Suspensions for Griefing players

  • A popular method most games use for griefing (and team killing) is the use of suspensions for players who are continually for griefing (warnings prior to suspension, suspension time increases incrementally if behavior continues with little to no decrease in griefing ) this is fairly common place in video games so I don't see a large portion of the community being outraged by this.

    Ideally this would be put in place alongside an in-game report system for griefing/Toxic players and possibly through some sort of auto detection

  • They know this already, so do all gamers.

    Please dont make a followup post about the sky being blue.

  • @rosinok I agree that continous griefing your own crew should be given a punishment if reported. But no auto detection please. I don't want to end up with a ban because I sank my own ship as I play with my friends. Or get a warning for accidently sailing into a rock or something

  • And as in most games, people will just report others out of spite.

    Imagine being at a fort and the same ship keeps on coming back. It just took us three hours to finish one because two galleons kept coming back all the time and they got sunk all the time.

    I believe this will be abused and people will get toxic even threatening to report. Or a crew of four banding together reporting a player for something he might not have done.

  • @nekomisaa auto detection was really just a suggestion but not something i would want either because of that possibility. Ideally tho if Rare were to go that route hopefully they wouldn't implement it until the system was consistent in its detection

  • @neptuncynic It very well could but player behavior isn't something any dev company can control all they can do is give players tools to try to ensure an enjoyable experience for them and to that end this would be a useful feature, as to why you see report options in near every game regardless of misuse

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