Peaceful Mode

  • @celebritarian The problem is that apart that in this game pve is nothing without the pvp it wouldnt be fair to someone become legendary pirate by only doing missions without risk. This isn't only going against the game, it breaks the community.

  • Im pretty sure this would destroy the heart of the game.

  • If I'm encountering a single ship I can't attack due to a "passive" mode, I'm quitting the game. This is just 100% what makes Sea of Thieves fun.

    Ship on the horizon? Time to get some looting!

    Only thing I can agree on is some parley mode, where a whiteflag is raised to give half of the plunder for safe passage. Heck, I'd even give you an escort for that.

  • @cursebeard If everyone played like you then no one would ever have loot... just bad pvp. If the games just bad pvp then why not just go play skull and bones when that comes out..

  • @my-dirty-muffin said in Peaceful Mode:

    @cursebeard If everyone played like you then no one would ever have loot... just bad pvp. If the games just bad pvp then why not just go play skull and bones when that comes out..

    I regularly attack others while I'm carrying loot.

  • @my-dirty-muffin said in Peaceful Mode:

    @cursebeard If everyone played like you then no one would ever have loot... just bad pvp. If the games just bad pvp then why not just go play skull and bones when that comes out..

    I'm doing quite fine on them plunders matey.

    But I've wasted plenty of my time chasing ships that flee on first sight, which we manage to get eventually (Even with less loot to none compared to my own treasure.), I think to myself "If only they would know they might have taken the risk." Got no treasure? Take a risk, don't run.

    PVP would even be better if people are motivated to engage, don't you want an epic pirate battle then?

  • @cursebeard Epic pirate fight???? You mean spawn killing or bunny hoping while shooting? The combat is junk, thats why I want a peace mode. Nothing! Is epic about the PvP in this game lol

  • @my-dirty-muffin said in Peaceful Mode:

    @cursebeard Epic pirate fight???? You mean spawn killing or bunny hoping while shooting? The combat is junk, thats why I want a peace mode. Nothing! Is epic about the PvP in this game lol

    Neat singleplayer games alike:
    Monkey island
    Assassins creed black flag
    Zelda the windmaker

    Multiplayer is part of the game matey. Deal with it. You could also just try to avoid them boarding your ship? Pvp is awesome, it is easy to counter, you are just on the wrong side of the blunderbuss!

  • The point of the other people is to make it so it’s harder to complete your voyages safely a peaceful mode would defeat the purpose of the game, honestly if you are one of the people agreeing with this person you just need to get good at the game so you can protect yourself honestly!

  • Solo pve is not gonna happen. Why would rare spend money creating safespace servers that completly destroy the point of the game?

  • @cursebeard The point of the game is to be more Pirate! Yar! Not jump around aimlessly with a shotgun! I'm yet to have a swordfight with another player! Just shotguns! Its bad PvP and not fun. The cannons are a blast! Pun intended. But the way the game is set up, you can't fight off people with just cannons... the only way to end a fight is to board and spawnkill or run. Both are very very boring. This is the feedback forum to make the game better! You like the PvP as it is now? I like pvp but as I said..the way it is now I'd rather just go in peace mode.

  • @my-dirty-muffin Well, if you find me ingame, you can expect an epic swordbattle!
    I think if 3 slashes could kill someone, and it's possible to block faster, pvp would be a whole lot interesting.

    The idea of a blunderbuss suprise shot in the face is pretty good to board crews. Then I only have to face 3, but if I could do it with a sword, I'd skip the blunderbuss :D

  • @tekuian Definitely agree with most of what you said. I've been playing this game since the Alpha and I love it. I've sunk many hours into the game already but one thing I noticed is that it's becoming increasingly more common to have people chasing you around everywhere you go.

    I usually play with my wife on a sloop and we enjoy the exploration aspect and when that's the case, I want to enjoy the game with her. We enjoy getting voyages and taking our time to do it. But more often than not these days, we spot a ship - usually galleons - far into the distance and we notice they're coming towards us. And that's usually the end of the game for us. When this happens, usually a 40-minute long pursuit ensues and we can't do anything else anymore.

    If people are into combat and chasing ships, that's fine, it's their right to do it. Combat is there for a reason. But at the same time, I do want the option to enjoy the game without being forced into combat. I'm fine with stripping ranks/reputation, but keep the gold.

    Another thing I think would go a long way to help solve this problem is if the matchmaking was based on the number of players sailing the ships. If you're sailing solo, you get matched up only with solo players. If you're playing with another person, you get matched up only with 2-man sloops and so on. Peaceful mode could be an entirely new lobby to prevent griefing altogether.

  • It ruins the whole aspect of the game basically, even though the game is an MMO it's essentially a survival game where every encounter is different and you don't know how they'll react. I'm surprised if anyone didn't see this during the beta but some kind of passive mode takes all the skill out of the game and without the risk of PVP the game is even more empty than it already is, if you thought going from island to island was boring before now it's worse when you're basically untouchable. Not only does it take away from the experience I really do think it's unbalanced in everyway because it makes you invincible and even in games like GTAV passive mode is used where players will hide in it then pop out when a player's guard is down or escape from fights they started with it.
    Personally that's my opinion on it and I see why people want a peaceful mode but it just doesn't fit into the game and it's already awful balancing maybe something could be done but I think it'd have to be to the point where you can't have any treasure or harm enemies or players so it isn't unbalanced though I doubt anyone would agree to that.

