How long are SoT days?

  • We looked and it seems that they should only take two minutes (seems to be 5 seconds per hour and 5 X 24 is 120) but it seems to take MUCH longer than this. So, does anyone know? If so explain.

  • 7
  • @deviatevoyage41 I thought 1 minute RL = 1 hour in game. Meaning every 24 minutes is a game day. I could be wrong though.

  • How Time is Measured in the Sea of Thieves

  • Oh! Derp :P you’re right! I guess my brain just wasn’t working.

  • 2 minute days!? Lol

    That'd be hilarious to see with the sun and moon just rocketing across the sky

  • @tre-oni or screaming?

  • @DeviateVoyage41
    In game the notices about the skeleton ships say:

    • Golden Shores between 1. and 10. of the month
    • Ancient Isles between 11. and 20.
    • The Wilds between 21. and 30.

    So every 10 days in game the region changes.
    In RL this happens every 4 hours (12 hours for a full cycle, 2 cycles per day).

    RL 4 hours = 10 days in game
    RL 240 minutes = 10 days in game
    RL 24 minutes = 1 day in game
    RL 24 minutes = 24 hours in game
    RL 1 minute = 1 hour in game

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