Currently getting. Lavenderbeard

  • [link text](Is anyone else getting lavender beard seem like they need some server maintence for this new patch. I was getting alot of lag today on a 2 ma sloop.
    [link text](link url))

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  • @enf0rcer We've been seeing a lot of reports regarding this this evening and Rare is aware of it as well. For now the best advice that we have is to perform a hard reset on your console and if that doesn't work to uninstall and reinstall the game completely. Hope this helps mate!

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi thanks a i did a hard reset and it worked.

  • I was able to download the update (xbox) and got the lavender beard error, but after I hard reset it seems to be loading now.

    My crew mate on the other hand is having difficulties even downloading the update to even start the game (also xbox).

  • an hard reset? its a joke the installtion takes for sure more than 2 hrs even with 100mbit. and a hard reset means also i lost all my games on HDD. u have a huge bug and tell the people they should hard reset the xbox? cant beleive it...pls getit together i dont wanna hard reset my xbox thats not cool....

  • @weedstar-deluxe Ahoy matey!

    By hard reset they mean hold your power button in for 10 seconds and the Xbox will do a "hard" shutdown forcing the OS and all games and apps to relaunch in a cleaner manner.

    This will not affect anything stored on your Xbox it is just a power management cycle.

  • thank you,so my rage was pointless😆 edit:btw it worked

  • @enf0rcer yeah I just did the newest update and my game just kept coming up with lavendarbeard as a code, I was kinda lost because it seemed to be a common era for pc players and something to do with proxy firewalls but I am not a pc player so hence my confusion. Started to think maybe my Xbox one x had a virus in it from all apps in it. I just did a hard reset though and still is coming up with lavendarbeard. Is anyone else having this issue after the newest sea of legends update for the main game?

  • @dom5595 Servers are down for an update matey. Nothing to do with your end.

    Game should be back up at around 16:00 Uk time.

  • @luciansanchez82 cheers mate. But in saying that if the servers are down then why use a antivirus code/proxy server code for pc instead of the appropriate code when their servers are down on their end?

  • @dom5595 One for Rare I'm afraid! Though I imagine we probably hit a proxy before being connected to the actual game servers as part of MS security fabric. Just a guess, but that's the best I have!

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