Stop people placing crates on their anchor

  • @gotszu I’m 99.9% PVP and I don’t think it should be removed. My crew does not do it, however it isn’t scummy, it’s a tactic. It’s a giant pain in the boot hole sometimes, however can be overcome. Read my earlier post. People have a right to defend. Imagine NOT being able to stack loot on itself, you’d have loot EVERYWHERE and it’d make it impossible to switch weapons without interacting with chests and crates, that’d be the new meta and a NIGHTMARE. Look we can’t ask for devs to patch every minor inconvenience. You can still drop the anchor just a bit more finesse is involved. As others said apply more naval, hit them chops and bring the boat to a stop. Spread your shots to incur more holes in the boat, hit blunders after to prevent repairs, how is this hard? It’s not the devs fault 1 tactic prevents your win.

  • @jj-h816 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @gotszu I’m 99.9% PVP and I don’t think it should be removed. My crew does not do it, however it isn’t scummy, it’s a tactic. It’s a giant pain in the boot hole sometimes, however can be overcome. Read my earlier post. People have a right to defend. Imagine NOT being able to stack loot on itself, you’d have loot EVERYWHERE and it’d make it impossible to switch weapons without interacting with chests and crates, that’d be the new meta and a NIGHTMARE. Look we can’t ask for devs to patch every minor inconvenience. You can still drop the anchor just a bit more finesse is involved. As others said apply more naval, hit them chops and bring the boat to a stop. Spread your shots to incur more holes in the boat, hit blunders after to prevent repairs, how is this hard? It’s not the devs fault 1 tactic prevents your win.

    This is the worst strawman I ever read on this forum.
    NOONE ever asked for the inability to stack loot together as that would probably completely break SoT.
    And noone ever denies some-ones "right to defend" XD
    This is not an advocation to take their zoggin guns away! It's not blocking their lot-damned cannons!
    It's just the appeal for the removal of an ugly and scummy exploit.

    And let me add this: If it is still so easy to dropp the anchor,
    why not simply make it impossible, or at least somewhat restrict, the ability to place loot on the capstan for the sake of cosmetic purposes alone?
    You cannot deny it looks ugly as hell.
    Just like the map-table, imagine having the freedom to put stuff EVERYWHERE on there. That would suck.

  • @lormiun you are quite the angry individual, other people are allowed to have differing opinions than you. Your inability to have a civil debate and keep insulting people means your argument will be ignored regardless of merit

  • @hiradc said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @lormiun you are quite the angry individual, other people are allowed to have differing opinions than you. Your inability to have a civil debate and keep insulting people means your argument will be ignored regardless of merit

    I neither insulted, nor behaved "uncivil" in any way.
    However I will not deny that I tend to bring that out of people BECAUSE of merit-filled arguments.
    However², if ANY argument is ignored regardless of merit then I do not see the fault with the one that makes it.

    PS: This is called Ad-Hominem, an attack-of my person, a clear indication of no actual arguments ;)
    Like in this case any against my agreement with OP.

  • @lormiun you are upset because YOU cannot drop the anchor. As far as aesthetics half the pirates I see are ugly as all get out you Kraken/Crab Lords you. Stop complaining about such a minuscule “issue” in the game and learn to overcome it. If you think it’s “ugly” then stay off their boat homie. I don’t care if they do it because I can overcome it via naval or killing the pirates on board then dropping the anchor. I’m sorry you cannot. Good luck out there

  • @jj-h816 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @lormiun you are upset because YOU cannot drop the anchor. As far as aesthetics half the pirates I see are ugly as all get out you Kraken/Crab Lords you. Stop complaining about such a minuscule “issue” in the game and learn to overcome it. If you think it’s “ugly” then stay off their boat homie. I don’t care if they do it because I can overcome it via naval or killing the pirates on board then dropping the anchor. I’m sorry you cannot. Good luck out there

    Let me tell you something about myself:
    I am an appreciator of good graphics and immersion, while I also value PvP in the highest praises I also am aware of the enormous challenge it brings with it for the developers.
    Furthermore ... I am primarily a Helmsman, 4/5 times on a Galleon mind you. I rarely up to NEVER board myself.
    It makes me sad whenever I see my crew, and be it the ugliest m8 you ever saw (with that I am fine), blatantly desecrate the beauty of the capstan with a mushroom of loot.

