Marine Emissary [Suggestion]

  • Marine Emissary is the opposite of Reaper Emissary. While Reaper hunting other player, Marine will protect other player being hunted by Reaper. But if they become Marine Emissary, they only have a duty to hunt Reaper. If they hunt non-Reaper, they will lose their level gradually. This also affect their emissary level if they steal other player treasure. Marine can also help hunting Skelly Ship and get score by assisting or take down Skelly Ship by their own.

    Another special ability, Marine Ship can located Red Flare or White Flare on map, their ship is also have 1.2 times faster than any ship

  • feedback
  • I see what ur saying but are you proctecting them or killing reaper taking there loot then the other ships loot becouse why not its the sea of thievs lol

  • You can already kind of do that to be fair.

    The bit about the treasures you're not suppose to steal is difficult to implement. Since when you sink a reaper, they technically (per the game code) are not reapers anymore so stealing their treasure would be like stealing non-reaper ones.

    The bit about the speed bonus is a bad idea overall. Too good of a bonus, too easily abuseable : players will use that faction to chase ships and sink them, then once they are ready to sell they will simply lower their flag then raise a reaper one and quickly reach grade 5 for maximum profit.

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