I would SELL MY SOUL for some skeleton crewmates.

  • Watching these skeleton ships sail around with a full crew bustling about makes my heart go pitter pat. Even as they stunlock my poor dancing pirate into the sea, I can't help but think how great it would be to have a crew of all skeleton pirates.

    Watching them adjust sails to match the wind, shooting cannons, repairing ships, following you around as a bodyguard / treasure carrier. Ugh..!

  • 12
  • Lol a nice idea for sure!
    I could imagine that it would make sailing very boring however of they did it!

  • Had one of my teammates change into a skeleton because of a bug last week.
    Things didn't change tho my friends always ajust sails haul treasure help etc.

  • @hynieth it is funnier when they go in a cannon and you see their scrawny bone neck holding up a skull out of a big cannon.

  • @sshteeve yeah like you wouldn't have to repair the ship all you would do is nothing lol

  • @seanethermore I have thought about it myself too. Maybe if your crew could vote on an option to fill your empty space with a Skelly named slim. All he does is board holes and is set to walking speed. Give him a funny wave and a couple quirky emotes. No dialogue! I don't wanna hate him after he's been on my boat for 3 hours.

  • Skeletons aren't the only things coming back to life lol. This post is 2 years old!

  • @Deckhands Shut this Post down.

  • @captain-narwha1 said in I would SELL MY SOUL for some skeleton crewmates.:

    @Deckhands Shut this Post down.

    why it's not a complain post about pve severs and why we need them now

  • @seanethermore I'm actually not against this idea. Maybe limit it to only one skeleton crewmate and for the sloop only though. Otherwise if you can have a full skeleton crew for a brig or galleon as a solo, why would you bother solo'ing a sloop?

  • @closinghare208 The Post is 2 years old. Its Thread Bumping/Resurrecting Threads.

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