Don't persue a Luny!

  • The Evening started out like many others, we did some drinking customized our ship and dropped a quest.
    This evening would again be an Athena quest.

    Different from other evenings we now had a new crewmember joining our crew. He only recently enlisted and we were set to show him the ropes and give him an adventure of a lifetime.

    As we set off with many a coop pen and baskeet we sailed the seas hopping form island to island teaching our comrade to fight, dig up treasure and catch animals. As we did we saw a few sloops on the horizon. One of my crew is keen on these little vessels and likes to help them. So we promised eachother not to sink them. Galleons however were fair game.

    One such galleon was spotted anchored by an island. We payed it a visit and sunk it. The bounty was rich and well earned.

    But lo and behold, another galleon turned on us on the horizon and was making speed. Not knowing our new foe we turned and started to move away from it. We had a ship full of earned and stolen loot and were not about to give up on it.
    The galleon persuing us was a tenacious one and we decided to pay it a visit. One of my crew and myself went up the mast and took a gunpowder barrel each and dropped off the side of the ship. Angled ourselves so we were on intercept course and tried to board.
    I got lucky and grabbed the ladder, the explosive strapped to my back I climed up, my mate was less fortunate and blew up on the side of the ship.
    It's crew probably thought they were done with boarders but there I was. I ran to the bow of the ship and lit the fuse, I dropped the barrel into their hold and dropped their anchor.

    What happened next was a dream come true.

    The crew of the ship I was on saw me and ran for me, not noticing the barrel that had been lit a mere 3....4.....5 seconds ago. Just as the four were passing the stairs where I dropped it a loud deafening explosion sounded. Limp bodies flew everywhere and dissapeared in a green cloud of smoke.

    The ship sunk to the bottom of the seas, it's bounties soon to be picked up by my crew.

    If you ever see a pirate named Buck Luny, be warned not to chase or if you do not to let your guard down. For this legend will not go down easy.

  • @hynieth

    A fine tale and what timing with the barrel in the hold, right?!

  • @katttruewalker Indeed, I giggled like a little girl when it went off ^_^

  • @hynieth Nice! Adding the fuse to the barrels was a fantastic move.

    Bet your new shipmate was bumped up a few levels after that voyage!

  • @luciansanchez82 He was 14/15/9/1 of something after the session.

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