PvP Resources, please

  • Hello there. I think it goes without saying that the "PvP on Demand" isnt exactly true with people needing to stock up on supplies after each battle. This wouldnt be an exact issue, but if someone loses, they are left with no resources, nowhere near an outpost, or anything of the like. I say we should keep resources if someone sinks, because it takes time away and it kills the momentum of people who try to matchmake and try doing battles.

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  • people needing to stock up on supplies after each battle.

    "PvP on Demand" isnt exactly true

    It is true. Think about it. Instead of sailing around aimlessly, looking for a Like Minded Player to pvp with. You use the hourglass to do just that.

    if someone loses, they are left with no resources

    New ship respawn always has Resources. This hasn't changed.

    nowhere near an outpost, or anything of the like.

    Much like when you are sunk normally? Spawn sometimes nowhere near an outpost...so what the problem?

    it takes time away and it kills the momentum of people who try to matchmake and try doing battles.

    It just normal gameplay... Your still Open World where anything can happen. Besides the one item that gives you a direct link to another player who also wants to Fight, using whatever resources they collected or not.

  • Im more for the idea of lose resources, but get spawned at an outpost if you lose in this.

  • You can dive right back without re-stocking your ship. That's what I do when I couldn't be bothered.

    Honestly, if you want to fight while fully supplied but aren't particularly skilled at the game (meaning not only winning, but winning with minimal resources) and re-stocking your ship each time is a buzzkill, you shouldn't try to use this feature like content creators do. Content creators, for the most part, don't play the same game that the vast majority of the playerbase do.

    Instead play a regular session, stocking up like normal. Then, 1 hour before logging out, try your luck with the mode until you have to quit or don't feel like playing anymore.

  • I just wanna be able to sell my Athena flags at a outpost for reaper rep.

    Till then I'm shooting off at islands

  • Your battle damage repairs are free...

  • @pithyrumble

    I think that you're not actually understand the matter of the post.

  • @vasilisk5549 said in PvP Resources, please:


    I think that you're not actually understandING the matter of the post.

    They want free supplies. In the meantime I was letting them know they get free repairs.

  • @burnbacon

    "New ship respawn always has Resources. This hasn't changed."

    Yes, but you can't fight for more than 10 minutes if the enemy has at least a double resource advantage. (assuming that the skill of the fighting players is roughly equal)

    Don't get me wrong, extra resource gathering is encouraged and should be encouraged, but such a gap really interferes with dynamic gameplay.

  • @pithyrumble

    The creator of the topic seems to be not a complete idiot and can draw such a conclusion on his own. Your comment does not correspond to the topic of discussion and stands along with TSD expressions like "Skill Issue".

  • @ajm123 the trade with being a reaper is you get emissary bonus on everything you sell with the caveat you have to sell at one specific location. I think it’s nice that the reapers have their own thing instead of just being a re-skinned clone of the other factions.

  • @vasilisk5549 and you took us further off course playing hall monitor.

    Go get supplies. This isn't Arena.

  • @pithyrumble

    Sure, I will.

  • Sounds like you're after a more single-match/fighting game scenario. Perhaps Sea of Thieves isn't quite what you're looking for.

  • Um... I think many would agree that spending almost an hour to gather enough supplies to survive a fight is the worst part of the ordeal. I wouldnt mind it if it didnt take as long but as is, not a fan.

  • Um... I think many would agree that spending almost an hour to gather enough supplies to survive a fight is the worst part of the ordeal. I wouldnt mind it if it didnt take as long but as is, not a fan.

  • @rustypyrate

    That's the point though. Gathering supplies was originally supposed to be something you did as you went.

    Stock up at the outpost and then empty barrels as you journeyed around the map. Because the PvP was designed to be sporadic because Adventure is PvPvE.

    So, of course, when you try to mainline one aspect of the game, you're going to run into problems because that's not how the game was made. SoT wasn't designed to have constant PvP, so you're hitting roadblocks.

    And making changes to counteract those roadblocks is tricky since this is all happening in Adventure mode and any changes will have repercussions outside of the hourglass system.

  • Well they just did what I was hoping, resource wise.

  • @rustypyrate

    Boo. You got my firebombs reduced too. Those come in handy in pve.

    Congrats on floating Barrels tho.

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