Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter

  • I still have one very big problem with these Adventures: although the story and lore are mostly very good, the gameplay in practically all of the Adventure games so far has been a Sailing Simulator.

    You go from A to B, do a piece of simple interaction, then go from B to C, do something simple again, then go from C to D, do something there that is the same as before, then go from D back to A so you can move on from there to E where the adventure ends.

    Gameplay-wise, it's VERY boring. And so far, unfortunately, all the Adventures have been like that (except maybe Lost Sands)

    (PS: if you already saw this exact feedback on Twitter, that's because I also posted it there - yes, I am the same guy)

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  • Shrouded Deep's last battle was quality stuff too. Agree with you tho.

  • I think they are improving at what they were struggling at

    design wise this one was exactly what an adventure should be imo.

    Not grindy, not annoying, no cooperation required, not repetitive, no annoying rng.

    What the adventures should have been from the beginning considering who they are really aiming to serve with them.

    Overall I think they are on the right track now which is a success imo.

    Gives people something new to run around with their friends, by themselves, or with a random crew. That's really all it needs to be.

  • Similar to marvel movies after watching Avengers, not everything is gonna be equal in style

    Got to have a build up to the epic battle which seems to been the Shrouded ghost. Now we’re restarting again before the next big battle

  • I agree - they need to find new and interesting things for us to do or reasons to revisit the Sunken Kingdom or the Devil´s Roar. I can only do fetch and deliver quests so much.

    Hungering Deep had us carrying an exclusive shanty to a marked destination…that was fun.

  • @wolfmanbush sailing around pointlessly IS boring and REPETITIVE - something that you mentioned Adventures shouldn't be. Shrouded Deep was also very repetitive along with Forts of the Forgotten - which was RNG as well - so based on your reasoning, Adventures ARE going towards a very bad direction...

  • @thekratex7201 Adventure is just a continuation of a long story, a short burst, the next instalment. It is like @wolfmanbush says, it’s something new to give pirates, so they can run around with their friends, by themselves, or with a random crew. That's really all it needs to be. An immersion into the Lore to move the story along.
    Wasn’t Lost Sands sail from A to B, dig up some stuff, sail to C and hand it in?
    I’m a bit lost to how you expect anything to be different?
    Perhaps you can expand your feedback from ‘It’s VERY boring’ to how you would make Adventure different. :)

  • I have attempted this Adventure 3x already - the 1st attempt was my best; I got as far as fighting the phantoms on the 2 islands, but ad to relentbdue to IRL obligations. The latter 2 attempts, I simply couldn't stomach doing the whole voyage over since I was never given a checkpoint despite going to Belle and choosing CONTINUE ADVENTURE during the 1st attempt. Having to sail to Stephen's Spoils, and then to Belle at K9 and finally to Wanderer's Refuge before anything actually happens is as the OP says, a complete chore and waste of time. If I could, I would skip that part. I even tried sailing straight to Belle to see if I could CONTINUE ADVENTURE from there, but was given no such option on later attempts,which only proved to waste even more time.

    Rare, take it from my brother who is a seasoned Game Master (tabletop roleplaying) - one of the last things you want to do to your players is railroad them...

  • The emote for this adventure is a bit unfair. Let me explain.
    For those of you who have played the new one, yes, it is the same emote with another name which was time limited. and this does seem a bit unfair. I mean its another chance to get it, but it should be a season 7 pass thing. Because right now, many players may not get this and they will be a bit angry, best it is to keep it in a pass or for everyone. I can hop on and earn it right now, but it does seem a bit unfair to others while it being a replica to the original one and not serving special. I hope it gets in a pass so every player has a chance to get it.

  • @timedsatyr79799 said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    The emote for this adventure is a bit unfair. Let me explain.
    For those of you who have played the new one, yes, it is the same emote with another name which was time limited. and this does seem a bit unfair. I mean its another chance to get it, but it should be a season 7 pass thing. Because right now, many players may not get this and they will be a bit angry, best it is to keep it in a pass or for everyone. I can hop on and earn it right now, but it does seem a bit unfair to others while it being a replica to the original one and not serving special. I hope it gets in a pass so every player has a chance to get it.

