Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Cannon Cove' Screenshot.[RESULT]

  • Ahoy and apologies for being a day or two late. Real life gets in the ways sometimes lol


    As usual lets get some honourable mentions in here first.
    Well done

    With the final 2023 winner's spoils going to
    with this beautifully serene screenshot

  • Congrats @Sor1y! A fine capture for a fine winner!

  • @legendary-liz OOOO my first mention! That's a really nice photo like desktop background chillness

  • Thank you. I am very excited to be nominated for this topic, and everyone's pictures are also very good

  • @tesiccl Thank you~

  • Congratulations on @Sor1y and thank you and Merry Christmas to @Legendary-Liz !

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