New Kind of Loss Farming?

  • I had today off of work, so I decided to grind some Hourglass Battles (solo sloop). I would say out of my 7 or so battles, 3 of them had the player messaging me asking me to invite them to my game, and thus we would both win. I did not partake, so I'm not sure if it would work as they are suggesting.

    My theory is that they join my game but theirs stays in-game long enough to sink and get the "win"?

    Has anyone encountered this before? It was three different players, as well.

  • communityquestion
  • This happened to one of the streamers I watch that plays on xbox servers. They said they declined the offer.

    My guess is it's like telling someone to alt f4, they get the win and the lols

  • It's really a pain, matches against the opposing faction now start with avoidance while they try to get you to join their game. The "good" battles, with actual PvP instead of whining and repeated invites are now same faction.

  • I can confirm it works for the loss farmer.

    In December I was really tired of wasting time in long battles, so I decided to start farming losses that day. I came across a sloop who sank me for the third time. In our fourth encounter he didn't shoot me and boarded my ship to start a conversation, he asked me why I didn't fight back and I answered that I didn't have confidence in my skills, and the game didn't recognize my efforts, so why would I try if I would sink anyway? He told me that I would necer get better if I don't try. At first I kept telling him that it would take me a long time to improve and until then loss farming would be more efficient that try and still lose. He invited me to his sloop, yes, he invited me, I didn't ask to be invited, and he said he wanted to help me to improve. So I joined his crew, and as soon my game loaded (just reloading the same server) we became a duo sloop and my previous sloop sank because there was no opposing players, so it counts as the enemy forfeiting the match but I got the a winning streak of 2 (I joined his streak) and got the hourglass. The next couple of hours we were duo slooping and we lost 2 matches and won 5, we managed to get a streak of three. I am glad that he invited me and decided to help me improve, because that boosted a bit my confidence, and I stopped loss farming.

    To be honest, if it wasn't for that guy I would be loss farming right now but my skill would be at the same low level.

    Then a few weeks ago I met someone on the forums who helps me sometimes and I am glad he is also teaching me how to improve. I have a long way to go, and I am still a bit below average, but at least I managed to get out of the bottom hole.

  • So they are trying to trick someone into joining to get an easy win.

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