    It's not unfair imo because:

    • 1,it's not the same emote it's another version

    • 2, it's time limited, just like the old one, making the situation pretty similar.

  • @lizalaroo said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    @thekratex7201 Adventure is just a continuation of a long story, a short burst, the next instalment. It is like @wolfmanbush says, it’s something new to give pirates, so they can run around with their friends, by themselves, or with a random crew. That's really all it needs to be. An immersion into the Lore to move the story along.
    Wasn’t Lost Sands sail from A to B, dig up some stuff, sail to C and hand it in?
    I’m a bit lost to how you expect anything to be different?
    Perhaps you can expand your feedback from ‘It’s VERY boring’ to how you would make Adventure different. :)

    The whole post is about my problems with my Adventure, I described what makes it boring, not just that it's boring. It's not my job to figure out how they should do them, pretty sure they have a Creative Team for that :)

    As for the 1st one and Lost Sands:

    Shrouded Islands actually made you do puzzles on an island to figure out clue. Unlike this new Adventure, where you only spend 5 minutes on an island and you always do the same. It's not that much better, but it's still less boring. You also had to visít less islands, which equals to less sailing time, which makes it less boring. I admit tho, making that much of a destruction on GSO just to spend 2 minutes there was a pretty dumb idea imo.

    Lost Sands had this community hype, the replayability was actually present, the quest likes were short, and they introduced a new type of Rowboat. Merrick's quest was kind of a lackluster, but it was short, and the rowing part in the Servant's Path was actually quite fun as well.

    All the other Adventures were mostly sailing, while not doing really much to progress other than that. Holding a lantern in the good position 3-4 times on different islands while sailing 7-10 minutes between these islands is just bad game design. FOTF also wanted you to go from Sea Fort A to Sea Fort B and C, again not doing that much on the location, just sailing between them.

    At this point it's just becoming really boring. All we have to do is sailing, nothing happens on the islands, and you spend 2x the time you stay on the actual locations with just sailing in one direction. If this does not explain to you how this is boring, then I believe sailing must still be a whole lot of excitement for you after the - based on your title - many years of playing the game. Well... For me it's not. :)

  • @thekratex7201 said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    You go from A to B, do a piece of simple interaction, then go from B to C, do something simple again, then go from C to D, do something there that is the same as before, then go from D back to A so you can move on from there to E where the adventure ends.

    Every adventure is exactly what you are describing because that is what an adventure is. Going from destination to destination trying to uncover a mystery. These are adventures not Indiana Jones Tall Tales. That would be like complaining that a voyage involves sailing…when a voyage is literally a long journey traveled by sea. I get where you’re coming from, but instead of complaining about new content you should enjoy it? Every adventure is supposed to be apart of a larger story. Like I said these aren’t supposed to be limited time Tall Tales. I mean even Tall Tales follow the same premise of point A to B to C etc. Tall Tales aren’t super complicated but for some people Tall Tales are mind boggling IQ busters. I mean what would you prefer? A conquest throughout dimensions? Do you think an Adventure should be battling a Fort boss at every island you stop at? Or maybe we sail through the shroud and fight a god level shrouded kraken that drop 5 Athena chests with every tentacle injured? Or maybe you’d prefer we unlock a motorcycle that can drive on water?

    I think the current adventures are doing a great job of telling a story and making the community feel involved.

  • @robby0316 said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    @thekratex7201 said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    You go from A to B, do a piece of simple interaction, then go from B to C, do something simple again, then go from C to D, do something there that is the same as before, then go from D back to A so you can move on from there to E where the adventure ends.

