Road to Reaper

  • Hello, I'm probably about to ask something a bit silly, but here I go. As a solo slooper, which method to get to Reaper 75 do you recommend me to do? I am not very good at PvP, but I'll try to defend myself when the emmisary flag is raised. Which PvE activities do you recommend to ascend to the highest reaper level faster?

  • fleet world event

    they are right next to reapers

    it's a lot of loot and it's as close to the selling spot as it gets

    allows you to stay on your ship which is huge as a pver vs hunting pvper

  • If you're going for emissary points, you get the same amount of emissary if you're raising the flag when you turn in as a level 5 flag. Not as much money. Not as much Reaper rep. But as same Emissary points.
    Stay under the radar.

    Of course on demand pvp has changed the equation so whatever.

  • I agree with going under the radar as a great strategy for people who aren’t looking for a fight. You’ll still earn reputation just by selling to the reaper. Sell during gold rush, you’ll get extra reputation then as well. Also gold and glory weekend is coming up in a few days and you’ll get double the normal amount of reputation when turning in. So try to grind as much as you can even though it’s also Christmas.

    The good thing about the reaper man is you can sell everything to him. So just go do what you find to be fun, without a flag or mark, and then turn in to him. Sea forts are great quick little activities that give good loot for how quickly you can do them.

  • Definitely skeleton fleets

  • @dragotech123 said in Road to Reaper:

    Hello, I'm probably about to ask something a bit silly, but here I go. As a solo slooper, which method to get to Reaper 75 do you recommend me to do? I am not very good at PvP, but I'll try to defend myself when the emmisary flag is raised. Which PvE activities do you recommend to ascend to the highest reaper level faster?

    Since you said you are not very good at pvp i'd recommend sea forts since if you get sunk you only loose like 30 min of loot, plus you can get reaper's flag to 4 pretty quickly and sometimes even to 5.

  • Thank you @WolfManbush @PithyRumble @abjectarity @Pvzfan1012642 and @Sir-Sniffils . I appreciate your suggestions. I'll try that fort on the north of the reaper hideout (Roya Crest Fortress), but I from what I've seen the map 2 forts are extremely far away, and the other 4 are at the same distance which is still quite big. Anyway, I'll see which one is more convenient.

  • @dragotech123 said in Road to Reaper:

    Thank you @WolfManbush @PithyRumble @abjectarity @Pvzfan1012642 and @Sir-Sniffils . I appreciate your suggestions. I'll try that fort on the north of the reaper hideout (Roya Crest Fortress), but I from what I've seen the map 2 forts are extremely far away, and the other 4 are at the same distance which is still quite big. Anyway, I'll see which one is more convenient.

    Btw, I've done the two forts that are closest and they can be done in 30-40 min each (including the travel time) and that seems pretty good for like 2-3 captains chests, and 6 or so ghost chests, 10 or so different merchant things and like 3 random gold hoarder trinkets, plus around 5-10 skulls if you look in cabinets too! (not sure if these are very exact but it sounds about right). Maybe not the best thing for if you are planning on getting level 5 reapers you'd need to go to like 4-5 sea forts and some are very far. so for that sea forts are far from a good way so I would go with what someone else suggested :)

  • @dragotech123 said in Road to Reaper:

    Thank you @WolfManbush @PithyRumble @abjectarity @Pvzfan1012642 and @Sir-Sniffils . I appreciate your suggestions. I'll try that fort on the north of the reaper hideout (Roya Crest Fortress), but I from what I've seen the map 2 forts are extremely far away, and the other 4 are at the same distance which is still quite big. Anyway, I'll see which one is more convenient.

    If you don't want to sail back and forth, you can wait for it to reset. Sail at least 2 map squares from the sea fort(make sure to look close and that it is 2+) and then wait about 7 minutes or so and you'll see it go glowing green again. That means it is ready to attack again.

    When I am doing ledger for the month I will do the one at the NE side called Traitor's Fate. I'll finish it, go to Galleon's Grave outpost and sell and by the time I'm done it has reset again and I can repeat.

    Be careful of the one at the south center of the map, it usually has a bugged key for the top room and you lose a lot of money on it if you try to grind that one.

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