  • Yes good idea ! a peaceful server and personally, I would like spaceships in Sea Of Thieves ! It's possible ? and for Weapon need M4A4 becose it's better.

  • @celebritarian to be honest part of me would like to be able to explore the whole world without being interrupted. not sure how they would do this ....each person would need their own server? Or maybe have like 50 people a server and disable fight mechanics?

  • @dread1217 I don't disagree with you, but that's exactly the point many people seem to be missing. You find going from island to island boring, but the point is that many other people don't.

    Adding a separate lobby for the Peaceful Mode where combat is non-existent and forcing people to create a new character to use on this new server where no ranking/reputation is present at all should help prevent people from getting turned off from the game because some people seem to mistake OCCASIONAL combat for griefing.

    I seem to be repeating myself a lot, but it bears repeating: it's one thing to come across a ship and engage in combat, it's another one to have a ship pursue you wherever you go making it impossible for you to do anything else. Goes from exploration to incessant combat/running away.

  • I would gladly like to see both a peacful mode and a mode focused on combat. For the peaceful mode you take away ship to ship damage, player to ayer damage, and make it take a little more effort to level up the merchants. Then do the opposite for combat mode. Don’t get me wrong im fine with it as is too but there are days where im not even carrying any loot and get hunted by galleons. One thing i think would be really cool is forming fleets with those in your lobby so you can all either sink each other or let each other sail, explore, and find loot in peace.

  • Sure I wouldn't care as long as you get no rep gains and any progress is saved to the c**p pve server

  • A server with just you and your crew of up to 4 no one else and all progress made is saved offline and cant be carried to the online. That's it. yes I'm not in love with taking people out of the public servers but some people would only play the game for this so sure if its not too hard give the people what they want.

  • @celebritarian sagte in Peaceful Mode:

    @jidenshaotoko Exactly, I don't know why everyone is so salty about the idea of an extra mode.

    propably because this has been discussed endless times before and has been made very clear by rare that this will NEVER happen. and if you dont know what 'never' means, it means literally NEVER

    also, there is no need to be cocky towards ppl that explain this to you in a reasonable manner. as said, NEVER!

  • @coyote4711 So far, I've been called a carebear, millennial (which is actually fun because people have no idea how old I am/which generation I belong to), cocky, etc.

    None of these pertain to the core reason for this forum to exist: to make suggestions. Whether the suggestions are never going to make it into the game or not is not up to me to decide. But keep in mind that a lot of things change over the course of a game lifespan these days and it's Rare's openness to fan feedback that led them to create this forum. Let the voices be heard so Rare can decide whatever it is that they want to do with the feedback instead of trying to shut people off just because you somehow got triggered or disagree with a suggestion. :)

  • @jidenshaotoko

    i wasnt trying to insult you, i was just pointing out that your attitude toward certain comments reads as cocky, which might be a reason why ppl get back to you in a cocky way.

  • @coyote4711 I realize that my wording might not be in line with that of a native English speaker and may sound overly "formal" for lack of a better word for one reason: I'm Brazilian. But people will come at you for so much as disagreeing with you.

    I find it way cockier when people come throwing stones at you just because you said something that doesn't correspond to their opinion. Same way I find it way cockier when people come shouting "You're playing the wrong game, dude!", "Go play Minecraft". I bought the game, I have fun with it but I don't think I should play a certain way just because you think that's how the game is meant to be played.

    9 times out of 10, I play with my wife on a sloop. Just the two of us. While for many people it's about the combat and the impeding danger, for us it's about deciding on a voyage and go explore the island at our own pace. And yet, you won't see me yelling at everybody that they should play the way we play the game.

  • @jidenshaotoko

    i read ya.

  • @celebritarian said in Peaceful Mode:

    It would be cool if you could implement a peaceful mode for people who just want to complete voyages and not be bothered by other pirates. Even if Skull Forts were disabled in this mode, it would be a nice option for people who just don't feel like dealing with PvP.

    It would be unfair towards PvP players, as you hoard up lots of chests, and decide when you want to do PvP when you have nothing to lose. I am sure you see the point and many scenarios it creates, that hurts those who don't want peace mode or play with peace mode people. But I understand the point. And suggestion.

  • @celebritarian There's always so much backlash for suggestions like this and I just don't get why. Adding a PvE mode doesn't hurt anyone or hinder anything. The game shines in a co-operative setting. There's no way to gain a competitive advantage in the game, all of the loot is cosmetic, so not sure why people think there's such a focus on pvp or why there needs to be a focus on pvp. The game at it's core is an exploration game... PvP seems to be the rarest part, and whenever PvP does happen it never makes any sense. It's always people who attack unprovoked with no risk involved, or people hiding/camping at outposts.

    Like I get PvP was part of the design philosophy of the game, but the current implementation doesn't make any sense. There's no risk involved in attacking someone else, every time you do attack it's essentially forcing someone who has no interest in PvP into a fight. I'd be perfectly fine with it if there were PvP zones and safe waters. Add increased rewards and increased risk to PvP players in PvP zones. Or add a bounty system that puts a bounty on players who attack unprovoked or something. PvP as it is now is only used to grief other players.

  • @karmpsych The other side to this is that PvP players in most cases already have nothing to lose. There's no risk involved in attacking someone if you you're not carrying treasure. That and all of the loot in the game is cosmetic, so it's not like you're really gaining anything whether you're playing peacefully or not. I think the PvP system in general needs to be overhauled to accommodate proper risk/reward on both sides of the fence.

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