{Suggestion} Introduction of classes system

  • The forum seems to contain a lot of suggestions, I don't know if the following already has been suggested...
    People are complaining about being killed by people without wanting to engage in PvP battles. They try to make it clear by pointing the ship cannons up, flashing the lights, playing music and jumping around, but they still get blown up or grieved.

    To halt this, a classes system could benefit both parties: those who want to engage in PvP and those who just want to sail in peace and mind their own business.
    At the same time this would fill in multiple hugely popular demands on this forum: more ships, ship customization and more activities in the game.

    Here are the classes:

    1. Merchants
    2. Pirates
    3. Adventurers

    1. Merchant class: They can buy goods at a certain price from NPC's on any island, stock them in their ship and go sell them on a different island for a higher price. They can also buy ship equipment at a lower price from NPC's on any given island and can sell them at a negotiable price, or gift them to Adventurers. Since they get huge profit from sales, money is not an immediate issue for them.

    2. Pirate class: They enjoy harassing other ships. They can't stand the friendliness and the positive atmosphere some players are bringing to the seas. They have to be sent to the bottom of the ocean, but not before the Pirates can steal anything valuable off their ships. If they manage to loot from other players, they can sell this on the black markets, located on dedicated Pirate islands (Skeleton fortresses maybe?). However... If a Pirate attacks a Merchant or an Adventurer, he becomes notorious and is visible on the map for any other Adventurer and Merchant on the server. This means he can be hunted, or avoided. If a Pirate is notorious, he is not welcome on any island other than Pirate islands, however he can sneak onto other islands during the nights when guards are sleeping. When a Pirate is caught on an island by the guards, he is sent to the brig for a given amount of time, or he needs to pay bail. When a Pirate doesn't have the notorious status, he cannot be attacked by an Adventurer. If an Adventurer chooses to attack a non-notorious Pirate, this Adventurer becomes visible to all Pirates on the server.

    3. Adventurer class: They are the guardians of the seas. They can be paid by merchants to escort them on trips, protecting them from any possible threat. This includes player Pirates, skeletons on islands, ... . When not escorting Merchants, they can check a bulletin board on the islands if there are notorious pirates on the server. Should they choose so, they can hunt down the Pirates and punish them for their committed crimes.

    All three classes can also choose to do voyages like we can do today. For example: If someone chooses to be a Pirate but doesn't attack anyone, he cannot be attacked by Adventurers since he is not Notorious. This Pirate then can just go on and complete voyages.

    Every class starts with a basic ship customized to their class:

    • Merchant has a rather slow ship with lots of cargo space and 1 cannon on either side. The valuable goods are locked behind a door that can only be opened by the Merchant crew. This door however can be destroyed by Pirates, in case they succeed in boarding the ship.
    • Pirate has a rather fast, agile but weak ship with a few cannons and better possibilities to board other ships
    • Adventurer has a ship with medium speed and quite agile, but when well coordinated by the crew, they can keep up with any pirate ship however they are never faster than Pirates. Their hull is very strong, enabling the Adventurer to protect the Merchant by sailing between him and the Pirate. The adventurer also has the most cannons on board, enabling them to do a lot of burst damage to scare off Pirates.

    All three classes can buy different ships, but only within their own chosen class. These ships, no matter how expensive or which level, always have the same advantages and disadvantages relative to other classes' ships.

    Any suggestions, remarks or additions are welcome.
    Hopefully a @Rare-Employee could take this kind of thing into consideration.
    @OpticalMatrix & @khaleesibot I see you are fairly active on the forum. It would be nice just to know a Rare employee noticed this post since a lot of new topics are made, reducing visibility of any and all suggestions..

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  • @harmlessshoe39 Good suggestions. Well thought out.

  • Quite an idea and really worked out indeed.

    We can assume then that the adventurers class can do the treasure hunts etc?

  • @unexpectedbe


    Treasure hunt, skull hunt and current merchant quests are still available for all 3 classes. Only there is more danger doing it, depending on the class you play and what you have done in the past.