    Does SoT have bigger issues?
    HELL YEAH! (DA-Issue cough* cough*)

    But that does not change the fact that this is also one.
    AND (unlike most of the other Issues)
    would be super easy to fix without any loss to anyone.
    Simply make it impossible to place stuff on the capstan, similar to the map-table.

    What's the downside?
    Limiting player-creativity XD ?!

  • I can’t see the logic in the argument that the stacking of loot on capstans makes the opposing ship look ugly. Surely it’s up to the player to decide how beautiful, or indeed, ugly they want their ship to be. Why should Player A demand that Player B not be able to make their ship look how they want it to look?

    No, this argument is not about aesthetics. It’s about stopping Player B from stacking loot so that Player A will find it easier to stop an opposing ship.

  • @pumpa-cat said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    I can’t see the logic in the argument that the stacking of loot on capstans makes the opposing ship look ugly. Surely it’s up to the player to decide how beautiful, or indeed, ugly they want their ship to be. Why should Player A demand that Player B not be able to make their ship look how they want it to look?

    No, this argument is not about aesthetics. It’s about stopping Player B from stacking loot so that Player A will find it easier to stop an opposing ship.

    Dude, just ONE post above XD

    @lormiun said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    It makes me sad whenever I see my crew, and be it the ugliest m8 you ever saw (with that I am fine), blatantly desecrate the beauty of the capstan with a mushroom of loot.

  • I missed that 😳

    My apologies.

  • @lormiun said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @jj-h816 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @lormiun you are upset because YOU cannot drop the anchor. As far as aesthetics half the pirates I see are ugly as all get out you Kraken/Crab Lords you. Stop complaining about such a minuscule “issue” in the game and learn to overcome it. If you think it’s “ugly” then stay off their boat homie. I don’t care if they do it because I can overcome it via naval or killing the pirates on board then dropping the anchor. I’m sorry you cannot. Good luck out there

    Let me tell you something about myself:
    I am an appreciator of good graphics and immersion, while I also value PvP in the highest praises I also am aware of the enormous challenge it brings with it for the developers.
    Furthermore ... I am primarily a Helmsman, 4/5 times on a Galleon mind you. I rarely up to NEVER board myself.
    It makes me sad whenever I see my crew, and be it the ugliest m8 you ever saw (with that I am fine), blatantly desecrate the beauty of the capstan with a mushroom of loot.

    Does SoT have bigger issues?
    HELL YEAH! (DA-Issue cough* cough*)

    But that does not change the fact that this is also one.
    AND (unlike most of the other Issues)
    would be super easy to fix without any loss to anyone.
    Simply make it impossible to place stuff on the capstan, similar to the map-table.

    What's the downside?
    Limiting player-creativity XD ?!

    That's the biggest downside putting chests on a capstan is the best way of self expression in SoT all pirates outside of your crew won't look at the trinkets you have spread out and the cosmetics are very limiting on the mix-and-mashing so the capstan chests are the only way the players have to express themselves that other players will see cause half of the boarding game is getting the anchor down.

  • @pumpa-cat Perhaps I should have highlighted that, almost can't blame you.

    And indeed, it is a subjective thing when it comes to the beauty.
    But even though that is my personal motivation about this topic.
    I still consider this strategy an exploit form a gameplay PoV as well.
    You are supposed to be able to lower the anchor ...

  • @astralenigma said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    That's the biggest downside putting chests on a capstan is the best way of self expression in SoT all pirates outside of your crew won't look at the trinkets you have spread out and the cosmetics are very limiting on the mix-and-mashing so the capstan chests are the only way the players have to express themselves that other players will see cause half of the boarding game is getting the anchor down.

    You sir, are awesome XD

  • Personally, I'm ok with the ability to stack on the anchor. You can also do the same with your anchor so it makes for a pretty even playing field I would say.

    Note I don't do it myself so I'm not saying it to suit my own style of play.

  • @lormiun LOLOLOLOLOLOL meh “ThE BeAuTy Is WhY i PlAy” could you sound more stuck up? It’s a video game. If you pvp sooooooo much and OMG ON A GALLEY, LOOK OUT EVERYONE!!!! Dude you don’t board so how is it ugly? Your “M8” can’t anchor people soooooo while I hate that I’m about to say this…,, has he tried getting better? It’s a tactic, do I personally like it? Nope, but it shouldn’t be removed simply because someone can’t overcome it. Notice how I said Someone not everyone. NEXT!

  • I think we need the deckhands here. This thread is getting out of hand and you can no longer place crates on the capstan anyway so there's no reason as to why this post is still open.