    Every adventure is exactly what you are describing because that is what an adventure is. Going from destination to destination trying to uncover a mystery. These are adventures not Indiana Jones Tall Tales. That would be like complaining that a voyage involves sailing…when a voyage is literally a long journey traveled by sea. I get where you’re coming from, but instead of complaining about new content you should enjoy it? Every adventure is supposed to be apart of a larger story. Like I said these aren’t supposed to be limited time Tall Tales. I mean even Tall Tales follow the same premise of point A to B to C etc. Tall Tales aren’t super complicated but for some people Tall Tales are mind boggling IQ busters. I mean what would you prefer? A conquest throughout dimensions? Do you think an Adventure should be battling a Fort boss at every island you stop at? Or maybe we sail through the shroud and fight a god level shrouded kraken that drop 5 Athena chests with every tentacle injured? Or maybe you’d prefer we unlock a motorcycle that can drive on water?

    I think the current adventures are doing a great job of telling a story and making the community feel involved.

    1. Who says Adventures should be like this?

    2. I am not complaining, it's called giving feedback

    3. How should I enjoy doing the exact same thing for the 5th time?

    4. On Voyages you are actually doing different thing depending on the Voyage, and you send longer times on your destinations. Sailing times are also a lot more reasonable than what we have here

    5. I don't even know what to say about your ideas? What makes you think I want a motorike or stg like that lol? Do you know the word respect? You don't have to attack me and mocking my post while stating absolutely stupid things thinking that I would want those. You could just perhaps have a normal argument instead of teasing, okay?

  • @thekratex7201 Like the Rare moderator stated, please give us an alternative that you think would be superior to the current adventures.

    I personally thought this adventure was really cool and I enjoyed reading the books as well as seeing the hideout at Wanderers refuge. One man’s boring is another man’s…adventure story?

  • I agree—adventures are way too much point A to point B. The juice ain't worth the squeeze—we've stopped doing them. Need suggestions on how to improve them?

    Make them shorter! Cut the sailing filler and make distances shorter. If the adventure only takes an hour, who cares, so long as it's fun?

    And / or add unexpected encounters along the path. Maybe a liferaft with an NPC catches your eye. Maybe a barrage of phantom ships suddenly appears and tries to stop you. But for the love of God, give us something new to break up the mindnumbing monotony of sailing.

  • @robby0316 said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    @thekratex7201 Like the Rare moderator stated, please give us an alternative that you think would be superior to the current adventures.

    I personally thought this adventure was really cool and I enjoyed reading the books as well as seeing the hideout at Wanderers refuge. One man’s boring is another man’s…adventure story?

    I responded to what the mod said, maybe you should read that :)

    You are just rude because you can't handle when people criticize something you like. That's all I see here. Take care

  • Not intentionally trying to disagree but following any simplistic argument, you could boil the whole game down into go from A to B, interaction, B to C....

  • @hijack-hayes said in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    Not to argue but following simplistic arguments, you could boil the whole game down into go from A to B, interaction, B to C....

    You are missing the point: I don't mind sailing on it's own when it's not the only thing to do during an Adventure / Voyage / activity. This Adventure barely offers anything else other than sailing. If only finding out about the mysteries with some actual detective-like elements were included, giving the players tasks or something like that... That would've been much better.

  • @thekratex7201 I am rude you are correct and you’re welcome for my feedback

  • @lizalaroo sagte in Adventures Feedback after The Forsaken Hunter:

    Perhaps you can expand your feedback from ‘It’s VERY boring’ to how you would make Adventure different. :)

    Maybe it’s just me, but I‘d like to experience more riddles. Like the ones we solved while playing „Stars of a Thief“ and „The Art of a Trickster“. Just make adventures more challenging, so you actually have to use your brains.

    Because yes, TheKratex7201 is right in my opinion, we’re just sailing from A to B to end up at Point C. It’s a bit of a shame because the developers have already proven what they are capable off. I consider said Tall Tales one of the best gaming experiences I‘ve ever had.

  • @fred-fisheye if Adventures we’re more challenging they’d have check points, take much more than an hour to complete and be called Tall Tales 😁😁

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