Respawn Idea - "Crew-Wipe" Suggestion

  • TL;DR Once a ship is successfully boarded and all (and I mean ALL) of its members have been killed, that crew should be considered "wiped out" and they should respawn on an outpost somewhere as they have legitimately lost their ship and any rights to its treasure haul. They shouldn't be able to infinitely spawn on their ship in order to try to eliminate the enemies or regain any captured chests; this makes things too chaotic. Instead, this system woud be in place to emphasize teamwork as shipmates must communicate and organize themselves to have at least one member of their crew stay alive in order for them to be able to spawn on said "alive crewmember". I believe this would put a stop to the greif-ridden situations I experienced today in the following yarn I shall now spin for ye, yarr:

    Overall I've had an immensely positive experience playing the game except, really, for one aspect: the respawning system and the chaos it can create. Here's two different situations that happened to me today that illustrate both sides of the coin.

    First situation: me and my two-man crew are on an outpost after just having cashed in some treasure and we see that our ship is being attacked and it is eventually sunk. As we didn't have any treasure on the ship to defend or worry about, we just swam to the mermaid to get a new ship, but, we were both killed by a combination of sharks and enemy fire. So we respawn on our mermaid to see that the enemy ship is still there but for some reason nearly sinking as pershaps it was attacked by yet another ship or had the weeping chest. So, we decide to wait around in the water and see what happens. Eventually, their ship is sunk and they need to swim the chests in that have floated up. However, because we were able to spawn on our mermaid and decided to hang around INSTEAD of going immediately to our ship, we were able pick them off underwater with pistols, steal two of their chests and quickly run them ashore to cash them in. Then they killed us. But, seriously, wow. The mermaid spawn-point allowed us to get revenge. Fun? Yes, but maybe not for them.

    Second situation: We are heading to an island to find some treasure and we see another two-man ship that is parked in the bay, so, naturally, we decide to sink it. Logical, right? So we thought...We end up sinking their ship, killing one of them in the process and leaving the other crew-member stranded on the island. We find him, we kill him. However, because their mermaid was still in the water, they are able to spawn back in on her and they decide NOT to go to their ship. They decide to stay lurking on the island where we are and where our quest is. Basically, we end up getting killed by them from a clever ambush on their part. We laugh about it and spawn back on our ship which is still sitting outside the same island. We know this time that they are still on the island so we cautiously go about finding them and we und up killing them...again...and this time we are finally thinking that these guys will have taken the option to go back to their own ship and continue playing the game. NOPE. They spawn back on their mermaid, again IGNORING the option to get back to their ship simply to troll us and remain around the island either trying to kill us or steal our ship (which happens a couple times until they realize we spawn back on it and just kill them). So, basically, we can't complete our quest because they would rather troll/grief us. We end up giving up and moving on. I imagine they did the same after realizing we weren't coming back. It started fun, but then got boring pretty quickly.

    TL;DR So, seen from two sides, spawning on mermaids after you die and deciding NOT to go back to your ship can be fun for some, but torture for others. Overall, I think it can be taken advantage of for negative purposes and I believe it should be looked at in order to avoid the griefing/loop situations that it can produce. Therefore, I suggest implementing the aforementioned "Crew-Wipe" Mechanic (like that of the Battlefield Saga) that impedes a bit of this craziness.


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  • definitely too long didn't read but crew wipe yes +1

    Or add a revive mechanic.

  • didn't read too long, you should always wipe front to back

  • @o-h-g-r-i-n-g-o Similar issue happened to me. First time playing, first enemy ship we encountered. They attacked first, but we annihilated them. I guess they were able to continually respawn at their mermaid, which is really odd to me. Is that truly how the respawns works? Why should they be able to respawn there? Why should I be denied the loot that I earned in destroying them?

  • @cable0312 haha, yeah, I wanted to put my main point/idea at the beginning just to ensure people could see the idea. The story as to how I arrived at that conclusion is optional to read. That's why I put it in that order as I didn't want to waste people's time but I did want to get my point across. But, apart from that, I always generally wipe from front to back.

  • @the1eyedtickler That is how it works. By respawning on your mermaid you can continually harass them until you decide to respawn on your boat or they can continually spawn farm/kill you if they decide to camp on your mermaid. It is a system that truly needs to be reworked. There should be a CLEAR winner and loser after an engagement is finished and a ship is sunk and/or all its crew are killed.

  • Imo crew member should be able to revive other crew members. If all die or they can’t revive within a certain time, you will spawn on a island. I don’t like ship spawns at all

  • This will be put ingame.
    We have an encounter vs a galleon and we were in a sloop.
    We sink them but they weren't fairplay so they use the mermaid to zerg us forever, blocking us to collect the chest.

    This part of the game is clearly not fun.
    If you can respawn forever in the mermaid, you can distrub the oponent team without any goal but most importantly any lose for you.
    That's a mechanics who will encourage Trolling/grieffing behavior...

    Simple way to fix it :
    If your ship is sink, if you die you will respawn to a new ship. You still have the oportunity to figth back but only with ONE life. Use it to hide chest or whatever but at least this isn't a broken mechanics and a grieffy one...

  • Why would I want to play pirate game where I cannot sink and kill the whole crew off....

  • @fitz0uille said in Respawn Idea - "Crew-Wipe" Suggestion:

    This will be put ingame.
    We have an encounter vs a galleon and we were in a sloop.
    We sink them but they weren't fairplay so they use the mermaid to zerg us forever, blocking us to collect the chest.

    This part of the game is clearly not fun.
    If you can respawn forever in the mermaid, you can distrub the oponent team without any goal but most importantly any lose for you.
    That's a mechanics who will encourage Trolling/grieffing behavior...

    Simple way to fix it :
    If your ship is sink, if you die you will respawn to a new ship. You still have the oportunity to figth back but only with ONE life. Use it to hide chest or whatever but at least this isn't a broken mechanics and a grieffy one...

    I agree with this.

    Just killing all crew members should not force them to lose ship and cargo. It's far to easy for one person to get a lucky run and blast away 2-3 people with the blunderbus.

    It needs to be tied to the ship.

    If the ship is sunk then the next time you respawn it will be near your ship. If you are the first one to die after ship is sunk then you spawn on an island next to your ship, and each crew member will spawn there too as they are either killed, or use mermaid.

    The people who sunk the ship will then be able to fish the treasure out of the water... provided they actually paid attention and saw where the ship sunk and can quickly navigate back to that position again.

    This way the prime focus is to sink the ship rather than just wiping the crew.

    Optionally... get onboard the ship, grab a chest, jump overboard and try to get back to your own ship with it (which is obviously hard, and also requires communicating with your team so they know you are in the water and need a pickup).

  • Why not respawn tickets for the ship ? Your ship has 4 respawn tickets. Crew members are able to respawn 4 times on your ship and if you die without having any ticket left, you don't respawn on your ship anymore (the door on the Ship of the Damned doesn't open) and your only option is to log off or wait for someone still alive to drive your ship to an outpost, which would give all tickets back.

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