  • @scurvywoof best post yet

  • @jj-h816 said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @lormiun LOLOLOLOLOLOL meh “ThE BeAuTy Is WhY i PlAy” could you sound more stuck up? It’s a video game. If you pvp sooooooo much and OMG ON A GALLEY, LOOK OUT EVERYONE!!!! Dude you don’t board so how is it ugly? Your “M8” can’t anchor people soooooo while I hate that I’m about to say this…,, has he tried getting better? It’s a tactic, do I personally like it? Nope, but it shouldn’t be removed simply because someone can’t overcome it. Notice how I said Someone not everyone. NEXT!

    A. On most of my voyages I usually sail with Discord-Crews. They have their own mind and while they are often great crew, your accusation of me basically trying to make
    ' boarding easier for a m8 ' falls flat on that alone.

    B. If you read my posts in question with a bit more care you'd have realized that my complaint stems primarily from this stuff happening on MY OWN SHIP! And yes “ThE BeAuTy Is WhY i PlAy”, what is so "stuck up" about that? Immersion is kind of what makes SoT great.

    C. Are you proud of your post :D ?
    To me it seems more like you got your behind handed to you by some DA-User recently ;)

  • @scurvywoof said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    I think we need the deckhands here. This thread is getting out of hand and you can no longer place crates on the capstan anyway so there's no reason as to why this post is still open.

    May I ask where you have obtained this information?
    As awesome as this would be, I made this screenshot just a moment ago ...

  • @lormiun said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    @scurvywoof said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    I think we need the deckhands here. This thread is getting out of hand and you can no longer place crates on the capstan anyway so there's no reason as to why this post is still open.

    May I ask where you have obtained this information?
    As awesome as this would be, I made this screenshot just a moment ago ...

    A quick look at the patch notes will say otherwise. You're not meant to be able to...
    Guess Rare will have to apply the change to commodities too.

  • @scurvywoof said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    A quick look at the patch notes will say otherwise. You're not meant to be able to...
    Guess Rare will have to apply the change to commodities too.

    Wait ... I may have cheered too soon, forgive me but I honestly fail to find where a patch note would say such a thing?
    I read through all of 2.7.2 and found nothing that would mention something like that.

  • @scurvywoof said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    A quick look at the patch notes will say otherwise. You're not meant to be able to...
    Guess Rare will have to apply the change to commodities too.

    Could you perhaps provide a link?
    I would greatly appreciate it.

  • @slewedant825216 Though I still try to see the good in Rare, I absolutely love your post. Yet allow me to make one addition to it:
    While most certainly also, it is less meta-gamers that do so, it is more those that need this strategy because otherwise they'd be even easier to sink.

  • @scurvywoof
    I think you’re thinking of ‘Treasure can no longer be used around ships to reduce the damage taken from cannon fire’
    in the latest patch notes. There doesn’t seem to be anything about crates on the capstan :)

  • Omg can we stop with the it’s an unfair exploit. Been able to do it since day 1, it’s a valid tactic for newer crews, it’s easy to overcome, it’s not an exploit. Leave it at that. As for aesthetics on your own ship…… don’t do it, seems simple. We waste time complaining about nothing in these posts. Also I don’t know what you are talking about as far as me getting my behind handed to me but…….. ok. Don’t care. Please close post mods. It’s going nowhere.

  • @lizalaroo said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    I think you’re thinking of ‘Treasure can no longer be used around ships to reduce the damage taken from cannon fire’
    in the latest patch notes. There doesn’t seem to be anything about crates on the capstan :)

    You’re totally right. I seem to have misinterpreted that information twice.
    Thank you for correcting me!
    It appears I’ve misinterpreted the information on the patch notes and video. My apologies for any confusion.

    @JJ-H816 It technically is an exploit. Just because it’s been in the game since day one doesn’t mean it was intentional. Therefore, an exploit. I couldn’t care whether someone uses it or not, so long as it doesn’t cost me a battle.
    I don’t think you can be banned for it anyway, so anchor mushroom away!

  • @scurvywoof it’s not big enough to warrant a dev updating is all I’m saying. It’s a fairly easy work around.

  • Can we go ahead and "drop anchor" this topic? Pretty please...
    Majority of the posts are from people insulting or criticizing each other for,

    1. using the tactic
    2. complaining about it

    I mean frankly, if If people are upset that they can't board and drop anchor from an enemy ship because of some boxes blocking them. They got bigger issues deep down. Stop doing the same tactic over and over and come up with another way to stop a ship.

