Salt 2: Shores of Gold - Sea of Thieves Competitor?

  • I recently saw game footage of a game coming to Steam at the end of September called Salt 2: Shores of Gold.

    Honestly, looks in many ways to be a "discount version" Sea of Thieves, however it is a solo-play, entirely PVE game.

    Survival and exploration in an endless, procedurally-generated world.

    What do people think about this? Will this draw away from Sea of Thieves the people clamoring for PVE servers? There's fishing, exploration, combat (although it seems naval combat might be missing), customizing your ship, etc. Many things Sea of Thieves has, but also no PvP.

    What are people's thoughts on this game?

  • It could end up being awesome for pve but without the risk the thrill is short lived

    It's not the pvp that made sea of thieves what it is, pvp hasn't been in a strong state in years, it's the risk and the thrill and the random encounters and interactions involved in it. That's the secret sauce for the longevity that this game was able to scrape together.

    People will get bored without it just like they would largely get bored of this game without it.

    The unknown is a powerful incentive to try again.

    • Graphics, UI, AI, combat mechanics, and animations are rough or clunky and need lots of polishing.

    • Game mechanics are more similar to Atlas, and that game isn't great

    • Water graphics and art style is acceptable, theme of pirates is always interesting

    I hope they are able to polish and fix all the kinks, it has potential to be a good game. Don't think it will be as great as Sea of Thieves though... for various of reasons including team comp, budget, supporting organizations, etc. Ultimately this will be on the level of other indie games. If the gameplay ends up becoming more like Sea of Thieves/ blazing sails hybrid, it might be good but if becomes too similar to Atlas, then I don't think it will do to well. It depends on how they implement and polish mechanics from here on out. Lack of pvp and overall content is also a handicap that the dev team will need to figure out, without pvp the world is already felt to be more empty.

  • This will draw away from sea of thieves no more or less than skull and bones. Much like how skull and bones is entirely different from sea of thieves in every way other than being themed around piracy in some form, salt 2 as a survival crafting game has little to no similarity other than being... a bit piratey. Not to mention the fact that a big part of sea of thieves is playing with your friends and goofing around which you cant get from a single player experience.

    I will play skull and bones if my computer can run it, but that wont pull me from sea of thieves considering there is little to nothing in common. Im sure the people who play the new salt game will probably think about the same.

  • I sincerely hope this game is WAAAAY better than their first.

    Their first game was good but it promised way too much and they never delivered and then ultimately dropped it in favor of Salt 2.

    It is nothing like SoT.

    If it works similar to their first, which I suspect it will. It's all procedural generated islands and you have to map the course yourself. The map is insanely huge.

    They used a lot of assets from the Unreal store, I think?

    I don't know, I enjoyed Salt but boy was it rough. The combat was especially very rough.

    I really do hope they make a better version this time.

  • It won't compare same as when people want pve server it's risk vs reward you don't really want it

  • There will be no naval battles and no pvp in Salt 2, as confirmed by the developer.

    It is a pirate exploration game and nothing more.

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