Avast YE!, I'm Tg Smooth - Youtuber looking for a good Xbox Crew!

  • Hey, My names Tg Smooth, and I been a fan of the game since beta, despite all of the issues upon launch, I still love the game and can't wait until more stuff starts getting added! I do plan on making guides and keeping coverage of all the news for S.O.T , so it would be nice to get some community support. If your interested check out my channel TG Smooth on youtube! Anyways I am looking for a crew of older folks, preferably people in their 30's that get on daily(you can msg tg smooth on xbox ). The people I play with will most likely be in my videos just fyi. Anyways hope you all are having great time with the game, see you on the sea!

  • Hey there @TG-Smooth

    Zealots is always looking for fresh eager pirates to join our ranks and sail the high seas with us check us out over here


  • @tg-smooth

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further. We be over 100 strong.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

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