Missed Out

  • I have been wishing I played in the early days (I was Nintendo kid growing up and only transitioned to PC gaming about a year and a half ago don’t judge me, I have missed out on a ton I know) as I really love the Wailing Barnacle ship set and I really wish it would come back for another brief moment so I can snag it and sail with pride. Then, I recently noticed there was an Ori collab as I saw someone with, hands down the best figurehead in the game (imo) that I’ll never get my hands on.
    I’m sure there’s more I’ll come across in the future too.

    Anyone else miss out on items you wish you could get now?

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    communityjust for fun
  • There are a few cosmetics I don't have that I think are lovely but I rarely use a variety of cosmetics so I don't think it's necessary for me to have them in reality. They would just be part of the hoarding that I do.

    I like to move forward so I don't get stuck in the past for the most part. There will be new cosmetics, maybe someday you'll get a chance to pick up some of the older cosmetics during drops, some of them pop back up from time to time.

    I was able to snag a piece here and there of the omen set that I was missing. Got most of it during the christmas orb and the pieces I missed I was able to get later on from random sottv drops. Hopefully something similar happens for you.

  • I just wish I was able to collect enough doubloons during the Forsaken Ashes event to finish out the rest of the shipset. I think I was a few short and missed the figurehead and maybe one other piece.

  • @kindacrazed8386

    You won’t get your hands on the Wailing Barnacle Set as it’s a Year One Cosmetic. The Ori Set however may return at some point as a Twitch Drop. It’s been obtainable a few times via Twitch now, at least parts of it.

  • I would like to see all the crossover game based sets make a comeback for others to have.

    Ori, Borderlands, Gears, Halo

    Battletoads and the Rare crossovers are in the emporium.

  • @pithyrumble said in Missed Out:

    I would like to see all the crossover game based sets make a comeback for others to have.

    Ori, Borderlands, Gears, Halo

    Battletoads and the Rare crossovers are in the emporium.

    I think they should use these as incentives for bringing in variety streamers that aren't focused heavily on sot. Let them have them as drops from time to time for playing the game in any way they choose to play it, no competitions no contrived gameplay. Just get new players and new faces to experience the game how they want to try it out.

    Getting new people involved would be getting the most out of those cosmetics and the drops for them imo.

    The current system produces very minimal new player appeal.
    All it does is get people that already play to game but don't care about twitch to begrudgingly or apathetically use twitch for drops and the rest of the people are long time regs that are already part of sot bubbles. Nothing about the system that is used really does much for getting new interest and new players.

    Use these older sets to bring in new streamers and new communities rather than just serving the bubbles that are already involved in the game. New personalities keep things fresh and new players help with actual organic activity.

    The best thing that could happen for this game socially and with drops is for a few decent+ sized channels developing a new passion for SOT and bringing all those new eyes and potentially new players into the game to chase after treasure and enjoy adventures as new players.

  • Slight correction but THIS is the best figurehead.... 😎


  • The OG kraken skull figurehead from the cursed sails event. . . The red one just isn't the same and I think if they were gonna recolor it then at least it coulda been light green or something to look super decayed. I have had many a ship set that would look lovely with a mounted kraken beak. C'est La Vie though.

  • @wolfmanbush to expand on this a little I think it'd be cool to connect this to a bunch of other Xbox or even misc game sets. Like a set themed around the Third street saints. Big purple, pirate legend esc with the fleur des lise instead of the reapers mark. Or a hellblade themed viking set? gritty and covered in mud and grime. Big releases given as codes to streamers playing those games all the way through on twitch to do giveaways with. Or giving temp partnership to some of the more prominent streamers who have played those games.

  • @fred-fisheye correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the wailing barnacle set still in all the stores?

    I just checked and I can buy all the wailing(not silent) barnacle stuff with dabloons rn.

    Let me know if why that is?

  • @rebel-wxlfsbvne

    Hm, it‘s certainly not for me. 🤔

    But during that time I took a break from SoT, so I didn’t unlock the necessary achievements to buy it. Maybe you did. back in the days and therefore you’re still able to buy it?

    Not sure though.

  • I'm very sad I missed out on both the Wailing barnacle and the Hungering One figurehead

    Wailing barnacle because i love fish themed ships, and the blue and rusty oranges on it are gorgeous and they haven't released another set like that. It was nautical feeling, but 'normal' feeling without excessive glowing or decorated parts

    the Hungering one because i like sharks and the only shark figurehead available to me is the puny Hunter one that doesn't measure up in terms of quality with a lot of the newer figureheads

  • @rebel-wxlfsbvne said in Missed Out:

    @fred-fisheye correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the wailing barnacle set still in all the stores?

    I just checked and I can buy all the wailing(not silent) barnacle stuff with dabloons rn.

    Let me know if why that is?

    You can buy the equipment and instruments, and a couple pieces of the outfit, but most of the outfit and all of the ship parts are no longer available

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