    All three classes can also choose to do voyages like we can do today.
    For example: If someone chooses to be a Pirate but doesn't attack anyone, he cannot be attacked by Adventurers since he is not Notorious. This Pirate then can just go on and complete voyages.

  • This is a great suggestion to discuss and build upon!

    Great ideas and hopefully the devs will build the game further together with the community.

  • @harmlessshoe39 This idea, I like it!

    Let's have some grog!

    Also, flags... Give me colors to fly. Whoever I'm working for I would fly their flag.

  • @ajarcher21 said in {Suggestion} Introduction of classes system:

    @harmlessshoe39 This idea, I like it!

    Let's have some grog!

    Also, flags... Give me colors to fly. Whoever I'm working for I would fly their flag.

    Grog it is! First round's on me!

    Thanks for your feedback.

    In the idea I had, the class is bound to your character, and so are the ships. They should look very different from ships in other classes so they can be recognized very easily. Customization would be very nice, but that's already been addressed in other topics :D

  • Too bad @Rare-Employee aren't reading and giving feedback to topics like these. :(
    I get it they don't reply to "zomg i want moar boats n cannonz" topics, but more elaborate suggestions at least should get a chance :(

    Good that the game pass offered it 14 days for free. I got to test it and see this is no game to pay a AAA price tag. When it's in the shelves for the 10-20USD price range, i'll consider buying it.

  • @harmlessshoe39 I think that this class system is a very good idea, and should definitely be considered by @Rare-Employee! The idea would add more character and depth to the game!

  • @harmlessshoe39

    Imagine 1000 of suggestion a day.
    Would you be able to do your work + reading this + discussing about it with other people + doing a sumup of it + speak with the dev's to know if it is easy to be done ?

    It's not really easy to follow. That's why there is the upvote system. Suggestion that were liked a lot, the employes will focus.

  • No

    This would be a completely different game and would not at all adhere to the vision that Rare has presented us with Sea of Thieves.
    This is a game where players are not locked into classes, where they can join a crew at anytime to go on ever different adventures where anything can happen. No classes, no restrictions, no upgrades, no safe zones.

    It's not going to happen anyway, since you're suggesting that Rare should basically make a completely different game.

  • @chrysdaze I am employed in an environment which needs analyzing similar amounts of incoming issues/messages, so yes i completely understand.

    I am also aware that the game has just launched, everyone's brainfarts are posted on this forum which makes it incredibly difficult. Other than that, I'm sure that on their back-end they are working on some unplanned or unforeseeable issues as well, busy times. But community feedback is also important, even when your developers have too much work on their hands already. For example there isn't even a moderator deployed that full-time moves suggestions into one topic, making it more efficient to analyze. Categorizing seems the first step. Let's say a "suggestions" subforum for starters.

    I wasn't aware of the upvote system, to be honest. I thought that was just an insignificant forum feature.

    Don't understand me wrong, I love the game and we had so much fun playing it, but I would've preferred it if they kept the game another year in development to add more in-depth content. I will keep following the game and developer updates when they come and hopefully soon I will feel comfortable spending 70 EUR for this game.

  • @nebenkuh Trust me, I do not want safe zones. I love the need for constant caution and I love it when I see a mermaid close to an Outpost, meaning someone most likely will be lurking in the bushes, but I understand some players don't like this.

  • @harmlessshoe39

    My english is bad, sorry if i wasn't clear.
    I'm not sure of the upvote system but i guess it is important for Rare to see which suggestion is wanted by the community.

  • @harmlessshoe39
    "some players don't like this."
    Well, if I don't like a game, I don't play it. I don't go and suggest the devs change it into an entirely different game. :)

    I like your suggestions in general, they would probably make for a great game, something that could actually be a pirate MMO. I just think they don't fit into SoT, which is a more lighthearted adventure game. It should not be bogged down by choosing classes and factions and all that jazz.

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