So about that Golden Ghost Curse…

  • So I’m sure everyone knows by now that when you hit 1000 in the new Guardians of Athena faction you get a fancy Golden Ghost Curse, which is pretty cool. But what if you also got a golden recolor of the Pirate Legend curse too? Just the golden glowing eyes and tattoo.
    Because I think having the choice between something really flashy and something a little more subtle would be perfect!

    Once I get the curse I’d probably take it off at some point because it’s a bit harder to tell what cosmetics you have on with it. Golden eyes though? Never coming off.

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  • @ninja-naranja

    😈 but only if you got 100 on season 1 right? 😈

  • @pithyrumble haha yeah yeah. I think it would be really cool to have a less out there reward for 1000. Since not many people are going to get there anyways

  • the...goldeneye curse


  • @ninja-naranja maybe we can make that the reward for level 1005...

  • @ninja-naranja
    Its worrying that you have plans about hitting that curse, especially when you barely get exp above lvl 40? With the scaling its impossible

  • I want the red ghost curse like how Flameheart is! They should do it for 1k in Reapers + Athena :)

  • @nitroxien said in So about that Golden Ghost Curse…:

    I want the red ghost curse like how Flameheart is! They should do it for 1k in Reapers + Athena :)

    Or GoF lv 10000.. xD

    Just imagine rocking that kind of curse and being able to say your power level is over 9000 and have it actually be true. :P

  • @sandfeld2004 I’m already at 43, I’ll be fine.

  • The 10k reward should be making Pirate Lard stand up and Captain Doesn't Show Up for the War go upstairs and give his son a break and tell him he's proud if him.

  • @ninja-naranja
    if youre 43 then you have also realised its going quite slow, imagine after 100.

  • @sandfeld2004 gotta have some long term goals right? Also I’m sure if it’s too slow rare will make some changes to it

  • I'm like 2 on both lol. Pretty sure it's doable for people who enjoy pvp lol

  • @pithyrumble
    Technically it's now possible to get it by getting GoF Level 105.

  • @pithyrumble said in So about that Golden Ghost Curse…:


    😈 but only if you got 100 on season 1 right? 😈

    10/10 for well done Trolling ma'am

  • @fishyjoesalt said in So about that Golden Ghost Curse…:

    @pithyrumble said in So about that Golden Ghost Curse…:


    😈 but only if you got 100 on season 1 right? 😈

    10/10 for well done Trolling ma'am

    Rouges gonna Rouge

  • Rare is very ambitious! Most pirates will never hit 100. And the game will surely be dead again by the time any of us hit 101. With que times being "Less than one week"

  • @sandfeld2004 pretty sure difficulty resets every hundred, so just plan for 10x what it took to get to 100

  • I am unclear about the difficulty of getting rank @Sir-Sniffils - does it get harder to earn rank for the GoT incrementally as your rank increases?...
    If so, are you saying that it only gets harder every 100 levels?

  • @cbolt-9000 it keeps getting harder and harder every ten levels up till the hundreth lvl, then it resets the difficulty... and then repeat the whole process

  • Ah that makes sense thank you!

  • @wolfmanbush said in So about that Golden Ghost Curse…:

    the...goldeneye curse


    The Goldeneye Curse should turn you into oddjob so you are shorter than everyone else and gain an advantage in pvp. Because you know Goldeneye was a Rare game.

  • @sir-sniffils that’s false information, once you get to 101 it’s only 2 wins per level for every level after that. There are people well over 300 right now.
    It never resets back to the original leveling system.

  • @cbolt-9000 when you’re doing level 101-102 and every level after that it only takes 2 wins per level up. It doesn’t ever reset to previous levels like that dude said. There are people that are well over 300 with the stats to back that up.

  • @ninja-naranja ah okay good to know, (what I said was just info from someone in sot discord, so yeah, certainly not the most reliable source). Btw what's the max amount of wins a lvl ever takes to earn? lvls 90-100? how many wins do they each take?

  • @sir-sniffils I’m unsure. My guess would be 6-7 but that’s just based off of guesses. I’m only about 59 right now so I’ve got a ways to go.

  • @sir-sniffils Somewhere between 3-5 crew and I are 100+ depending on win streak,
    in terms of losses its a lot like 20-30 if I would guess got like nothing for an L

  • is there one for the reapers bones where if you get level 1000 you get a golden bone curse or something like that?

  • @cptnpotbeard if u get the golden eye curse u should also be rewarded with the one hit golden blunder pistol too!

  • all Guardians commendation curse would be cool, have that be a golden ghost curse. Then make a Servants version that unlocks a new bone color that is like the FH t5 figurehead, glowing firey eyes with a glowing chest cavity.

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