Should I Delete the Game?

  • Ha!
    Some of you wish. 🥰😏

    So the announcement about the update and needing to reinstall SoT entirely to update the GDK...

    Should I d&r the whole thing on console?

    Asking for me. Probably be faster to just delete it anyways since the update will be the se size as a fresh install huh?

  • I would delete and re-download

    start off fresh like it's a new adventure

  • @pithyrumble said in Should I Delete the Game?:

    Some of you wish. 🥰😏

    So the announcement about the update and needing to reinstall SoT entirely to update the GDK...

    Should I d&r the whole thing on console?

    Asking for me. Probably be faster to just delete it anyways since the update will be the se size as a fresh install huh?

    If you didn't need to delete, they would just announce that it's a full-size patch. But they deliberately said re-install, so yes everyone should be deleting the app first.

  • @pithyrumble I will just update...never ever has deleting and re-installing fixed anything for me nor it did make anything bad if I just update things...

  • If the game is acting up. Yeah sure.

  • I just ran the update. Should be fine as that's what's advertised.

  • @schwammlgott said in Should I Delete the Game?:

    @pithyrumble I will just update...never ever has deleting and re-installing fixed anything for me nor it did make anything bad if I just update things...

    Reinstalling has fixed some issues on some games for me, just depends on the issues in question.

  • @goldsmen sagte in Should I Delete the Game?:

    @schwammlgott said in Should I Delete the Game?:

    @pithyrumble I will just update...never ever has deleting and re-installing fixed anything for me nor it did make anything bad if I just update things...

    Reinstalling has fixed some issues on some games for me, just depends on the issues in question.

    Yeah, a friend once had fixed something by doing that...I don’t say it's not possible, just never happened to I just update

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