    If they ever "fix" this exploit, I better see fixes to the sword dash speed boost, grabbing ladder from window on ships, faster water in barrel, boarding by harpoons, & using treasure chests to block button input on deck of ships. Some not exploits and some have been accepted by majority of community, but they are also "annoying" so...yeah... Fix one fix them all.

  • @ix-indi-xi You do realise, that dropping anchor is your least priority as a boarder, right?

  • @crowedhunter said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    ... Some people had a good solution at one point like 3 weeks ago but I can't remember what it was now.

    Well, go back and read it. Easy! 😄😉

    I know what you mean though, it can be difficult to keep track of what was originally said. Especially when it ends up that people arguing and post any old rubbish purely because they want to have the last word.

  • @burnbacon said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    I mean frankly, if If people are upset that they can't board and drop anchor from an enemy ship because of some boxes blocking them. They got bigger issues deep down. Stop doing the same tactic over and over and come up with another way to stop a ship.

    Are you serious XD ? Ofc there are other ways to sink a ship.
    That excuses the existence of this ugly loot-mushroom how?
    The only "bigger issues deep down" is the Status-Q army here.

    If they ever "fix" this exploit, I better see fixes to the sword dash speed boost, grabbing ladder from window on ships, faster water in barrel, boarding by harpoons, & using treasure chests to block button input on deck of ships. Some not exploits and some have been accepted by majority of community, but they are also "annoying" so...yeah... Fix one fix them all.

    This is another contender for worst strawman I saw here thus far, at least the part about the sword-dashing :D ...
    I don't think I need to argue against this, but I wish to preserve this for history XDDD

  • I want to get two things straight here:

    • It is 100% an exploit for every ~sane M8, UNLESS Rare specifically state otherwise.
    • It is ugly as hell.

    The only reason I can see why some actually want this to stay is probably because they feel like they really need it OR
    they believe they are preserving player-creativity or something.

    You know, even though I am a vehement opponent to Red-Sea-Suiciding-Strat and if I had ANY say this would be the FIRST thing I'd get out of SoT,
    I will not deny anymore that this is probably not an exploit, it is a legit part of SoT.
    This is NOT the case for this mushroom however, you are SUPPOSED to be able to lower the anchor. Simple as.

    This is all hairsplitting if we get to the bottom of it. Even if it WASN'T an exploit (which it is),
    it is still a very legit demand for this to be addressed.
    This is not even close to dreams.txt and most certainly not a cry for some rainbow-cosmetic.

    Removing this garbage-loot-mushroom from SoT would benefit EVERYBODY!
    Name ONE person that would suffer ANY negative effect from this change other then someone literally so bad at the FPS despite likely having enough hours to even be involved here,
    that he/she really needs this.
    Not that it really helps that much anyway ...

    (And let me let you in on a little secret: These ppl will usually get their bottom handed to them anyway and the most they can aspire to is Red-Sea-Suiciding ;)


    Instead, listen to ppl like OP that actually care about improving SoT with their feedback and not just whishing it to be easier for themselves.

  • @lormiun said in Stop people placing crates on their anchor:

    Name ONE person that would suffer ANY negative effect from this change other then someone literally so bad at the FPS despite likely having enough hours to even be involved here,
    that he/she really needs this.
    Not that it really helps that much anyway ...

    (And let me let you in on a little secret: These ppl will usually get their bottom handed to them anyway and the most they can aspire to is Red-Sea-Suiciding ;)

    A strategy/trick meant to add some leeway for players not skilled at killing spontaneous boarders is very attractive for a majority of the casual players of this game. Boarding and killing with anything other than a sword is a nightmare to pull off, and with 2-4 people hounding you at the same time, the "boarding meta" doesn't work for casuals on those fronts, both defensively and offensively.

    No one knows if they have any plans to address it, perhaps learning to adapt and becoming better at naval/guarding boards is necessary for the future of one's PvP experiences. At most, this debate is so silly in concept when if you're good enough, you won't have to worry about boarders cause you can guard them like 70% of the time, or if you're the boarder, you should be good enough to kill the enemy crew (hit-reg be damned).

    Also, let's be civil and not try to insult players/types of players, it makes you look really immature and not worth listening to in the long run of this endless debate.

  • @lormiun

    Did you see the alacrity with which Rare fixed the turkey wall? If this were an exploit it'd be gone. Plain and simple.

    IDC how ugly you think it is. That is an entirely subjective argument and carries no real weight.

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