Looking for Fleet/Clan/Crew Specializing in Order of Souls Voyages

  • Hey, anyone know of any Fleets/Clans/Crews specializing in Order of Souls Voyages/Quests after launch?
    I really love my time seeking out ye ole treasures fer da Gold Hoarders during the closed and open Betas but I really want to concentrate on the Order of Souls once the game launches. I had a great time working with me matey's and even other crews taking down the Skeleton Forts. Sure I can have fun on my own but working together with a crew is so much fun. I hope to become one of the first group of Pirates to Rank up to Legendary Status with this Company.

    I'm going to start consistently Live Streaming this game come launch. You can find me @ https://twitch.tv/EpicStreamMan & https://youtube.com/EpicStreamMan & https://mixer.com/EpicStreamMan see you on the high seas YaaarrrRRR! ;c)

    I can play on either my Xbox One X or PC. I look forward to taking down hordes of Dead Pirate Captains with you!
    GamerTag: EpicStreamMan

  • Ahoy there

    Come check us out at clanaod.net and on this site as angels of death. We will be doing multiple voyages and exploration.

    Hope to see you on the high seas.

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