Why Save Pendragon?

  • To all Pendragon fans, I genuinely want to know why you want to save Pendragon and not Flameheart. In the trailer, he stabbed the painting, knew full well what would happen to him, and now begs for our help? Really?
    What a lame guy! Also, Flameheart is the only one powerful enough to stop the Grand Maritime Union. If the GMU invades the SoT, then the issues of monarchies, classism, and wealth inequalities will now be in the SoT. A pirate's life is full of democracy; crew elect their captains. To people elect their Kings and Queens? No. Also on a traditional ship, the people at the top earn all of the money, and the crew earns very little. In a pirate ship, the wealth is much more distributed. You are willing to set all this aside in favor of some dude who LITERALLY RELEASED FLAMEHEART'S SOUL, begs for help, AND THEN STABS THE PAINTING, and begs for more help? Ridiculous. So, Pendragon supporters, explain why you think he should be saved.

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  • He told Jack Sparrow SoT is a place where he can be a pirate and a good man.

    He is a gentleman pirate, a pirate of principles.

    Doesn't make him right, as pirates are free and codes are not universal or required but he does represent a less chaotic approach to survival in a world of piracy. Some may find value in his approach.

  • Why choose Pendragon over Flameheart?

    Because I'm not an edgy 13-year-old.

    That and "He's the only one powerful enough to stop the GMU!" WHAT?!? That big shouty head in the sky that got stomped on by open-crew gallys on the reg? The one stuck in the Sea of the Damned whos best shot at getting out was Stitcher Jim? STITCHER JIM?!? Like, that's your guy? That's your hero? Come off it, mate. Flameheart isn't even the best and most powerful enemy we could face! If we get rid of Flameheart we make way for the story of the Cap'n, a figure so powerful and mysterious that they are probably playing both sides for fools. Flameheart is a Saturday morning cartoon villain. "I want to watch everything burn!" Oooh, wow, so edgy and different. /s

  • Hang on…you think only flameheart is strong enough to take on capitalism?!?
    How do you except flameheart to defeat on the power of capitalism when he can’t even defeat heartburn!?!?
    Flameheart weak when it come to the power of me, my liver, my determination and some water.
    Plus, we’re all just denying the true SUPREME OVERLORD their place on the throne…but hopefully one day…Shelly will take over….

  • @maximusarael020 said in Why Save Pendragon?:

    Why choose Pendragon over Flameheart?

    Because I'm not an edgy 13-year-old.

    That and "He's the only one powerful enough to stop the GMU!" WHAT?!? That big shouty head in the sky that got stomped on by open-crew gallys on the reg? The one stuck in the Sea of the Damned whos best shot at getting out was Stitcher Jim? STITCHER JIM?!? Like, that's your guy? That's your hero? Come off it, mate. Flameheart isn't even the best and most powerful enemy we could face! If we get rid of Flameheart we make way for the story of the Cap'n, a figure so powerful and mysterious that they are probably playing both sides for fools. Flameheart is a Saturday morning cartoon villain. "I want to watch everything burn!" Oooh, wow, so edgy and different. /s

    To be fair, from what i understand, flameheart successfully betrayed the cap'n, and is depicted as the most powerful character in lore, nearly bringing the sea of thieves to its knees before he was finally stopped. That and he has been teased to come back forever, i think its time he finally gets brought back in his full power.

    I dont actually side with him, but the majority of people on athenas side who want him brought back, want him just because it brings a much needed villain, and finally some actual story to the reapers that consists of more than "we tried, and we lost... and we tried again, and lost!", and whos to say that if flameheart wins, the cap'n wont make his way to the seas still?

    Basically... he just has a lot of good potential for a story that has had no active main villain. We have the ashen lords, but they were just remnants of flamehearts army, and we had jim and the siren queen, but neither of them were really main villains. Flameheart offers a chance for a much needed role to be filled.

  • I saw someone comment in another thread that maybe if belles side wins pendragons thr one who gets a body..maybe it could put his spirit in the flameheart/sticher jim skeleton combo and it would drive him insane and hed become a threat

  • Ashen lord pendragon lol

  • @x-anorax-x 👀Oh no!

  • I initially was going to sail for Flameheart, and then decided to go with Pendragon instead. I don't think he will win, but there are reasons to sail for him (view it as a win/win situation when it comes to lore, no matter who makes it past that battle)

    Flameheart has been a big baddie for a long time. A lot of people miss him and don't want to see a main villain character gone forever (For the Lore!). But, even should he lose this battle, I don't think he would be gone. I think his battle may simply change location instead. If Flameheart loses, he may wind up in the Sea of the Damned. Players would continue to go on to fight him there, much like the Brethren have been fought in the Sea of the Damned, and battles with him would not end here.

    Who knows, there could be even more lore involved with either Flameheart fighting the Brethren in the Sea of the Damned and players being tugged in to stop that realm from being torn apart from their fighting... or the two could band together and there could be a large battle there. Really, anything could be done. Would like more excuses to sail into there.

    Should Pendragon survive, he could end up being stationed at the port town that is being built at Golden Sands. I personally favor Pendragon over the Pirate Lord and a would like to see more player interaction with him on a more regular basis. Rather then only getting to have characters encounter him during tall tales and events. It would be cool if Pendragon were stationed at Golden Sands and became a more prominent figure (it would also be interesting to see if Pendragon could be able to somehow someday get a corporal form once again)

    When it comes to MCU, not sure how much Flameheart would do for that other then rallying Reapers to keep them out, and Jr could rally reapers against the MCU without him. Personally would like to see Pendragon rather then the Pirate Lord for tasks, where Pendragon could help organize and send out players from the Golden Sands to fight the oncoming naval battle.

  • @wyvernkraehe Pendragon will probably be like Merrick is now: after we save him, he's just another NPC at the Pirate Hideout. If Pendragon wins, the story be like this:
    The Reapers(bad guys) try to destroy Golden Sands(do bad guy things) but get stopped.
    Stitcher Jim(bad guy) tries to resurrect Flameheart(does bad guy things) but gets stopped.
    The Reapers(bad guys) try to resurrect flameheart(do bad guy things) but get stopped.
    Flameheart comes back(bad guy) tries to do bad guy things, but gets stopped.
    I see some repetition with this flameheart story arch!

  • @boeing7876500

    Dude you say all this but Flameheart LITERALLY calls himself KING and his allies are his SERVANTS,what a freedom is that huh

  • @maximusarael020 best reply in the world dude

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