• Not as much feedback as "RARE WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" So i had a ship named "Oceans Joker" and when i went in to sea of thieves today, not only does it say that the name is "Sloop" but all of the cosmetics i had put on the ship needed to be reaplied.

    So, my question is, "RARE, WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

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  • @foodzilla7499 said:

    So, my question is, "RARE, WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

    And that's when they knew...

    ...they had mucked up. 🤣

  • @foodzilla7499 completely new thing nobody knew about (weeks of exact same threads showing up daily)

  • Did you have any other ships one of which might have had a name they considered inappropriate? Because then that would remove your ability to name any ship and default them to being named the ship type.

    Or its a bug with the captaincy naming bans affecting some people who never violated the naming rules. Or its just a part of the cosmetic saving bug where its also just forgetting your ships name... This update is such a hot mess and they don't seem to be fixing anything. Extremely disappointed.

  • a story about a joker and the thief in the night

  • @schwammlgott said in MY SHIP!:

    @foodzilla7499 completely new thing nobody knew about (weeks of exact same threads showing up daily)

    At least the name reset is something you don't hear much about here. Far as i know that only happens after you get reported. He probably had a naughty shipname

  • @sudsierboar5526 said in MY SHIP!:

    @schwammlgott said in MY SHIP!:

    @foodzilla7499 completely new thing nobody knew about (weeks of exact same threads showing up daily)

    At least the name reset is something you don't hear much about here. Far as i know that only happens after you get reported. He probably had a naughty shipname

    That's a reported ship name. They take them all away from you or so I hear.

  • @magus104 my ships just keep showing up blank. I’m hoping they fix that bug soon.

  • From my own experience with pets, they just wipe all the names. I kept wondering what was wrong with Captain Nibbles lol.

    I'd bet it's the same for ships.

  • @foodzilla7499 chances are that "Oceans Joker" is not the name that got you into trouble.

    If you feel that it is an error, you can send a support ticket.

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