What the heck?

  • Each time there is ANY kind of post, wether it be new weapons, new cosmetics, or new quest ideas, we get a TON of fights in them. Everyone bashes one another, no one gets along. And then all those threads get locked. Why are people on the forums like this? It doesn't do anyone good!

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  • @CheatingPirate
    Seriously, stop... just stop, take a break...

    Not because YOUR post get locked all others get locked.
    Read the forum rules before posting and stop spamming different post for complaining about how unfair the people on the forum are...

  • What the heck dude? Stop being such a victim. You have clearly broke rules of this forum and still complain about how everybody is toxic? If all around you is toxic, maybe it's because you are in the center of it. You need to change your attitude.

  • Not any post, just one specific variety, a certain flaggy variety

  • Its crazy mods lock those threads so quick, yet allow PvE threads to pop up all the time and take forever to lock them and ban the OP.

  • @noctael well it's not my fault everyone is being one sided on this issue.

  • @cheatingpirate

    The posts you’ve made have been very political whether intentional or not. The flags you are asking for are very politically charged, as are the tweets in that account you linked to in the closed thread.

    Im with zyrkal you should take a break for a day, especially if the forum exchanges are affecting you the way you’ve said they are in a (I guess now deleted?) thread you posted yesterday night. I really hope you feel better and can find a better outlet.

  • @ik0tt0n that is because the pve threads aren't about politics or religious ideals at their core.

    The forum rules clearly state that politics and religion are not acceptable topics. This would include topics that are fundamentally about those subjects as well.

  • @pink-geek-chic but they are in the game in the form of a "pride" flag.

  • @thicclizzy well Nationality flags don't mean political things until someone bring them uo. And yeah I'll probably take a break.

  • At least, ''Pride flag'' is for everybody in the world (yes, including cis-het! ).

  • @cheatingpirate but I'm not talking about the game, I'm speaking about the rules of the forum.

    Just because something in the game may go against your belief (political or religious) it does not mean you can voice that on the forum. The rules are very explicit.

  • @cheatingpirate said in What the heck?:

    @thicclizzy well Nationality flags don't mean political things until someone bring them uo. And yeah I'll probably take a break.

    Nationality is one of two things...

    1. The relationship between a person and a state or government.

    2. A person's nation of origin.

    The first is political the second is racial. Either way, not allowed.

  • @pink-geek-chic eh, both the game and forums have the same code.

    And no, the country you're born in doesn't determine race or politics.

  • @cheatingpirate said in What the heck?:

    @pink-geek-chic eh, both the game and forums have the same code.

    Going to have to disagree. Our actions in the game have to abide by the same rules.

    But the game and what it contains are not within our control. The game is what it is. The developers can put whatever they want to in there. You don't have to play it.

  • And no, the country you're born in doesn't determine race or politics.

    I didn't say "the country you were born in." I said "nation of origin," meaning ancestral origin, which would be your "race," sometimes referred to as your "nationality."

  • Countries flags ARE a politics symbols, it can't be otherwise. Independance's day IS a politic statement!

  • @cheatingpirate its mainly because the forum is for debating but their is more immature people who try to beat a dead hoarse over bumb things like the rainbow flag or safe zones people complaining they got sunk because they want a server to themselves. all this mixed together cause these threads are usually one sided arguments that in the end will never be changed.

  • @cheatingpirate
    People who disagree with you will resort to dragging your post down & getting it locked. Look at nearly every crossplay thread!!
    Be careful 'bending' the rules m8, we've lost a few good pirates already this week, don't go the same way!

  • @caisterkaos some people complain just for the sake of the argument even when they are fundamentally wrong

  • Fun fact: the description of the rainbow flag in game references leprechauns.

  • www.adamsgardens.co.uk/images/random/eported.gif

  • @dislex-fx just stop

  • @john-hatter said in What the heck?:

    Fun fact: the description of the rainbow flag in game references leprechauns.

    What?! Now leprechauns get their own flag? What an outrage!

  • @john-hatter said in What the heck?:

    Fun fact: the description of the rainbow flag in game references leprechauns.

    I actually noticed this the other day. Quite a fun description haha.

    On-topic: @CheatingPirate Like others have said before me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, take a break matey. You're obviously annoyed by the discussions / arguments and a little stressed out because of it.

    Easiest thing to do to not have fights in your topics is to not make topics about controversial subjects.

    I really hope you come back refreshed and see the good of this community. There's a lot of great and fun people here.

  • It seems that people hate change Lol.

    I like to hear new ideas as much as I like to play or see them.
    I’m weird.
    I just always liked new things.
    But for people to hatefully bash on others simply suggesting ideas confuses me..
    Instead of hating, why not peacefully give your idea on why it’s a bad idea? Instead of telling people that there’re stupid.

  • Please 👏Stop 👏 Making 👏 These 👏 Threads 👏 Over 👏 And 👏 Over 👏

  • its always more than one googan flailing his c**p like a hippo. but good luck trying to be heard man these people are fake as hell

  • I like his posts and do want more flags.
    I never get to post in the discussion as it is closed before i get online.
    Other pirate games have nation flags.
    They did exist in pirate times. Most pirates began as privateers for a nation.
    We even had a famous wealthy pirate who sailed out of New Orleans who supported the U.S. versus the British in the war of 1812.

    I would love to have more flags. Give us more flags and I'll give it my own meaning. Red and white stripes is the stars and stripes. If they can give us a red Xand white or blue background, it is the Union Jack. As many other nations have similar patterns, other pirates can set their own meanings. Such as Austria, Cuba, Malaysia, Australia, Greece, Liberia, etc.

  • @d-jaguar said in What the heck?:

    I like his posts and do want more flags.
    I never get to post in the discussion as it is closed before i get online.
    Other pirate games have nation flags.
    They did exist in pirate times. Most pirates began as privateers for a nation.
    We even had a famous wealthy pirate who sailed out of New Orleans who supported the U.S. versus the British in the war of 1812.

    I would love to have more flags. Give us more flags and I'll give it my own meaning. Red and white stripes is the stars and stripes. If they can give us a red Xand white or blue background, it is the Union Jack. As many other nations have similar patterns, other pirates can set their own meanings. Such as Austria, Cuba, Malaysia, Australia, Greece, Liberia, etc.

    I’d be fine with a few more generic flags. It’s tricky, though, because many simple designs have been used by nations or groups. And although there were certainly pirates in 1812, this was not the period the game appears to be modeled after. It’s almost certainly modeled after the Golden Age of Piracy which ended several decades before the U.S. was born. Still, a generic nod to the U.S. would be fine as long as it’s not an anachronism.

  • A general reminder to all, please remain on topic when posting in the forums. Derailing topics with other subjects, not related to the opening post, is a violation of the forum rules, and is subject to being warned.

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