Cheating in Sea of Thieves

  • To anyone now who has played this game for a while, I'm sure you've come across cheaters. Most common one I've run into is the Aimbot where people are able to not miss their shots and see locations of players even through an environment. This is a feature easily obtained by PC players, and unfortunately is ruining gaming experience for a lot of pirates.

    Suggestion: Give an option (not mandatory) for Xbox players to que into a server that is Xbox only. Of course this solution is only a quick fix. The real fix needs to be finding and banning these players (but that is difficult) and players usually find work arounds and continue cheating.

    It is unfortunate that an amazing feature (cross platform with PC/Xbox together), is ruined by the ease of PC hacks. Unfortunately, without the option (again not mandatory) of playing with your own platform only, a lot of players will be frustrated and the perception of "unfair" could potentially ruin gaming experience.

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  • Never going to happen. Cross-play is being pushed as much as possible to all brand of games.

  • @xx-morik-xx if you have evidence post a video. other wise its all speculation.

  • I play 3-5 days 10 + hours per week. I have not seen any cheaters. Thats just as anecdotal as the rest of peoples assessments of the game environment.

    Infact I wish I saw more people most of the time.

  • Cheating is part of gaming for some the end of the day if someone is cheating and ruining your game leave and go to a different server.

  • @xx-morik-xx I like playing with PC players. I even get some on my team sometimes .While sure there are some "cheaters" out there they are on every game.

    They will never have an Xbox only server as it will always be cross play.

    Just be ready and well as they say... GET GOOD.

  • @admiral-tweedle And Mass Effect was "never" going to a Sony console, as it was published by Microsoft.

  • @r3lapz said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    @xx-morik-xx if you have evidence post a video. other wise its all speculation.

    Here is the video evidence. [Mod edited]

  • @cebelicus You should probably send that link to support instead of posting it on the forums. Not sure if that breaks any of the rules but it might. Especially since others can now go there and download the hacks. Not everyone just wants to play fair unfortunately!

    Just a friendly tip! :)

  • @spainrulz Simple google of "Sea of Thieves Cheats" brings it up. Guy wanted proof. There's his proof.

  • @r3lapz It's not speculation if it happens to you.

  • If you think they are cheating, report them using the Xbox live report feature... They will be banned asap. Simple problem solved. Cheating isn't common on Xbox live and crossplay won't change that. Microsoft can and will ban your IP, Mac address, etc. There is almost no way to get out of an Xbox live banhammer just use the tools provided to you.

  • @lord-sphinktus The problem is that there's no way in game to report them. You either have to write their tags down, record footage and hope you get a shot of their name, or rely on the recent players list, which is lagging with PC tags to say the least.

    I'd rather just select Crossplay/Off before beginning my game to alleviate the need to "police the community", as you suggest. That's not my job & not why I'm in the game.

  • @xx-morik-xx Is this for real? I play 4 hours up EVERY DAY and I've never encountered cheaters! I need videos of this... Either I have a really good crew that can even destroy cheaters or this is just especulation... If I've sunk 2 times in the whole game, that's a lot... Hey! this is great, Sinking ratings for players! Hell yeah!

  • @mrbrocksego Literally didnt believe this speculations untill i saw 3 galleons using these types of hacks while my and my team kept coming back they just laugh and said "haha i think they figured it out why are they still so stubborn". Sank 3 different galleons (two on the same server, one in another) you tend to find these people jumping between servers finding raids to level up faster and get gold easier.

    Also easily identified when u check their gamerscore they only have played SoT and the account is new.

  • Guess we can't post proof of cheating & that's exactly why these guys keep asking for proof. They know it exists, but we aren't allowed to post it here.

  • @carlosylu While its true you can easily sink these noobs who decide to "get good" by cheating, the terrible part is during a raid. In which once u sink them, they can comeback at 150 MPH with an amazing amount of resources, they can teleport, somehow use reverse on a ship l**o and fire cannons without reloading.

  • @cebelicus said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    @lord-sphinktus The problem is that there's no way in game to report them. You either have to write their tags down, record footage and hope you get a shot of their name, or rely on the recent players list, which is lagging with PC tags to say the least.

    I'd rather just select Crossplay/Off before beginning my game to alleviate the need to "police the community", as you suggest. That's not my job & not why I'm in the game.

    You can report them easily... What platform are you playing on? I will post instructions for you.

  • Since this games made in unreal engine I figured I'd take a look at anti cheat solutions.

    I'm sure an in house one would be preferred but based on how easy memory injection seems to be in the game so far I don't think one has been made yet.

  • @lord-sphinktus I've been on Xbox Live since the beta test. Do go on & try to educate me on how to use the Xbox Live reporting system, as it pertains to reporting PC players in Sea of Thieves. Does their name come up in the kill feed? Does it show up on the scoreboard at the end of the "round"? Please, tell me the quick, convenient way, using my Xbox One X console to report a PC cheater, that won't take me out of my game.

  • @r3lapz
    Google sea of thieves hacks, or type the same into youtube.
    If you think it isn't happening then you must be living on another planet. The devs have even recognised the problem in one of their developer updates!
    If OP posts a link they could get into trouble with the powers that be!

  • @cebelicus The game only sells through the microsoft store, it hooks into xbox live regardless of if they do it deliberately or bother starting it. Even if they remove live from their PC their account is still activated through it as far as the game is concerned.

  • @cebelicus
    remove the links to hacks m8, it's against forum rules!!!

  • @mrbrocksego Not sure what you are getting at.

  • @logansdadtoo are you afraid more consol players will download them and "git gud"? Haha, or are you afraid that you will also run into cheaters as I have and lose hours of game progress, I pay a yearly subscription so that I can play in a closed community without cheaters on my xbox but forced cross play ruins it.

    About 50% of my play time is with PC friends but when they are not on I would like the option to opt out of cross play so I don't have to run into macros, cheaters and the like.

  • @mrbrocksego while Xbox live games do occasionally use anti-cheat software. Microsoft prefers to use their own internal cheat detection and banhammer protocol.

  • @lord-sphinktus I guess they should get on that then. Thats expected though since most companies like to do stuff in house to control it better

  • @lord-sphinktus Hey, still waiting for you to tell me another way other than what I've listed as ways to report PC players on Xbox Live from an Xbox One X.

  • @cebelicus hit the guide button go to friends-recent players-report-cheating... Done, quick and easy.

  • @lord-sphinktus Shows you don't read.

  • @cebelicus don't be a troll, I answered your question.

  • @lord-sphinktus Name calling. Nice. If you read my first reply to you, you'd see that there's issues with the 'recent players' list, especially when it comes to PC gamertags for some reason. Try this: Keep quiet on things you haven't experienced instead of calling others trolls.

  • Sorry, just trying to help you out, obviously you don't want an answer, you just want to complain. My bad, have a nice day.

  • @mrbrocksego it's a significantly small percentage, but there are gameplay captures showing these hack in action. There are aim bots, player locators, and loot locators that I've seen so far. And good ones too. Like a HUD that shows the location of a buried chest and what chest type it is from the opposite side of the map like a way-point. Again, not prolific, but a problem when it does occur.

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