Pirate Base Idea

  • I thought the other day when playing with a friend that base building would be kinda cool to add to Sea of Thieves. That was all that had popped into my head at the time. But I came across a 2 year old Cliff the Story Guy video that he had used a sea fort vault to store his treasure. THAN it truly evolved and I had improved on the idea of bases for Sea of Thieves. You would first off need to be pirate legend to be able to claim a base than you would need to defeat the sea fort you wanted to claim. After defeating the sea fort you will than be able to raise a flag to claim it. From their you can than talk to the pirate lord to hire a ghost crew to defend the base and you can choose to either hide the key at the fort or carry it on you. If you choose to carry the key than your ship will be displayed to any pirate that visits your fort letting them hunt you down and adding to the high risk high reward factor. You can either sell your treasure asap and make your money or store it at a fort to be saved for an event like gold and glory, gold rush, or even community day but than risk losing it all to someone else that stops by and loots all of your hard work. As for how would you keep the stored treasure if you left the game it could work like a stat tracker at least that would be my very simple and fast way of just working it into the system. sort of like how stats would be tracked the game could just track what treasure you had stored at what fort and keep that. They idea is far from perfect and it would without a doubt still be a serious load on the system but the game is still buggy as is so why not try something new while we work to improve the problems we might currently have. Hell who knows if the system seems to work out well enough it might just improve the quality of the game. Video from Cliff Story Guy

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  • @mreric083

    Can’t see this particular idea working buddy. Limiting the use of forts and having people chase around after a key - particularly as ships will be server hoping, potentially with the key on board.

    There is an however an argument for guild to have their own guild houses to decorate and earn items for imo.

  • It's not the first time that the idea of a pirate base has been mentioned through this forum and Imo it will have the same effect as the property owned in GTA online. New gamers will keep waiting for the server to empty as experienced players roam around for hrs engaged unopposed in pve.

    Edit: Your ship is your base, decorate it at your leisure with every trinket and skin you own.

    As for the elements that persist among sessions, that idea defeats the purpose of the game as it will create a "safe" where to hide loot and turn off the game when threatened by the presence of other crews.

  • @metal-ravage


    I’m opposed to the storage element, though not so much the pirate base element. I guess guilds could perhaps ‘load onto’ their pirate base and earn XP etc to upgrade the place.

    It would purely be aesthetic, but may prove a nice touch imo at least.

  • Space spaces can… get in the… ᵇᶦⁿ

  • @mreric083

    I would say a fully fleshed out guild base works better than individual pirate bases.

    I have a full guild base write-up here:

  • @tybald

    Nice one.

  • @captainwilks

    Thank you. Shameless self plugs are may specialty

  • @tybald

    Damn I must try harder haha.

  • Your ship is a pirate base.

  • @metal-ravage said in Pirate Base Idea:

    As for the elements that persist among sessions, that idea defeats the purpose of the game as it will create a "safe" where to hide loot and turn off the game when threatened by the presence of other crews.

    Well it is only safe as long as you stay offline but is always in danger whenever you are online. People will find a way to ruin the game for others with or without a safe. Plus this imo would be locked behind PL because than you would have to put a decent amount of time into the game before being allowed to make use of it. Unless you were already a long time player and just re ran through the game. Plus those Sea Forts and Skeletons Forts exist so clearly lore wise some people thought it important to store their treasure in a vault so why not let us do the same at the same risk of others to raid it.

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