animals on other missions.

    Also have the barrels able to be tapped like the Chest of 1000 grogs.

    I think having them able to explode is a neat idea but not really good for the overall QoL of the missions.

  • fishing and crabs would help

  • @fishst1ck Great Idea, adds a huge Spice to diversity in missions!

  • I was thinking that Merchant Alliance simply can give you Delivery Voyages. You are required to fly a merchant pennant flag when on a Delivery Voyage. A Merchant at an outpost will hand you an assortment of sugar, tea, silk, spices, bannanas, cannonballs, or wood planks to deliver to an outpost. This may seem mindless and boring, but perhaps Pirates will see your flying a merchant flag and try to sink you or loot you for the goods and finish your mission for you with greater rewards.

    As for animals, it seems ridiculous you can’t request more cages for animals and that voyages single out the color of animals. In all honesty, you should be able to turn in animals anywhere anytime for good money. Instead you get less than one hundred coin for it. I also find it annoying that I have to always redeploy voyages looking for a gold animal voyage. Let the animals be worth the same. End the racism (color distinguishment) of animals.

    I did like the general idea of main post and I hope Rare considers changes to Merchant Quest.

  • @m1sterpunch Aged gold chest and treasure should also be a thing.

  • @iceman-0007 I think feeding them is a good mechanic, but why so often. It should be once a day at most.

  • @john-hatter Exactly dude. I think Merchants should have Delivery Voyages where the deliver has to fly a merchant pennant flag which notifies pirate they have good loot. If a pirate plunders this loot they have the opportunity to complete the mission for more gold.

  • @macadoodledew
    Although I quite like the idea of having to have a visible flag when doing merchant missions, I think it could be something to use to "boost" your rewards instead. Without changes to allowing the items to be worth more when handing it is wouldn't be worth robbing them though.

    The delivery missions could never ask you to deliver normal tradegoods though because that would just result in immediately selling them again.

    As for the colors, it's just to make sure that the higher level missions give you better rewards. I see what you're saying though, they could just take an average price and let higher level voyages just require more animals instead of better colors.

    About the pricing for handing in animals outside the voyage, that would basically just make the time limit useless because then you can hand in the animal whenever. That in combination with the cage suggestion you had would just mean people would fill their ships with cages and sail from island to island to pick them clean from animals.

    I'll add some of your ideas to the list though :)

  • Quality of life suggestion: have cages only take up one third of the screen, as opposed to the current two thirds. (when holding them)

  • @fishst1ck thank you mate

  • @fishst1ck I would upvote more if I could, very well written post, with some excellent suggestions.

  • @personalc0ffee said in How could Merchant Alliance voyages be improved?:

    Got to be real careful towards any kind of market that can be manipulated or exploited by players.

    It would be nice to add the addition @Macadoodledew suggested, that if you sail around with certain trade goods on your ship you are basically forced to use the Merchant flag. This would mean that everyone that see you sail with that flag knows you have valuable crates on it.

    Just an example without any limit:
    You've heard a rumour about Ancient Spire looking for Crates of Pigtails, you might be able to get 1100 gold a crate for them. The price at Golden Sands is 1000 gold and you know that if you sail with the Merchants flag the entire you don't pay the 100 gold tax per crate. So you spend 100,000 gold on buying crates and move 100 crates from the Merchant to your ship (having the merchant on the pier makes it a bit easier). You sail all the way to Ancient Spire with the Merchant Flag up and are able to sell them for 1100 gold a piece, generating a profit of 10,000 gold.

    Doing this with large quantities will make it extremely risky because of the time it'll take to load and unload and if you'd somehow visualize that someone has trade goods on board people will be actively on the lookout. Since it is your own money you invest, it might be an interesting gamble though :)

    I guess the balance can be created by limiting the stock of the vendors and increasing/decreasing the price on items based on how much items the vendor still has. Purchase price is always higher than the sales prices ofc. I agree that it shouldn't be too easy to sail around with your ship full of items and make millions of profit on selling it all.

  • @fishst1ck yes please

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